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I have a lot of mlp and off topic questions

Best Username Ever

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I have a lot to ask so i will get right to it


MLP/Brony questions


I can not resist to sing to all the songs from the show but i am a guy and i can't sing the pitches real well any way i can sing the higher tones easier without my voice sounding horse? (pun intended) 


What percentage of people (whether closet or not) would you guess (i know it is impossible to know the real amount) are bronies?


What type of merchandise should i wear if i want something not to flashy or obvious as mlp wear just something vague but obvious at the same time if that makes sense so i can let other people who aren't to out there about their bronyness know i am one


How do i get better at whistling i am bad at it and am all over the place when i unintentionally start whistling tunes from the songs?


How do i watch the show easier without having to jump between random sites of varying quality in both the episodes and sites themselves?


In a large social environment (the high school i attend) should i hide my bronyness all together, tell just my friends (It would surely spread beyond them however) or just not care? because i have a lot of people at my school and i am well known but not really friends with anyone beyond a group of 10-20 people


Completely off topic questions


How do i focus on my schooling with all the other things i juggle in my life? (friends, family, gaming ,shows) because i have to repeat year 11


How do i deal with mean people off of the internet?


How do i overcome my (pretty much) only fear that effects my life my fear of social humiliation?


How can i figure out which direction i should take in life? (career wise)


Will anyone get angry or any of the mods get mad for posting this here because i barely understand the filing system here?


That is all i can think of for now i will edit in anything else i can think of later anyway answers would be greatly appreciated /) 

Edited by Best Username Ever



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I can not resist to sing to all the songs from the show but i am a guy and i can't sing the pitches real well any way i can sing the higher tones easier without my voice sounding horse? (pun intended) 

  • Personally, I find it easy to just practice singing at a low volume and then slowly but steadily go higher until you achieve the pitch you want. It'll obviously be hard, you being male and all, but keep going and you should get the hang of it. If you ever feel your vocals hurting, stop immediately and drink some water. Take a break and try again later.

What percentage of people (whether closet or not) would you guess (i know it is impossible to know the real amount) are bronies?

  • I wouldn't say a very high amount. It's probably below 5% at the very least, if not below the whole number mark.

What type of merchandise should i wear if i want something not to flashy or obvious as mlp wear just something vague but obvious at the same time if that makes sense so i can let other people who aren't to out there about their bronyness know i am one

  • I recommend cutie mark shirts as they obviously show you're a brony but most would just assume it's a fashion design. Princess Luna's cutie mark works the best, if you ask me. 

How do i get better at whistling i am bad at it and am all over the place when i unintentionally start whistling tunes from the songs?

How do i watch the show easier without having to jump between random sites of varying quality in both the episodes and sites themselves?

  • I assume you mean live-streaming. If so, there's not much you can really do, just alert the streamer of the poor quality or just wait till the episodes release on youtube, the hub website, or Daily Motion. 

In a large social environment (the high school i attend) should i hide my bronyness all together, tell just my friends (It would surely spread beyond them however) or just not care? because i have a lot of people at my school and i am well known but not really friends with anyone beyond a group of 10-20 people

  • Just do whatever you feel comfortable doing. I recommend not caring as you shouldn't get so afraid of showing you enjoy a show, even if the target audience is such a young age.

Non-Brony Questions:


How do i focus on my schooling with all the other things i juggle in my life? (friends, family, gaming ,shows) because i have to repeat year 11


  • Just try to designate an hour a day to study or learn your schoolwork. Try helping family and friends assist in your studying or maybe get a tutor with a flexible schedule. Even doing skype calls while learning could benefit in the long run. It all just matters if you actually care to learn the source material and what you're doing.


