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Let's talk about romance. :)


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Hey everypony, I wanna have a good open conversation about romance. :) I myself am a ridiculously hopeless romantic. I realize sometimes going deep into a topic such as this can be embarrassing or uncomfortable, but I'm craving a nice juicy, lay it all out discussion. (Within reason of course.) So please dont be shy and please indulge me as i try to get to know my fellow fans a little better. So my question is, when it comes to movies, or books, of fanfics, or even you own glorious fantasies in your mind, what do you like about romance? What do you like to see? What makes your blood boil and your heart pound and what makes you go 'dawweee !'. What makes your romance button tick? I always love to hear ponies' answers, because one, it helps me feel normal when I find other ponies who are like me, and two, its always interesting to see what kind of romantic fancies are hiding beneath the surface. :)

  • Brohoof 7

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Sweet gestures such as "You're cold? Let me put my arm around you/Take my coat", or passionately romantic settings. Holding hands and such. Dancing, and slow, sweet singing... Nighttime picnics...


Or drama, such as "the girl's in trouble, will the guy save her or the world?" kind of thing.

  • Brohoof 3
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Hmm, you want to know what makes this Stallion buck huh?  Well here is my insight to what I think is a perfect romantic setting/aura.


I like a very natural feel with my mare.  I want her to love me for me, and I will love her for her. (and she does just an FYI.)  I like to know she is happy by my presence, and by my kind words I give her each day.  When we go out I want her to feel special and I want to do what makes her happy.  When I get to choose I ask what is and isn't allowed and I stay within the guidelines.  I don't ever argue with her, nor do I cause a scene.



That basis aside; I wanna see in my romance movies/books/fanfics/games/so forth is loads of the stallion opening an can of whooped arsenal!  I wanna see epic battles, I want to see my heart yanked away three or four times before he finally gets to be with his mare who was stolen from him.  I want a story that tells us how they met, I want a adventure of how far he would go to save her, and I want to see EPIC show of love for each other.  THAT makes me a happy guy!


Otherwise for me I want my mare to be as comfortable as possible and happy as possible at all times.


I got at least a five page thing I could put on my whole big arse ideal set up, but I'm gonna leave it at this

  • Brohoof 2
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Sweet gestures such as "You're cold? Let me put my arm around you/Take my coat", or passionately romantic settings. Holding hands and such. Dancing, and slow, sweet singing... Nighttime picnics...


Or drama, such as "the girl's in trouble, will the guy save her or the world?" kind of thing.

Ilove it when the guy save the girl. :) and I love the small things too.

What is this romance thou speakest of? Lol

I don't know much about romance, so I have no idea. I guess it's romantic when people just click, good match that's it really.

Hey that's all good, sometimes simple is just as nice. :)

Hmm, you want to know what makes this Stallion buck huh?  Well here is my insight to what I think is a perfect romantic setting/aura.


I like a very natural feel with my mare.  I want her to love me for me, and I will love her for her. (and she does just an FYI.)  I like to know she is happy by my presence, and by my kind words I give her each day.  When we go out I want her to feel special and I want to do what makes her happy.  When I get to choose I ask what is and isn't allowed and I stay within the guidelines.  I don't ever argue with her, nor do I cause a scene.



That basis aside; I wanna see in my romance movies/books/fanfics/games/so forth is loads of the stallion opening an can of whooped arsenal!  I wanna see epic battles, I want to see my heart yanked away three or four times before he finally gets to be with his mare who was stolen from him.  I want a story that tells us how they met, I want a adventure of how far he would go to save her, and I want to see EPIC show of love for each other.  THAT makes me a happy guy!


Otherwise for me I want my mare to be as comfortable as possible and happy as possible at all times.


