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Bronies Against Bullying


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I always hated people like that. There always up there own arse and disrespectful. Bullying is no laughing matter, I ahve been picked on in my whole last years of secondary school. It wasn't nice. Also properly allot of people on these forums might have been a victim in bullying too. But we can not let bullying continue. It can haunt the rest of the peoples life's that have been suffering from the pain bullies have coursed. I have a friend who couldn't cope with the bulling that he actually did self harm and wanted to kill himself :(. But as a good friend i supported him through out all of his stress and problems. Bullying should be properly solved, schools don't sort out the situation out properly (specially in my school). 


Vote that i am against it, It should not be tolerated! 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not a violent person, and I can't fight. When I tried to fight back one time I got a two and a half hour detention after school and a few broken ribs, and I barely got a hit in.


Disadvantages < pragmatism:





What happened afterward?

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Disadvantages < pragmatism:





What happened afterward?

Well if I used a weapon I'd of been thrown in jail or something, and afterward he nearly killed me by throwing a chair at my head in revenge. The chair just barely missed my temple, and I have a permanent scar where the leg of the chair hit me on the head.

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Well if I used a weapon I'd of been thrown in jail or something, and afterward he nearly killed me by throwing a chair at my head in revenge. The chair just barely missed my temple, and I have a permanent scar where the leg of the chair hit me on the head.


I'm just glad you got out of that intact. Did HE go to jail, btw?



Someone who tries that with me should expect a chairshot of their own momentarily.

  • Brohoof 1
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That is the sad thing in this world. You have to fight back, regardless if you get hurt.


Wouldn't being thrown in jail be better than living with mental problems? Hell at least here in the U.S, if you get thrown in juvy (Juvenal Detention) you are let out when you are 18, and they still give you a education when you are in there. 


I don't know how it is like in europe though.

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I feel like I should add something from myself to this topic since I was top 1 bullied person in my both first schools and not just by one or few people. If I'd count them all it would be over 200-250 people if not more, but of course each person did it on a very different level. Since I managed to deal with it and grew up just fine here's what I think/ suggest/ etc.:


1. if bullies are calling you names -in case of bronies it's usually a fagget or whatever- never let them see that you're indeed one. I mean don't be a pussy and if someone calls you gay and you actually are gay- take it as a compliment no matter how agressive they are about it. Don't try to hide, don't feel small- learn to convert their agression into your energy and at least pretend to look more and more confidend every time. If you'll look scared they will continue bullying, also you'll let everyone else around know that names they call you are true and you really DO have something to be ashamed of.

Of course by that I don't mean becomming arrogant douche- just very very calm person, stubborn and not afraid but quiet. Don't try to talk or reason with bullies to not mention calling them names too- you'll only sink to their level then or they will make yo sink so they'd really have some good reason to hate you. Don't give them good reason, that's all they're waiting for.


2. Ignore those who don't physicaly attack you. It seems to be very hard to do for most people I've ever met but if you're bullied with words only, it only depends on you how much it will hurt you. So stay mentaly strong and if you're not like this- work on it!

Also people get this weird idea about their life that it's only good if everyone likes you. No, there will always be someone who won't like you- even for being most perfect person in the world. Just accept it but won't let it stop you from being good person.


3. Same about  so called cyber bullying and also:


...words of wisdom, Frank. XD


4. And finely for those attacked physicaly LEARN TO FIGHT, GODDAMNIT.

Like some other people on this thread I am also horrible at attacking but if you're bullied you don't need any "attacking skillz". All you need is just some srength and speed and some training on how to use these to turn enemy's attacks against them. That's how I was fighting for 9 years. Never have I started any fight and if someone actualy decided to use fists against me, he was getting back just as much as he was trying to give me. Also fighting against group of bullies is fun if they are not training attacks together before actually doing it so if you're faster and more agile and you THINK fast, you can actually turn one's strength against another and do this stuff 'till they give up. Also remember one rule: if you're finaly getting attacked don't hold yourself back. Go nuts and scare the shit out of them so next time they'll try to attack you, they'll think twice.

For those who don't know how to teach themselves fighting like this I recommend aikido or taekwon do lessons.


