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open Beautiful Morning with you(open and looking)

Rainbow    Dash

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Atlas walked out of the shop with his new brown coat. (If this were any other kinda thing it would be leather but yeah...) Now what... He went and check on his dormant house. He really should get somepony to get his mail. At least on of his Canterlot friends paid his bills from his bank account. He sorted through it. No. Nothing really important. Just ads and a death threat from a griffon baron that was after him for stealing a stolen item from him. Nothing important. Atlas unlocked the door and stepped in flicking on the lights. Just as he had left it with a light coat of dust. He went up the stairs and to the bedroom. The bed was a good bed but not too expensive. He turned and opened the closet. His suit was fine and still clean as where the rest of the clothes in the closet. He quickly changed into something more comfortable. Jeans and T-shirt. That's all he needed. Should he take his sword? No reason why not too. Now what to do? He could research one of  newer finds out in the Everfree: An old ruin bulit by ponies long ago. And then of course look up something for herbs in the Everfree forest that can be used as painkillers. He sure could have used that on his last trip. He stepped out of his house and began to hover a few inches from the ground.

"Hey! You" Atlas called to a passing pony. "Where's the library?"

"Down the road and it's a huge tree. Can't miss it"

"Thanks" Atlas began to fly in that direction. Let's see a tree... Oh... She wasn't kidding

He came to down and gently landed at the front door. Well it's defiantly open. The doors were wide open. He knocked on the open door.

"Anypony home?"


Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Andre smiles "train wreck.. I like it. I'm" she stops herself for just a moment (I don't know this guy yet, so keep the low profile name) she thinks to herself "I'm citrus twist" she sees a few apples and smiles "here" she says as she throws train wreck one. "I knew I smelt apples in one of the bags."

Train Wreck catches the apple and takes a bite. Train Wreck looks around and looks at the woman. 

"So, Citrus....what's your deal?" He asks.

Train Wreck begins to wonder what the womans angle was; why she helped him. Train Wreck thought if she was a gangster, but shook the thought away as he took notice of what she was wearing.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Andrea laughed, "running... arent we all running fromsomething? i was just in manehatten and wanted to get out of there, so i came to a small town tyhat i knew noone would look for me at." she threw off the fancy clothes and smiled, "there thats much better, hated wearing that but i had to look nice for the train."


Ricky and michael approached sweet apple acres.


SIgnature by Reverie


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"Oh really? That is quite fascinating." Dakota says.

Dakota submits his order to the worker. The worker raises her eyebrows in disbelief , but still takes Dakota's orders. 


"alright, it will be a bit of a wait." The worker says.


Dakota nods and looks over to the Zebra woman.

"Excuse me, i never got your name." He says, running up to her.


"Blush? Is that what you call a face wound?" Somber asks.

Somber looks into the water and stares at the ripples Chirp causes. Sober gets into the water and crawls next to Chirp.

"Tell me, where do you live? Are there others like you there?"



Snow smiled. "Dark Snow...ignore the dark part and just call me Snow. The oh so perfect alicorn over there is Princess Genevieve." She said, gesturing over at Genevieve who looked around at the sound of her name. "Snow...you call me zat once more and I will 'ave you back in zat forest where I fou-MHFF!" She was cut off as Snow forced a croissant into her mouth. "Shut up would ya." She said, getting a death glare from Genevieve.


Chirp stared at the colt, taking a step away from him. "I live outside of p-ponyville..." He mumbled, gulping and finishing his sentence with a nod, not making eye contact with Somber.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Andrea laughed, "running... arent we all running fromsomething? i was just in manehatten and wanted to get out of there, so i came to a small town tyhat i knew noone would look for me at." she threw off the fancy clothes and smiled, "there thats much better, hated wearing that but i had to look nice for the train."


Ricky and michael approached sweet apple acres.

OG Train Wreck finishes his apple and chucks the apple core in a random direction. He looks at the woman undress and adjusts his mask.