How do i deal with mean people of the internet?
  • Block them and move on with your time. Report them if what they post is actually pretty harmful. 
How do i overcome my (pretty much) only fear that effects my life my fear of social humiliation?
  • In order to be socially humiliated, you have to have done something beyond stupid or you care too much. Just try to be careful with yourself and remember that everyone makes mistakes, whether public or not, just try to laugh it off and move on with your life.
How can i figure out which direction i should take in life? (career wise)
  • Simply making a cons and pros chart of all the careers you want and you should have no problem deciding what you want to do. Also, don't try to rush things, and try to think reasonably about what job you'd enjoy and that would benefit you the most.
Will anyone get angry or any of the mods get mad for posting this here because i barely understand the filing system here?
  • Neither the mods or members will necessarily get angry with you. However, nearly everything you asked could have been filed under the "Life Advice" section, so keep that in mind next time.
  • Brohoof 1


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How do i deal with mean people of the internet?
  • Block them and move on with your time. Report them if what they post is actually pretty harmful.


I meant people off the internet sorry i edited my post to make it more obvious what i meant but yeah i couldn't care less about what anyone on the internet thinks of me i am invincible on the internet as far as i'm concerned



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I can not resist to sing to all the songs from the show but i am a guy and i can't sing the pitches real well any way i can sing the higher tones easier without my voice sounding horse? (pun intended)

Just make a lower pitch of it that your voice can handle. Winter Wrap Up has one very high tone in there but I suppose you'll just need to get better at singing xD


What percentage of people (whether closet or not) would you guess (i know it is impossible to know the real amount) are bronies?

What do you mean? In the world? There's around 7,200,000,000 people in the world, I would guess there's around 8,000,000 bronies or something, which would mean about 0.1%


What type of merchandise should i wear if i want something not to flashy or obvious as mlp wear just something vague but obvious at the same time if that makes sense so i can let other people who aren't to out there about their bronyness know i am one

Something that is not a pony, maybe a tshirt with a cutie mark on, or a recognizable object from the show, or a text, or a creature that doesn't make it obvious that it is from the show. A Discord one for example.


How do i get better at whistling i am bad at it and am all over the place when i unintentionally start whistling tunes from the songs?

Practice , I whistle all the time and I've done it since I were little so Im very good at it.


How do i watch the show easier without having to jump between random sites of varying quality in both the episodes and sites themselves?

Can't put a link cause it's against the rules but



Pick that first one.


In a large social environment (the high school i attend) should i hide my bronyness all together, tell just my friends (It would surely spread beyond them however) or just not care? because i have a lot of people at my school and i am well known but not really friends with anyone beyond a group of 10-20 people

Chose yourself silly. You know your friends best. You don't have to tell them lol. You haven't committed murder. If you want to tell them, be sure you know them well enough and you know that they will accept it =)


How do i focus on my schooling with all the other things i juggle in my life? (friends, family, gaming ,shows) because i have to repeat year 11

Do a little bit of homework every day for an hour or something. If you got many stuff to do, finish it BEFORE doing something else.


How do i deal with mean people of the internet?

Tell them they offended you, if they seem to be sorry they might get friendlier to you afterwards, otherwise try to avoid them. Tell your parents about it.


How do i overcome my (pretty much) only fear that effects my life my fear of social humiliation?

You face your fears. Do everything you fear. Yup.


How can i figure out which direction i should take in life? (career wise)

Ask people for inspiration but only you can know yourself. You can't let someone else decide what you should do with your life :P


Will anyone get angry or any of the mods get mad for posting this here because i barely understand the filing system here?

Well there's not a whole lot to discuss.. I'm not sure really where a post like this should go tbh :P Blog would work but eh. No one will get mad at you don't worry ^_^

Edited by Jokuc
  • Brohoof 1


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I can not resist to sing to all the songs from the show but i am a guy and i can't sing the pitches real well any way i can sing the higher tones easier without my voice sounding horse? (pun intended) 


Try octave lower ;-)

Then it will still be harmonious, but you won't have to stretch your voice cords into registers you are not trained into yet.


In general, your voice is an instrument, like other instruments out there, and it has to be trained to sound good. That's nothing wrong you sound bad at first. You can sing when alone if you don't want to hurt other people's ears. And, as @ already mentioned, it's easier to start with a lower volume. When you master breathing, you will be able to increase the volume without sounding bad, because breathing is the key for loud singing.

Edited by SasQ
  • Brohoof 1
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Try octave lower ;-)

Then you won't have to stretch your voice cords into registers you are not trained into yet.