I got at least a five page thing I could put on my whole big arse ideal set up, but I'm gonna leave it at this

Yeah! I know what you mean. Me personally, I hate when everything is perfect. There needs to be some heartbreak in there. :)
  • Brohoof 2

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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It's difficult for me to tell what I like in romance. I've not really found anyone yet that I would truly want to invest my time into. I've had puppy-love, I've had selfish breakups and I've been through "having a girlfriend to have one"


But all those things were when I was younger and far stupider both emotionally and mentally. I've changed a lot since my last girlfriend and things would be far different than what it was like back then.


I find as far as looking for romance goes it's important not to try and define a person and your experience with this person before you've even met them.


I've practically written myself off as potential boyfriend anyway. I have nothing to offer someone else and too much in life seems hinged on luck for me to believe it's possible to find a potential lifemate in any short amount of time. I could be single well into my 30s at this rate.


But alas, I also feel that if I could find someone I'd do what I could to be the best boyfriend ever...without compromising who I am of course. I have an insatiable need to take care of those around me. You could say I'm a hopeless romantic who doesn't actually know what he's talking about.


Most of this is rambling and probably kinda off-topic (I am prepared to be ignored by everyone in this topic. :lol: ) but I will say one thing: I am a firm believer in sticking with someone as long as you can. I don't believe in breaking a bond with someone because you don't agree on something even if that something is crucial to one or both of your lives like religion or morals. Maybe it's a bit oldschool but I believe a relationship requires tempering. It's not some magic thing that just happens and you can just keep by following some rules or changing who you are to please someone else when it's not like you to be like that at all. Like, I can't help but say what I mean with no hidden meaning behind my words. I can sometimes be brutally honest and it actually annoys me somewhat that someone refuses to even try to consider WHY I say or think the things I do and instead assume that I have the worst possible intentions.


I don't believe one should have to compromise themselves for the sake of another person, though that doesn't mean one shouldn't be open to change if it betters them or their relationship. Nothing is set in stone about human emotions and mentalities and it's foolish to think that everything will always go a certain way because they "should" based on who knows what reasoning.


At this point I don't know what else to say without input and I'll just ramble way off topic. Initiating the "prepared to be ignored" mode. :lol:

Edited by Discordian
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I dunno, a really romantic moment? Sheesh, I have never been on a date once and I am in high school. But I guess there is first time for everything. I suppose it would be a romantic dinner date. My boyfriend would be like all sweet. (I am so not good at imagining romantical dates.)

Edited by Star Ruby
  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I suppose what gets my blood boiling and go "dwaaa" is probably when I feel at my most vulnerable, like I'm scared or sad, but then those simple heroic gestures come in like "take my hand" or placing hands on my shoulders and whispering into my ear "It's ok... I'm here now" that sort... Dunno why it just makes my spine quiver with glee!

  • Brohoof 3

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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You know romantism is a kind of philosophy. And it's not necessary about love. Romantism - is the ability to dream, and also the ability to see beauty in everything that surrounds us, especially in nature. I am romantic, despite the fact that I have never had a relationship, I am romantic. I'm ready for a whole day to go to the city to see the beautiful sunset and an amazing landscape, I do not regret neither the strength nor the time to see something beautiful. I can not sleep all night and look at the starry sky, inhale a smell the night of violets, to listen to the singing of a Nightingale. This is something that is really worth living.  If you will learn to see the beauty in the simple things, you will learn how to enjoy life. That's was romantic is.

  • Brohoof 3


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Want my romantic setting?


I'm in my room thinking about love, PC. Her quad core, slim design is beautiful. She runs at full FPS no matter the stress I put on her. We are a beautiful couple. I get up and sit down next to her. I click her Razer-embroidered power button. The screen flashes with a brief green and black signal before lighting up.



  • Brohoof 6

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"Let's talk about romance."













... Okay, but seriously.


As a hopeless romantic myself, I do find solace in seeing romance in fictional media.


Romance, for me, is sweet in just watching the lovers play around and be all fluffy with each other. No flirting, no teasing, no talking about sex, no sucking each others' faces off... just being playful and sweet, in ways just more than what a couple of friends would do together. Finding solace in each other and being overall happy that the other is around, in E-rated ways. Tickling, giggling, hugging, snuggling, laughing, loving... that's what I love to see.