"I don't run. Sucka's come after me and i stand this ground. Since you are new to this town, let me be the first to tell you that i run these streets, you feel me?" He says.

Train Wreck stuffs his cloth mask into his pants pocket and approaches Citrus closer.

"You did good helping me back there, you need cheddar you can always come work for me."



Dakota chuckles at the womens banter. 

"Alright, Snow. Would you mind if I join you and the Princess?" He asks. 

Dakota's order is called out, making him sigh.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, k?"


Somber's right ear twitches as Chirp back away. Somber notices Chirp looking away and immediately brings his face to Chirp's.

"P-oh-nee-vill? What is that? And what are you looking at? Is there something in this pond?"

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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OG Train Wreck finishes his apple and chucks the apple core in a random direction. He looks at the woman undress and adjusts his mask.

"I don't run. Sucka's come after me and i stand this ground. Since you are new to this town, let me be the first to tell you that i run these streets, you feel me?" He says.

Train Wreck stuffs his cloth mask into his pants pocket and approaches Citrus closer.

"You did good helping me back there, you need cheddar you can always come work for me."



Dakota chuckles at the womens banter. 

"Alright, Snow. Would you mind if I join you and the Princess?" He asks. 

Dakota's order is called out, making him sigh.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, k?"


Somber's right ear twitches as Chirp back away. Somber notices Chirp looking away and immediately brings his face to Chirp's.

"P-oh-nee-vill? What is that? And what are you looking at? Is there something in this pond?"

Andrea smiled, "i hear you, and i might need some quick money here and there.... im trying to keep to the legal work for right now though" she took her handgun she had in a holster out of the holster and inspected it. on the side it was engraved with the Minestrone family sign and it read below it "daddys little girl". she replaced her gun and threw on a jacket. "thank you for your help with that annoying lady, she really was too much on the train. i had targeted her stuff an hour ago" she began to walk off, but then turned around "i almost forgot" she gave train wreck a quick peck on the cheek and smiled, "thanks again for the help and the offer, ill be in touch"


SIgnature by Reverie


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Andrea laughed, "running... arent we all running fromsomething? i was just in manehatten and wanted to get out of there, so i came to a small town tyhat i knew noone would look for me at." she threw off the fancy clothes and smiled, "there thats much better, hated wearing that but i had to look nice for the train."


Ricky and michael approached sweet apple acres.

hank was looking down as he bumped into Ricky and Michael "oh. im sorry. i was just waiting for later today. i heard talk of the princesses coming to visit ponyville. its been so long since i seen them.. are you going to go see them also?" he looks at them "im hank.. what are your names?"



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Sorry for my absence - a load of stuff came up and I was only able to get on to make a few posts.






"Why thank you dear..." Said the designer - her voice barely concealing delight at his satisfaction as she took the money and busied herself with locking it safely away and making a note of the transaction. "It's always lovely to see you of course, come back soon! Oh, but not - too - soon... I still need to finish preparing for tonight! It just wouldn't do for a lady to be looking any less than her very best in the presence of royalty now, would it?"








"One Second!" Came a voice from one of the upstairs - followed by a more panicked shout of "Watch out!" as several books came cascading downwards.


Twilight hurried downstairs.


"Sorry about that... heh, was just finishing some reorganising..." She smiled brightly. "Uhm... I'm Twilight Sparkle, let me know if you need anything!"


The coffee and shower had done her wonders - she was awake and alert as if having had an excellent nights sleep! It probably wouldn't last, but for the time being, she was quite content.

Never quite forgotten.

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((Sorry, weekends aren't great for me))






Stahl chuckles and rubs the back of his neck again.  "Well, that doesn't sound like it should be out of my league...  And I've nothing pressing to do at the moment, so I'd be happy to give it a shot."  The stallion flashes a charming smile again, turning to gesture down the street.  "I assume something like this takes a lot of preparation...  So, I'll let you lead the way?"