In general, your voice is an instrument, like other instruments out there, and it has to be trained to sound good. That's nothing wrong you sound bad at first. You can sing when alone if you don't want to hurt other people's ears. And, as @ already mentioned, it's easier to start with a lower volume. When you master breathing, you will be able to increase the volume without sounding bad, because breathing is the key for loud singing.

Are you telling me with practice i can actually effect the max/min tone of my voice i always assumed it was kind of set in stone




Pick that first one.


A million brohoofs (even though the max is one)



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Well, there might be some physical limits, perhaps. I don't really know. But I know that the range can be stretched in training. It's similar as with touching your knees with your head, or doing a grand jete: if you're not trained, this will be hard or nearly impossible. But when you train and stretch your body, it improves with time and becomes easier. Our bodies are quite flexible, they can change.

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1. That will take a lot of practice, your voice is like a musical instrument in order for it to properly function you need to keep it finely tuned. Since you are a guy higher tones will take a lot more practice to get down but aren't entirely impossible, don't even try to sound exactly like the characters though as you need to have you own voice if that makes sense.


2. This fandom is fairly significant but it is not anywhere near the level of Star Wars, Star Trek or many other established fandoms but for how short the brony fandom is growing quite a bit in a short amount of time. It is too soon to say if we will get that big, but the potential is there of course that will take some time.



3.There are shirts and necklasses ect with the ponies cutie marks and there is merch with humanized ponies on them as well (and I don't just mean Equestria Girls style either). Anything with Discord on it is also a good bet because unless someone is familiar with the show than they probably will not recognize Discord as an MLP character.



4. That will be a lot easier than singing the higher tones but it will still require some practice.



5. I watched most of season 1 and 2 on Youtube



6. I don't go out of way to tell anyone or hide it, I find that the less of a big deal you make of something the less likely someone will make a big deal out of it themselves.


7. I wish I could give you an easy answer on that as it is a struggle for a lot of people including me and what works for one person might not work for someone else. What helps with me is keeping with a set schedule as much as possible, I thrive in structure but some people thrive in a more spontaneous environment.


8. Just remember that bullies and trolls thrive on attention both in real life and on the internet, it can be hard but you shouldn't care what they think of you.



9. This again goes to trying not to care what everyone else thinks, again not easy but you will be much happier in the long run.


How can i figure out which direction i should take in life? (career wise)


10. Take advantage of every single opportunity you have and when you get a job ask yourself "is this what I want to do the rest of my life?" If not than try to ask "how long do I want to be here?" A job even one you don't like can become a stepping stone into doing something you actually want to do later on and can teach you some valuable skills. If you go to college try to mix things up a bit, don't just focus one subject that semester and take at least on fun/easy class. But don't take all of your easy classes right away, I did that and am now stuck with the hard ones.



11. The moderators are pretty reasonable here so probably not, I had a bit of trouble figuring things out at first.

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You don't get out a lot do you? It sounds like most of your questions are related to your position in life. Your still in High School and I know how you feel. My advice is to just do what makes you feel good. You obviously like the show and if you want to flaunt it, go ahead because high school is just temporary. I know it seems like your whole world right now because school is all you have known so far and I can understand that because I felt the same way back then. I know this sounds cliche but, just be yourself and don't care what everyone else thinks because the sad truth is, once you get out of high school, you won't talk or see 90% of those people and the other 10% are the ones worth keeping. I had to figure that out just as you will so don't worry about it, keep your head up, and follow your heart. Things always have a funny way of working out.



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1. It takes a lot of practice, to try to improve your vocals for singing.


2. 8,000,000 at least, I think.


3. Maybe a t-shirt with a cutie mark on it.


4. I guess practicing or asking someone to help you could work.


5.  I usually just watch an episode on Youtube, if I missed it.


6. If you want to tell your friends, make sure you know them well enough.


7. Try to focus on one thing at a time.


8. Ignore them.


9. Try not to think about it.


10. Ask yourself on what career you want to pursue, and focus on that one goal.


11. I don't think so.


There you go. :)



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