Edited by SomariFeyWright
  • Brohoof 3

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: http://mlpforums.com/topic/86811-the-multiversal-matchmaking-corner-romance/

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This kind of ties into my "defining someone before you meet them" thing, and I've been guilty of this in the past myself, but one thing I've seen far too many people do is say what they want out of a lover but never stop to consider what it is they can offer a lover in return.


Example: I am currently jobless and not on any set career path. This may not matter to a future girlfriend, especially if she understands that I am trying and she may or may not be supportive until I find a job and keep it, but I can't just expect someone to accept me "as I am" if it does no good for them whatsoever. I can't offer a stable future just yet so it's not right to advertise myself in a way that makes it sound like I'm good husband material.


I suspect everyone understands that a relationship is both give and take but in the quest for finding someone they can take from they seem to forget the give part of the equation. This isn't to say that you don't have anything to give whatsoever just because you don't think about it but the last thing you probably wanna do is tell someone that you want them to wax their legs or something because you find them more attractive that way and not consider they might want something, or the same thing, in return. </very, very bad example. Don't take it literally>

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I'm like the only person I know who's had not had a girlfriend.  It's pretty embarrassing to me.  Believe me, I think many girls at my school are beautiful and worthy to go on out a date with.  Problem is, doing that is like my biggest fear.  It's not that I'm afraid of being around them, it's just that I'm afraid of the chance of being rejected.  Also, I've p*ssed of a lot of girls at my school with insults and unintentionally slapping one of my friends, and let me tell ya, I regret ever doing that. 


There are some girls in particular that I can't stop thinking about, especially with my friend, but I have no chance with her, since she's already in love with this college kid.  If I ever do find one eventually, I will definitely love them with all my heart at treat her with the respect she deserves.  I'm not looking for a girlfriend just to have one or just sex.  I want one so that I can love her.


I just hope I'm not subject to searching for a girlfriend on the internet.  I actually find that pretty awkward.

Edited by Freeze-Frame
  • Brohoof 2


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I'm like the only person I know who's had not had a girlfriend.  It's pretty embarrassing to me.  Believe me, I think many girls at my school are beautiful and worthy to go on out a date with.  Problem is, doing that is like my biggest fear.  It's not that I'm afraid of being around them, it's just that I'm afraid of the chance of being rejected.  Also, I've p*ssed of a lot of girls at my school with insults and unintentionally slapping one of my friends, and let me tell ya, I regret ever doing that. 


There are some girls in particular that I can't stop thinking about, especially with my friend.  But I have no chance with her, since she's already in love with this college kid.


I just hope I'm not subject to searching for a girlfriend on the internet.  I actually find that pretty awkward.

Best advice someone gave me that I shall now give you: It's not wrong to want a relationship but make sure you aren't seeing women as targets or prizes. You don't need a girlfriend just because you want one.


I tell ya though, rejection isn't so bad. Just don't make an ass of yourself if it happens. Don't be like me, don't ask a girl out and find out she's still in high school and then ask her "well if that matters to you..." and then say you don't want things to be awkward. Number one way to make things awkward, right there. :lol:


I think I came off as way more creepy than I intended when I said that. I blurted it out more on accident than anything. I didn't actually mean it in the creepster way that it sounded.

Edited by Discordian
  • Brohoof 1
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We'll I guess I should answer my own question. :) when it comes to fics and stories and movies, there is a lot of things I like. I like the epic cheese but I also like some heartbreak and pain and betrayal. Like when the couple has a breakup but then they have an epically romantic makeup. I like stories about how the guy makes the girl feel perfectly safe and secure, I like when the guy is guarded and closed off but the girl is able to break down his walls. I love when the couple just loves each other's company and can just lie in each other's arms for hours and be happy. The list just goes on and on :)

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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Best advice someone gave me that I shall now give you: It's not wrong to want a relationship but make sure you aren't seeing women as targets or prizes. You don't need a girlfriend just because you want one.