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Atlas was starled to see a princess here. A librarian? Shouldn't see be in charge of something important? 

"Hello your highness" He did a little bow and removed his fez and placed it back on at the end of his bow. "I do need somehting. Do you have any books on ruins in the Everfree and herbs that can act as painkillers? I'm Atlas by the way"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Well yeah it should take a while. Which hopefully you'll have a time," Gentle Secret said motioning Architectural Dream and Stahl to follow her. She found a clearing in the Everfree Forest that should be big enough for the rune circle. Gentle Secret could easily teleport there, but walking had always eased her, and she doubted if the two behind her could teleport that far.


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Twilight flushed a deep crimson and generally looked awkward at being called 'your highness' - grinning sheepishly as if unsure how to respond.


"Heh... I'm uh... Just 'Twilight' will do. I'm not..." She blustered for a moment. "Well, I am! I just mean... I'm still uh... practising! Being a princess - yes!"


She paused - cheeks still redder than they had been at the coronation... it was a huge affair steeped in tradition and literally thousands of guests... but meeting someone face to face who acknowledged her new title was still embarrassing. Carefully checking that her wings were concealed, she turned about and levitated a book from a worn shelf.


"Books! This ones really useful: 'Happenings In The Everfree' by Lyona... really detailed - the facts are all in there, even if she does tend to dramatise it... and it goes a little crazy towards the end when..." She paused. "I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry! Uhm... You might want to look at 'One hundred Herbs and Plants - A Compendium of Botanical Properties'..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Twilight flushed a deep crimson and generally looked awkward at being called 'your highness' - grinning sheepishly as if unsure how to respond.


"Heh... I'm uh... Just 'Twilight' will do. I'm not..." She blustered for a moment. "Well, I am! I just mean... I'm still uh... practising! Being a princess - yes!"


She paused - cheeks still redder than they had been at the coronation... it was a huge affair steeped in tradition and literally thousands of guests... but meeting someone face to face who acknowledged her new title was still embarrassing. Carefully checking that her wings were concealed, she turned about and levitated a book from a worn shelf.


"Books! This ones really useful: 'Happenings In The Everfree' by Lyona... really detailed - the facts are all in there, even if she does tend to dramatise it... and it goes a little crazy towards the end when..." She paused. "I'm rambling again aren't I? Sorry! Uhm... You might want to look at 'One hundred Herbs and Plants - A Compendium of Botanical Properties'..."

"Thanks. It's fine if you ramble a little. When somepony brings up the Everfree or the Griffon Kingdom you should hear me. Most of the books on the forest are no use for me anymore. Only a few have info I don't know with me being in there so much... Say? I hear Celestia is coming to town. Could you get me a chance to talk to her? We've meet before on a few occasions" He passed for a moment. "I guess this is okay to tell you. The first time we meet I was well... Inflitrating the palace. I would have been undetected but Luna was walking the halls and caught me... After explaining myself Celestia let me go. The second time she personally asked me to gather some artifacts for the Royal Museum. I got some rare items and now they are in display in the Everfree section. Third time was... Celestia might not want me to tell you It is very sensative..." He stopped himself. "Now look at me. I'm rambaling on about my adventures! I need the herbs book for my leg. It's fine now but one good hit on my leg and I'm limping for awhile. I got a sword cut there a few years back and It's been like that since. If it wasn't for Zecora I would have lost the leg! Anyway, can you get me to see Celestia?"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Andrea smiled, "i hear you, and i might need some quick money here and there.... im trying to keep to the legal work for right now though" she took her handgun she had in a holster out of the holster and inspected it. on the side it was engraved with the Minestrone family sign and it read below it "daddys little girl". she replaced her gun and threw on a jacket. "thank you for your help with that annoying lady, she really was too much on the train. i had targeted her stuff an hour ago" she began to walk off, but then turned around "i almost forgot" she gave train wreck a quick peck on the cheek and smiled, "thanks again for the help and the offer, ill be in touch"

(sorry, totally spaced on this)

"Legal work don't pay you squat, Citrus. Come work for me and I will take good care of you." Train Wreck says.

