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''Well i have two eyes that are real'' she says to the alicorn meanly making fun of her eyes. ''Your just a pony who thinks shes better than everyone else , No wonder your a bitchy alicorn'' she says wanting to punch the crap out of that pony. She ddent like to juge a book by its cover but this books cover was coverd in shit.

  • Brohoof 1

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(Well @Delernil, He's about to jump in.

And a big LOL to FlyingGrace for the last sentence.)

That was it. Hazmat grabs his mask from her tugs and slams it back on his face. His gun spits out a small, quarter inch of radiated goo onto the alicorn. It was aimed on her leg. "Buck. Off. You. Bastard."

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Night Comb shot up.


'Listen, I don't give a damn about any of you, and I'm tired of your shit. Go sob somewhere else and stop being so up tight. We're all just worthless pieces of trash anyway.' Night Comb said angrily as he flared his wings. He was fed up with this rag tag group of idiots.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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"Lets calm down before anyone gets hurt alright?" Gentle Secret spoke after watching the small verbal fight. When physical action is possible, she'll stop it. She needed the group at top efficiency, she didn't want the movement to be slowed down due to some dilly dadol fight some of the group members got into. 


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She gave a sliy smile to hazmat to show she liked what he did. She wonderd about the mask tho. She decided she would ask him later when they were alone because it seemed personal. She looked at the leader chucklng. That alicorn got what she deserved from hazmat.

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@,  @,



"do i look like i give a shit if your eyes are real? i am better than everypony but you don't know that yet " she said as he grabs hazmats mask again and this time pulling it comepletely off she shrugged off the radioactive goop on her leg but she didn't realise it was melting the skin off she then punched the mares chest (i forgot her name XD) the punch was obnormaly strong she heard a crack then Moonlight grinned.


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Hazmat covers his face with his wing. After he hears the crack of his frinemys bones, that set him off. He releases his radiated goo onto her leg, the one she punched his frinemy with. He still had his face covered so he technically guessed at which leg she punched her with.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Blue drew her knife right before she could punch her. And when she did she had the knife on her chest and it went straight into alicorns hoof as blue fell back groning as she broke a rib. She got up welding a gun and pointed it straight at her with all the contraction she coulf muster out of the pain in her chest.

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Night Comb folded his wings back and raised his hooves.


'You know what? I'm done. I'm fucking done.' He sighed as he went back to the concrete brick he had been sitting on. He began drinking from the flask and eating the stale bread, not caring anymore about the health of his fellow members.

Edited by Delernil

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Blue lower her gun. The alicorn had enuff already and she wasent out for killing her. she colasped on the ground in pain as that rib stung like a bee in her chest. She slowly got up and walked away to the rest of the group . She justed wanted to get out of here,

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@, @,


Luckily Hazmat missed the leg with the Radioactive goop though she stared at the knife through her hoof she stared at it for while then pulled it out though no blood came from the stab wound well little to no blood exactly she then galloped after Blue and kicked her in the chest again with two back hooves and transfering some radioactive goop on her chest she then teleports away with hazmats mask.


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Gentle Secret watched, she couldn't butt in. Hell, Night Comb, one of the more saber one gave up. How to resolve this without any further injuries. There was one spell… a large book was summoned to her side. She didn't want to showcase this skill, but it seems like she had no other choice.


The book floated before it opened and started to flip through pages. It stopped right at one location. Filled with ancient text that she deciphered with the help of unicorns in Hope and New Canterlot. The text seem to glow as she casted a large selective spell that will create confusion and shock to each pony. The more ponies she selected, the weaker the affect, the more magic needed.


Selecting the alicorn and the other two, the spell was set. Like a sudden snap. Gentle Secret wasn't sure how well it would affect the three, but she poured in large amounts just in case.


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Blue was forced out of surival to get on her chest and rub the goop on the ground. It hurt like shit as the ribs in her chest started to move around. She got up scared to move as she dident want the ribs to move. She had got the goop off before it could cause damage to her skin. Then ZAP she fell to the ground again as volts went through her body. She just layed there crying with singed fur and broken ribs.She should had left.

Edited by IIFlyingGraceII

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The things Hazmat wants to do to this pony... Oh the wonder of his mind that can just... "You give me my mask back...." He demanded, still not wanting to reveal his face. If she so dared tried to remove his wing from his face, he'll tear her a new and use her arms as a bat to her face. But he soon felt confused and jittery. Like a bolt of electricity was shot through. "Hezzzaffunmaaap." He mutters still having his wing to his face.

Edited by Wolframite

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Blue sobed loudly. Why did life bring her here to die a painful death. POnies just started at her dieing.She was right. she was useless. She did not belong here. She had the chance to leave but she dident. WHY DIDENT SHE LEAVE! she yelled in her head Why dident i leave..

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@,  @,



Moonlight had already teleported away so she did not hear what hazmat said but when the shock spell was casted the three could hear her scream she was near but they don't know where she was exactly she callapsed on the ground some reason she really did not like shock spells.


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Night Comb looked up at the yelling. He had mostly drowned them out, but he was alerted to these. He looked over to Gentle Secret with a mixed reaction.


'You put a spell on them, didn't you?' He said as he put his flask away and looked to the ponies in front of him, shocked from the spell.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Blue got up limping and went to her bag and grabed a flask and quickly drunk it. She grunted as her body healed. She never wanted to use that but there was no chose. She slowly got upsore and walked over to hazmat. ''Hazmat.. *cough* are you ok? she asked as she knew he lost hes mask.

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"Yes," Gentle Secret responded without remorse, only calmness. She turned her head towards Night Comb, "Either that or very major incidents." She did what felt right and was the best course of action. Hate her or not, but worst things would had happened without her intervention.


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Night Comb nodded silently and finished his stale bread. She was smart. He didn't think any lower of her than that, quite the contrary. She was intelligent, calm, and unemotional. Finally a pony he could get behind. He smirked slightly and closed up his bag.


'We should start helping them. Maybe.'

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Hazmat was still not moving, though, he did quickly move the wing to see who carded the spell. If ya looked closely, you can see his eye itself was red of crystal and his iris was neon white. His wing covers his face again, he saw who casted it. "Vhy za hell did you cast it on all three of us und not only on zat mutated buck?" He asks calmly not really hearing Blue from his head swirling and buzzing.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Blue could hardly talk. That alicorn knocked the air out of her. She used her last breaths. ''Hazmat..'' she said as it was all she could get out. She put her hoof on hes wing out of frustration as he could not hear her. She was ready to jump back as she could tell he was confused andmay think she was the alicorn.

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"Why? Because you two might exact some form of revenge on the alicorn," Gentle Secret replied calmly. That could happen. The anger could easily have ponies take advantage of their opponents weakness and exact revenge. It had happened before, and this time would be nearly no different compared to others. Then she spoke, more directed to Night Comb, "We shall soon, wait a few seconds and see what happened to the alicorn. Seemed like the shock spell was very effective against her."


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Short circuit watched while chewing his half stale bread. "It's like watching teens fighting over a arshole boy.....they are entertaining though" he said sitting down. Entertainment.


He watched up until it had stopped with a spell, "bout time this had an ending"

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StarShine walked towards him but tripped over a body. She landed in a pool of blood than got up again. She grunted than put her face almost touching his. 'My group was passing by and I fell. While you were murdering bandits! So don't try and pin this on me son. Cause I got easily kick your ass in the state your in and even if you were 100% healed." She growled

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