I tell ya though, rejection isn't so bad. Just don't make an ass of yourself if it happens. Don't be like me, don't ask a girl out and find out she's still in high school and then ask her "well if that matters to you..." and then say you don't want things to be awkward. Number one way to make things awkward, right there. :lol:


Yah, I forgot to add that part in my message.  It's edited now.


I just feel like I need to know for sure if a girl likes me or not before I even ask her out.  I just don't want to come out of the blue and just ask her randomly.  And the truth is, I act like an ass all the time, especially around girls.

  • Brohoof 1


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Romance... a topic most people wouldn't expect me to comment on but yeah, even I do have a romantic side to me.


For me, romance is when you are able to be with someone and you would love to always be with that person. You don't necessarily have to do anything when being that person, simply sitting next to eachother, not looking at eachother or even talking is fine and can be romantic as long as the requirement of wanting to be with that person in that moment is given. The most interesting romance for me is between two people just being together and enjoying something without necessarily interacting with eachother because they are happy simply because they can be together with that special person. That moment when words are meaningless and emotions fill the room making you feel completely at ease, that is romance for me, not love, simply this feeling that nothing in the world matters as long as you can remain in this situation.


I remember that one time when I was standing on a bridge with one of my closer friends (when we were still friends) just staring down the river without saying a word. This was probably one of the most precious moments in my life and most valuable one I can imagine to this day.


In a way you can consider these moments of being apart with your loved ones another way of romance, sort of a building romance which will reach it's climax at their reunion, giving a smile to both of them.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by: Kyoshi

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We'll I guess I should answer my own question. :) when it comes to fics and stories and movies, there is a lot of things I like. I like the epic cheese but I also like some heartbreak and pain and betrayal. Like when the couple has a breakup but then they have an epically romantic makeup. I like stories about how the guy makes the girl feel perfectly safe and secure, I like when the guy is guarded and closed off but the girl is able to break down his walls. I love when the couple just loves each other's company and can just lie in each other's arms for hours and be happy. The list just goes on and on :)

I suppose maybe I should actually answer your question correctly instead of rambling on about things. As far as fiction goes I'm very much a fan of romantic comedies. Stories where it's not super emotional except for key moments and you can get a great many laughs out of it. I feel that it's a little more realistic than something made purely to pull on your heartstrings even if ultimately they are also written for entertainment and aren't totally realistic in the first place.

Edited by Discordian
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What I like about romance is the fact that two people find each other so appealing and so enjoyable with each other that they're willing to spend the rest of their lives together. It's something that I strive to accomplish in my lifetime. I'd love to get married one day and I think I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. I would love to see myself be with someone whom I liked and eventually loved. Someone who would stand by me, as I would with her. Someone who I could joke around with, play around with, be serious with, and all in between because my girlfriend/fiancee/wife would be my best friend in a sense. 


I like to see things pulling through for romances. Where struggle is apparent, but both sides push through for each other, whatever the situation and/or circumstances may be. Marriage, in the long run, isn't about both of your special day or marking the beginning of the rest of your lives together, but it's about your significant other. It's about how this day is special for him/her, moreso for the wife (in a heterosexual relationship), but still important for your spouse regardless if you may value that wedding day more than you think you do than your spouse.


What makes my blood boil and heart pound is when I find someone attractive in personality, interests, and appearance. An amazing trifecta that makes me smile, that makes me curious, and equally makes me nervous. There's only been one person I've asked, but she is currently busy with life stuff, so I'm fine with her decision to not get into a relationship at the moment. Still, a romance is something I'd like to pursue. I'm still looking for someone to embrace. But yeah. That's my take on romance.




