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Do you like Dr.Who And mlp, or just mlp  

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  1. 1. Do you like Both Dr.Who and My little pony?

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Fan of both here. My answer is a bit of a timey wimey, could cause a paradox! The doctor in a way reminds me of how I act in real life, I can be a bit everywhere. My favorite doctor would be the first one though. O.O

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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Whoorians? That's a new spelling I've not seen before.


I've been a fan of Doctor Who since the 70's when it was shown on TV Ontario. *Technically* Dr. Who, as opposed to Doctor Who, usually refers to the Peter Cushing feature films of the 60's, but it rare now-a-days for fans to even be aware of those. :) I only recommend watching those if you want a bit of a laugh, and if you've seen the original episodes they were 'based' on. The liberties taken with the material is amusing.

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I love the Dr. Who. New to it though. I saw the very first episode back in August and loved it. Never watched it again until the Season 4 premiere of MLP/ 50th anniversary, which was the Day of the Doctor. The week after was Thanksgiving and I started watching it again from Christopher Eccleston. Now I am halfway done with Matt Smith's first season/series. I'll try to watch the classic again someday.

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It seems like I'm the minority here. XD   My brother is a huge Doctor Who fan and I have watched twenty or so assorted episodes with him but I would not call myself a fan. I just don't really have any interest in watching anymore. Not that it's a bad show or anything. :P

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Whoorians? That's new....lol :)

I have never watched Dr.Who, but it looks like a very fun ride....I would watch it, but i'm trying to watch a few anime at the time being...would be hard to juggle. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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Is that what Doctor Who and MLP fans are called (if we like both lol)? I've recently become a fan of Doctor Who, but I've been rather lazy about watching the episodes (I like the episodes, but only am I interested when I'm actually watching it. Strange feeling). I'm actually probably a bigger fan of Jitterbugjive's Discorded Whooves ask blog:






Edited by Wingin'Wolf
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Checking in!  B)


Though, MLP is responsible for bringing me close to Who, for 2 reasons. 

first was opening of the mind - "If I liked MLP, maybe there's lots more underappreciated stuff?" 

and second - it was streamed on BronyState at the time. 

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I came into both fandoms around the same time, although I wanna say Who was probably first. I used to think it was incredibly dorky, but I was basing that on the fact that I'd only seen a few odd Tom Baker episodes and I had a hard time getting past the dated special effects. In fact, I still have a hard time getting through Baker's episodes because of the effects/props, etc. Please don't jump on me, Tom Baker fans! I promise I'm going to eventually watch his series. 


I'm all caught up on the new series, including the 50th and the last Christmas special, but I still don't have a 'favorite' Doctor, per se. I love them all for different reasons, although I have to credit Eccleston as Nine for introducing me to the series and thus winning me over as a fan. I feel bad for the way I used to scoff at those "weird Whovians"  :blush:

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How'd you come up with "Whoorians"? Unless that's a typo? because a Dr. Who fan is usually called a "Whovian"But I digress.



I love both shows. My Doctor is David Tennant.(as the first one that I seen)But I rather like Matt Smith's Doctor too.

It was an attempt at a portmantue of brony and whoovian ;_;

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I've seen Series 1 through 7, my main OC is a ponified- Ocfied Doctor, so...


Big time Whovian.  I got into MLP first, and while RPing on a MLP Minecraft Server, most of friends were RPing in the TARDIS and whatnot, so... I got into DW.

  • Brohoof 1
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After hearing about Doctor Who in FIM forums and on meetups I bought the first season of Doctor Who one DVD but I have only watched the first few episodes so far. When I'm done with the Honor Harrington re-read and Babylon 5 rewatch, maybe I'll give myself this series.

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I'm slowly getting into the series *coughsigcough* but yes I do consider myself a fan, not a Whovian, but yes a fan.

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Both are fun and creative in whacky and interesting ways. That's how I can best put it I guess. Both are windows into worlds that are very similar to ours but at the same time so much more than ours and so different. Most importantly I think in both shows no matter what happens everything turns out mostly right at the end

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