And that's all I have to say. All these things helped me a lot during my hard times and since I never sinked to the level of my enemies, all the normal people decided I'm ok afterall and now I have reputation of a good person even tho I kicked some butts hard.

And for those of you who think this is hard to do- yes. It takes insane amount of self controll, training and mental strength to both do these things above and take bullying well. So harden yourselves now or keep being bullied and helpless.

Edited by Burning Question

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Johari Window for lulz: http://kevan.org/johari?name=burningquestion

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IGNORE THEM? Okay, I'm sorry but my life has been completely ruined by bullying. Because of bullying I failed school, and I suffer severe social anxiety. I was bullied because I was fucking quiet. I never harmed anyone and I was too bloody nice for my own good. You can NOT ignore bullies, that NEVER works. Don't give people that advice, because you know nothing about bullying unless you have experienced it. I never did anything to anyone and I was beat up, shoved around, people threw food, drinks over me and called me names and this was on the way to school, in school and even in class. It never stopped. Right now I am seeing a psychologist because of my problems, and ALL of them originate from when I was bullied. You also said that if you act like you don't care they stop. Bullshit, no they do not. I didn't even once give them any reaction at all, I barely bloody said a word EVER, because I was so terrified. I got beat up for nothing, and my pain and suffering has completely ruined everything for me. I never actually got the chance to learn, because it never stopped. So when I finally moved school, I didn't actually have the skills you learn when you are younger to learn properly. I failed every single exam, and then I had to drop out. I spend my days in my house literally 24/7 and I barely leave because of my anxiety.


Story of my life except in time I learned to not be quiet about this. Heck I even looked up for every opportunity to stand up against bullies if I saw they are attacking someone else but it rarely happened since I was their favourite "toy".

People were also throwing things or food at me- at first I was just miserable and helpless but then I trained and also learned to deduce who is going to do something bad to me or set a trap to catch me and I learned to immediately set up plans to avoid it. You realky have to think fast if you're bullied, think one step ahead and be more sly. It's very helpful but to do this you need at least some self confidence. I learned to treat it as a game and it was always so satissfying to see them fail or for their trap to not work. And honestly, they were trying to get me on every school break and after school and rarely succeeded even tho they usually tried in big groups. You just gotta be very smart about it.

But even then it was hard, caused me to be most shy, insecure, stressed out, asocial kid at school. I'm just trying to tell you that nothing should ever stop you and if you want it to stop, be harder on yourself than bullies are on you and work on clever, non physical ways to fight back or avoid agression.


Also being scared ofnot telling who bullied you will only make it worse for you. If you don't say a thing bullying won't stop anyway but if you'll be brave and always say then at first they will get even more agressive but later they will larn to be more careful about it.

Edited by Burning Question

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Johari Window for lulz: http://kevan.org/johari?name=burningquestion

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PS: sorry if I sound like smartass about it but I'm really worried about you actually @Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™ and since what you describe sounds similar to my situation I feel like I should give you some advice.


PS2: I'm not bullied anymore at all and currently I'm even stronger than I ever was thanks to doing what I just wrote in both previous posts.

  • Brohoof 1

Adventure and danger, love from a stranger,

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Johari Window for lulz: http://kevan.org/johari?name=burningquestion

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Story of my life except in time I learned to not be quiet about this. Heck I even looked up for every opportunity to stand up against bullies if I saw they are attacking someone else but it rarely happened since I was their favourite "toy".

People were also throwing things or food at me- at first I was just miserable and helpless but then I trained and also learned to deduce who is going to do something bad to me or set a trap to catch me and I learned to immediately set up plans to avoid it. You realky have to think fast if you're bullied, think one step ahead and be more sly. It's very helpful but to do this you need at least some self confidence. I learned to treat it as a game and it was always so satissfying to see them fail or for their trap to not work. And honestly, they were trying to get me on every school break and after school and rarely succeeded even tho they usually tried in big groups. You just gotta be very smart about it.