TL;DR: I'd want to get married one day with someone who would stay with me as I would with her. I love it when two people stay together through thick and thin and be the bestest of friends. My heat pounts when someone is attractive in personality, interests, and appearance and I am still looking to be in a relationship.

  • Brohoof 1
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Hey everypony, I wanna have a good open conversation about romance. :) I myself am a ridiculously hopeless romantic. I realize sometimes going deep into a topic such as this can be embarrassing or uncomfortable, but I'm craving a nice juicy, lay it all out discussion. (Within reason of course.) So please dont be shy and please indulge me as i try to get to know my fellow fans a little better. So my question is, when it comes to movies, or books, of fanfics, or even you own glorious fantasies in your mind, what do you like about romance? What do you like to see? What makes your blood boil and your heart pound and what makes you go 'dawweee !'. What makes your romance button tick? I always love to hear ponies' answers, because one, it helps me feel normal when I find other ponies who are like me, and two, its always interesting to see what kind of romantic fancies are hiding beneath the surface. :)


I love romance! Though I've never dated anyone probably because I'm not too good looking but mainly because I'm introverted and don't get out much. To answer your questions in order though:


What I like about romance is happiness. Two people bonding to the highest level you basically can. That's romance to me.


What do I like to see? Two or more people (I believe in polyamory!) spreading happiness to each other. I guess that's a bit of a cop-out answer though, so I guess I like to see platonic love. Things like holding hands, kissing, hugging, and just being together in eachother's company.


What makes my heart boil and blood pound? I guess the truth here is that when a really cute couple is innocently makeing out.


The weird thing about me is that I'm really into Platonic love. You'll never see me having sex with people, not even just because I probably couldn't even aquire such an oppurtunity. Because I like to just love people, and spread happiness. Sure, for some, sex makes them happy, and more power to them! But for me, it's kind of weird to imagine myself doing that.

  • Brohoof 1

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I'm here to say,

I'm gonna rock the world, just you wait for the day.

Your name may be on posters that they hang out for some nights

But my name will be on billboards babe, 'cause I'll be up in lights.

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I'm gonna get laughed at….


My idea of romance is protection. Going all out to do whatever it takes to make sure my love is happy and healthy and safe. If she's cold, I sacrifice my jacket and snuggle her to make sure she is warm. If she's tired, she has a place on my chest. If she's sad, mad, or upset, I listen to her and I make sure she knows that she is worth the best in life. When a girl has my heart, she is my everything. She is my princess, and I am her knight; I would do anything for her. I will go out of my way every moment of every day to make sure she knows how amazing and beautiful and special she is. Because she is special; she's different from anyone else I've ever laid eyes on. She's my princess, and that makes her all the more precious and beautiful to me. 


*Sigh* Girls always say they want someone to treat them right. But they always fall for the asshat prince, not the knight or the stableman. That's why I'm single, I guess.  :( 

  • Brohoof 2

Sometimes I get so weird, I even freak myself out.

I laugh myself to sleep; it's my lullaby~

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I'm gonna get laughed at….


My idea of romance is protection. Going all out to do whatever it takes to make sure my love is happy and healthy and safe. If she's cold, I sacrifice my jacket and snuggle her to make sure she is warm. If she's tired, she has a place on my chest. If she's sad, mad, or upset, I listen to her and I make sure she knows that she is worth the best in life. When a girl has my heart, she is my everything. She is my princess, and I am her knight; I would do anything for her. I will go out of my way every moment of every day to make sure she knows how amazing and beautiful and special she is. Because she is special; she's different from anyone else I've ever laid eyes on. She's my princess, and that makes her all the more precious and beautiful to me. 


*Sigh* Girls always say they want someone to treat them right. But they always fall for the asshat prince, not the knight or the stableman. That's why I'm single, I guess.   :(

im not laughing. you are awesome :) you just brought a smile to my face which is good cuz my day just ended in disaster. :)

You can either despair that a rosebush has thorns, or rejoice that a thornbush has roses.


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