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(Im 100000000% fine with it. Yu can run free with this idea. Der if ive ruined things im so sorry.. *Hides under bed* :( Im sorry if I did..)


Starfire held the crown close. The rain washed the blood off her coat. She has lost everything she ever had. She looked at her friends and said "C-can we leave now?"

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"And now that didn't even make a bit of sense," Gentle Secret spoke, thinking of the reasons why one will bomb this underground city. It would certainly be for the gold, but why? It would certainly destroy the value of the city. Nothing about this day made a single bit of sense. 




"Interesting," a mechanical voice spoke to itself in a dark laboratory hidden deep within a mountain. Mechanical arms with medical equipment moved around a small viral. The mechanical voice spoke again, "Very interesting, so much potential, but very limited."


Arms moved again, dipping into the vial and adding unseen elements. The vial seemed to change color as the arms retracted. Information were running off of a nearby screen, but that was a none important part to the AI as it researched the disease of the south.


"There we go," the AI spoke to itself again. If it can laugh, it would be doing so. Then it continued, its voice still bland, "Let's see what this new disease can do. I shall call it M121A. Mental 121A, Emotional Inducing Viral. Ah, I do not understand why I talk to myself, but, for science I suppose." 


Then, outside of the laboratory, a slim missile was launched. 


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(Um what does that thing do?)


Starfire got up and walked to Ocean. She said "C-can you help me walk?" She gave him big sad eyes. She was beyond tired. But they needed to leave. She closed her wings and dropped her brothers crown. The rain was getting harder by the minute.

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Her brother sceamed at the rocks digging till hes hoofs became red. He panted with tears runing down hes eyes. Hes sister was gone. He could fell a jolt of pain in hes chest as he heard a pony grunt behind him. Then he remberd about the mare. He looked at her seeing she was coverd n her own blood from huge gashes on her body. Her eye gone leaving a gaping hole. He gasped in horror and ran to the pony.


The pony would dare not open her eyes as they would be filled with blood like water. Her heart raced as it tryed to save her body. She moved a little trying not to open her eyes . She was afraid to see her own body in front of her. She thought she was dead.


(hope u don't mind if i rp as ur bro?

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Gentle Secret watched the collapsed cave entrance, then she spoke up, "Best if we get going, that would surely alert many." And at this current state with the burden they have? It would be best to start moving. Maneston was probably around an hour or two off, so it should give them protection. Then, she needed to arm her group with more proper weaponry.


"S-sure," Solitude Ocean replied, giving into those sad eyes. They were unnecessary, since he still had a twisted sense of honor on him. And by twisted, he meant really twisted. There wasn't a certain set of rules he had to follow, it was something he made up as he went along with this world. 


(That Viral causes insanity.)

Edited by Demirari


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Gentle Secret watched the collapsed cave entrance, then she spoke up, "Best if we get going, that would surely alert many." And at this current state with the burden they have? It would be best to start moving. Maneston was probably around an hour or two off, so it should give them protection. Then, she needed to arm her group with more proper weaponry.


"S-sure," Solitude Ocean replied, giving into those sad eyes. They were unnecessary, since he still had a twisted sense of honor on him. And by twisted, he meant really twisted. There wasn't a certain set of rules he had to follow, it was something he made up as he went along with this world. 


(That Viral causes insanity.)

"Seems you guys need an escort," Draco said then whispered "Mission control this is spec Ops wyvern some pony detonated c4 on the city. I collected some gold to send back to base when I have the chance over," He looked to the ponies that escaped with him. "So yeah need a escort?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

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"Escort?" Gentle Secret replied, "I suppose it would be advisable for us to have escort to Maneston." This stallion looked well-armored and also well-armed. Hopefully, this would deter most raiders/bandits, except for the mentally insane. Then, it wouldn't even matter.


"Well it will be the best, and best we get going," Gentle Secret spoke. Then she added on, "After we are ready. Which should be as soon as possible." And fast. It was a hour late behind schedule already.


"Affirmative," the voice replied, "At your convenience." Which was basically, as long as we get the gold at some point not next year.

Edited by Demirari


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"Escort?" Gentle Secret replied, "I suppose it would be advisable for us to have escort to Maneston." This stallion looked well-armored and also well-armed. Hopefully, this would deter most raiders/bandits, except for the mentally insane. Then, it wouldn't even matter.