But even then it was hard, caused me to be most shy, insecure, stressed out, asocial kid at school. I'm just trying to tell you that nothing should ever stop you and if you want it to stop, be harder on yourself than bullies are on you and work on clever, non physical ways to fight back or avoid agression.


Also being scared ofnot telling who bullied you will only make it worse for you. If you don't say a thing bullying won't stop anyway but if you'll be brave and always say then at first they will get even more agressive but later they will larn to be more careful about it.

Oh I tried to tell people before, and eventually I just stopped because nothing ever happened. The school had 'zero tolerance for bullying.' Yeah right, and I'm the king of the universe.

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Oh I tried to tell people before, and eventually I just stopped because nothing ever happened. The school had 'zero tolerance for bullying.' Yeah right, and I'm the king of the universe


Oh, I thought they'd react. Same was going on with me but that's because I'm an immigrant living in a country where everyone hates "my kind" so teachers even approoved of people bullying me and even when they saw it happening, they were just watching and never helped me. So I learned to take care of my own business myself. Even when they saw it they couldn't punish me for fighting cause I was just avoiding punches or redirrecting attacks away from me.

Seriously, you gotta be mentaly strong to stand this and it takes some serious work on yourself.

Adventure and danger, love from a stranger,

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Johari Window for lulz: http://kevan.org/johari?name=burningquestion

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@@Burning Question,


Wish I had that kind of luxury at my school.  I never get beat up, but I've seen signs of people wanting to after hearing that I'm a martial artist(one reason I have for why I don't go around telling everyone in real life).  If they were to come up to me and try to throw a punch to my face, I would get in trouble with the teachers for blocking said punch.


And you don't have to tell me, but what kind of immigrant are you and which country are you talking about?

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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(...)  If they were to come up to me and try to throw a punch to my face, I would get in trouble with the teachers for blocking said punch.




I've always just blocked whether people have liked it or not.


Then again, I live in the South, so it's probably a cultural thing.

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Can't you change school or somehing? This is simply insane!

I suppose it's because if I blocked a punch or a kick, they'd assume I wanted to inflict harm or something like that.




I've always just blocked whether people have liked it or not.   Then again, I live in the South, so it's probably a cultural thing.


Funny, considering I live in the southern region of the US. XD 

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I suppose it's because if I blocked a punch or a kick, they'd assume I wanted to inflict harm or something like that.



I'm sorry, it's just too riddiculous. You know what, guys? From what I see here and just.... everywhere, the biggest problem with bullying is how schools react to it and what do they do (or don't do) about victims. >.>

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Johari Window for lulz: http://kevan.org/johari?name=burningquestion

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I've been fortunate enough to not have much experience with bullying in my own life, save for one time at summer camp when I was 11. It was actually a sort of interesting point in my life because my father gave me some of the best advice he ever gave me. You see, a few kids chose to rag on me a few times a day, saying many mean spirited things to me at every opportunity. I told me dad about it and he said "Every time they insult you, just say you don't care." Even back then, I said to myself "Dad, I love you but that is the dumbest thing I ever heard." The next day, sure enough the pricks came around and started their usual barrage of bullshit. Faced with no other options, I decided to adopt my fathers strategy:


"So, it must suck to know nobody gives a shit about you?"

"I don't care."

"...it doesn't bother you that nobody is going to go to your funeral?"

"No, I don't care."

"You're pathetic then."

"I honestly do not care."


And sure enough they never bothered me again. I was honestly stunned as to how well that worked. I think maybe parents should fill in their children on this because it definitely seems to have some truth to it. Don't give the bully what they want and they will give up.


On another note, one thing I definitely wish would be lifted to help the bullying problem are bullshit "Zero-tolerance" policies regarding violence. I honestly don't see why we shouldn't give the power of retaliation to the victims, since obviously bullies could not care less about what the school says you can and cannot do. I know most bully victims are not the types to punch back or anything, which is one reason why they often are targeted, but in those cases where they do punch back should be all the more encouraged in my opinion. Say what you will but a punch in the face sends quiet the message and won't give the bully the power fix that many desire.


Also I don't buy the argument that a bully is a victim of circumstance and doesn't deserve that. Having a rough past is not an excuse to be an asshole. 

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