Train Wreck watched the woman pull out a gun and look at it. He then watched her dress and smiles. Train Wreck turns a bright red as Citrus kisses him and freezes.

"Yeah....catch me on the streets....you know what i look like...and stuff." Train Wreck quickly digs for his mask and runs away.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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(sorry, totally spaced on this)

"Legal work don't pay you squat, Citrus. Come work for me and I will take good care of you." Train Wreck says.

Train Wreck watched the woman pull out a gun and look at it. He then watched her dress and smiles. Train Wreck turns a bright red as Citrus kisses him and freezes.

"Yeah....catch me on the streets....you know what i look like...and stuff." Train Wreck quickly digs for his mask and runs away.

Andrea smiles and sighs, she walks down the street when she sees two police men. "oh crap" she says as they see her. they immideatly recognize her as part of the minestrone family and begin running towards her, she dips into an alleyway and runs.


hank was looking down as he bumped into Ricky and Michael "oh. im sorry. i was just waiting for later today. i heard talk of the princesses coming to visit ponyville. its been so long since i seen them.. are you going to go see them also?" he looks at them "im hank.. what are your names?"

Michael nods, "im michael, and this is my brother ricky. we were just walking this way to talk to the apples."


SIgnature by Reverie


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Andrea smiles and sighs, she walks down the street when she sees two police men. "oh crap" she says as they see her. they immideatly recognize her as part of the minestrone family and begin running towards her, she dips into an alleyway and runs.


Michael nods, "im michael, and this is my brother ricky. we were just walking this way to talk to the apples."

hank nods "about what? getting apples? you do know that you need money to get some apples but they might give you some apples for free." he smiles "well. can i tag along? i want to get an apple from them, i am very hungry." he said with a smile as they reach the farm



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Train Wreck strolls out of the alley and spots a few officers of the giving chase to Citrus. Without thought, Train Wreck picks up a brick and throws it at an officer, hitting him in the head.
"Come run up on me, you rejects!" He yells.
Train Wreck flicks the underside of his chin and runs towards his hangout.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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hank nods "about what? getting apples? you do know that you need money to get some apples but they might give you some apples for free." he smiles "well. can i tag along? i want to get an apple from them, i am very hungry." he said with a smile as they reach the farm

Michael looked at ricky confused, "ummm its about business. but your welcome to walk with us there if you would like to."


Train Wreck strolls out of the alley and spots a few officers of the giving chase to Citrus. Without thought, Train Wreck picks up a brick and throws it at an officer, hitting him in the head.

"Come run up on me, you rejects!" He yells.

Train Wreck flicks the underside of his chin and runs towards his hangout.


Andrea heard a commotion and looked back to see the officers go after another pony, she heard trainwrecks voice and smiled, "hmmm ill have to find his place sometime to thank him in person." she said to herself as she walked back onto the street.


SIgnature by Reverie


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Snow nodded at him as she sat down across from Genevieve, who looked quite unhappy as she swallowed the croissant. "You will regret zat." She said, glaring at Snow. "I'll add it to the list of all the other things I regret then." She replied, taking a bite of her food.



Chirp shook his head. "There's nothing..." He mumbled, taking a  step away from him towards the shore...it was obvious that Chirp was either terrified out of his mind, or just very shy...when really it was both.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Michael looked at ricky confused, "ummm its about business. but your welcome to walk with us there if you would like to."


