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New Hardcover Book Incoming.


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I...I want this book, definitely.


If any of my children are girls, I would like to read it with them, someday.


Thank you for informing us of its existence.


There's a guide-book to the show, as well as several decent-length paperback short-novels(like in the 60-80 page range common for upper grade-school reading level) as well. 

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~TGAP Flutterdash~, on 02 Feb 2014 - 8:15 PM, said:

I will probably be getting this to go with my Elements of Harmony book.


Is this the same as the poster book that's coming out as well or is this something different?


Same here. This book will make a nice addition to my collection. It looks like an interesting book, and I know I'll be buying one when it comes out.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well I really need to get this when it comes out. It seems really, really, REALLY, cool to go and have it. I already have the EoH book so it's sort of like a collection I guess. Anyways I would love to read about the chronicles of Celestia and Luna! 

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A Daring Do Collection is also coming out. I've already got the EoH book, can't say I'm too interested in the diary, but I've already pre-ordered Daring Do.




Oh, I would but that price is damn steep for pony merch. I even had to think long and hard before dropping just $30 on the complete version of the Brony Doc. 

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