Andrea heard a commotion and looked back to see the officers go after another pony, she heard trainwrecks voice and smiled, "hmmm ill have to find his place sometime to thank him in person." she said to herself as she walked back onto the street.

hank smiles "thank you. its so hard to find friends who arent busy." he sighs "they are all getting ready for Celestia and luna. i am already ready to see them.. i dont need anything fancy to wear.." he said and sighs as they reach the farm "well we are here." he smiles



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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Dakota walks back to the table where the woman were sitting and sits down next to Snow.
"So, How are you ladies enjoying Ponyville? You know, its not often we get royalty here. Whats more is we are blessed by such...good looking woman."
Dakota said, taking a bite of a scone. 

Somber stands up and shakes the water from himself. He stays close to Chirp and keeps his eye on him.
"Can you take me to see your kind?" He asks

OG Train Wreck ran into his territory where the cops caught up with him.
"Yo sucka's, you in my hood now. What say you just drop the charges huh?" He demands.
Train Wreck tosses a bag filled with coins towards the officers, who nodded and walked away.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Dakota walks back to the table where the woman were sitting and sits down next to Snow.

"So, How are you ladies enjoying Ponyville? You know, its not often we get royalty here. Whats more is we are blessed by such...good looking woman."

Dakota said, taking a bite of a scone. 


Somber stands up and shakes the water from himself. He stays close to Chirp and keeps his eye on him.

"Can you take me to see your kind?" He asks


OG Train Wreck ran into his territory where the cops caught up with him.

"Yo sucka's, you in my hood now. What say you just drop the charges huh?" He demands.

Train Wreck tosses a bag filled with coins towards the officers, who nodded and walked away.

andrea walked down the road, trying to get all of her thoughts in check. she then stopped in her tracks. her name had been in a lot of papers, no one would hire her. "dang it" she said quietly to herself. "where was that hangout trainwreck talked about" 


hank smiles "thank you. its so hard to find friends who arent busy." he sighs "they are all getting ready for Celestia and luna. i am already ready to see them.. i dont need anything fancy to wear.." he said and sighs as they reach the farm "well we are here." he smiles

Ricky sighs happily "its very peaceful"


Michael smiles, "well, we have a few days to sign the contract.... i hope they dont change their mind" 


SIgnature by Reverie


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andrea walked down the road, trying to get all of her thoughts in check. she then stopped in her tracks. her name had been in a lot of papers, no one would hire her. "dang it" she said quietly to herself. "where was that hangout trainwreck talked about" 


A muscular earth pony walked up to Andrea, wearing the same colours as Train Wreck did.
"Hey lady, you looking for Train Wreck? I hope for your safety  that he knows you and your friendly. Otherwise, you're just gonna be another pretty face that became a statistic."
The stallion turns around and points to a cul-de-sac down the way.
"Anyways, he's down there. Ey, but if sends you away come back to me. I can take you out to a nice dinner." He winks

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Hank nods "it is very peaceful. I'm just wondering. What contract are you talking about? They woulsnt do anything to get rid of their home." He said as he walked to the barn "hello? Applejack? Are you in here?" He called out as he looked around for her as he takes an apple



Thank you Party_Cannon for the signature!

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A muscular earth pony walked up to Andrea, wearing the same colours as Train Wreck did.

"Hey lady, you looking for Train Wreck? I hope for your safety  that he knows you and your friendly. Otherwise, you're just gonna be another pretty face that became a statistic."

The stallion turns around and points to a cul-de-sac down the way.

"Anyways, he's down there. Ey, but if sends you away come back to me. I can take you out to a nice dinner." He winks


ANdrea smiles,"thanks, but i dont think he will send me away" she said with a giggle. she walked to the cul de sac and yelled out, "train wreck? you here?


Hank nods "it is very peaceful. I'm just wondering. What contract are you talking about? They woulsnt do anything to get rid of their home." He said as he walked to the barn "hello? Applejack? Are you in here?" He called out as he looked around for her as he takes an apple

Michael shook his head, "no, weve been in cintact with them about selling some of their crop to farther cities, like manehatten, so we are here to formally sign the contract and set up another branch of the busiess here. you prabably saw the building were using in the city" 


SIgnature by Reverie


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