"Well it will be the best, and best we get going," Gentle Secret spoke. Then she added on, "After we are ready. Which should be as soon as possible." And fast. It was a hour late behind schedule already.


"Affirmative," the voice replied, "At your convenience." Which was basically, as long as we get the gold at some point not next year.

"Anypony ready for departure?" Draco asked as he looked at the group of ponies. He looked at them ready to leave. He reloaded his weapons. Experimental tech was alwaysabit buggy but that's why he was testing it. Bloody bastards leave the unicorn to test dangerous tech well he showed them alright.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Not far from the north Mareston, trouble was brewing on the dark streets. The gravel roads were crumbled and cracked, the buildings were closed with chained barricades and the windows boarded together, the walls decaying, with wooden planks peeling off of the surface, and holes patched up with corrugated iron sheets.


Everywhere, there was unrest. Vagrants lay sleeping near the dumpsters with their backpacks. Ponies roamed slowly, with no destination in mind. Shady dealers lean on lamppost, cautiously glancing left and right.


Baccarat tipped his hat down and proceeded down the street. He avoided attention, speaking to no pony and looking at no pony. It felt a bit far from home, his bar casino. Yet he felt like it was a typical day of business.

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He quick went to the wall with hes magic glowing. It was very faint but he sent a message to hes sister the best he could with hes weak magic and sighed. He walked over to the pony depessed and huged her. ''Your going to be alright ..... Im not gonna let you die yet'' he said peting her mane trying to calm the pony. He was proble scared as she was.

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Starfire moved along with the group. She said to Ocean "I have to tell you something.." She paused in her voice, she looked down the. Replied again "Can we be friends... I need some.. Blue is now dead.. She used to be my friend.. Now she's insane.." She stopped and looked up. Seeing a missile flying at them. Her eyes widened "UM WHATS THAT?" She ran under a tree and it exploded.

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"It appears to be a missile," Gentle Secret replied, moving far away as possible. There was a hint of haste in her mind as she moved afar. She wasn't in a mood to be fine ash on the ground as of yet.


Solitude Ocean stood there for a second, his brain processing what was happening before grabbing the entranced Hearth Heart and started running out of the way.


(I'm assuming this isn't M121A. Or most of the group will be dead.

It causes insanity, paranoia, impulsive action, violent tendency, and other things...)


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(Its M121A.)

Starfire watched as it exploded. She expected flames to come out but purple gas leaked from it. She looked at it in confusion. The gas wafted around her. She held her breath but soon she breathed. SOmething in her brain twitched and she started laughing for no reason.

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Solitude Ocean had covered his muzzle with his bandit scarf. Staring at Starfire and the gas, his eyes widened a bit. Could this be a type of chemical compound. That means, his eyes widen a bit before charging in to grab and run out with Starfire.


Gentle Secret had erected a medium shield to protect the remainder of the now fallen kingdom. It won't last against a missile strike, but it'll shake off the damage. But it wasn't, it was some purple must.


Lore: M121A is a chemical compound that destroys any living being's mind. It causes permanent harm, causing emotional instability and insanity. Prolonged exposure will result in an unstable insane pony. Best to be put down.

No known cure.


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(She cannot go insane forever. SHe just breathed in a tiny bit. SHes gonna just have it for a while)


Starfire Laughed until the were far from the Gas. SHe said "What happened?" Her head was spinning. She saw Ocean and thought it was her brother. SHe got up slowly and said Brother! And kissed his cheek in joy.

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"I don-" Solitude Ocean closed his mouth, not expecting a kiss on the cheek. There wasn't any rush of blood, not even a faint indication besides the lack of movement. Then he spoke after staying silent for a while, "What was that for?"


Gentle Secret held the shield, watching the gas move. She wasn't trusting that chemical, or whatever it was. It was moving slowly, hinting high density.


(That's why I said prolonged. :3)


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As Starfire pulled back she opened her eyes. She screamed "OCEAN! GAH! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY BROTHER!" She jumped back terrified. SHe then got up and blushed "Im sorry.. I didnt mean to kiss you.." She looked down. And shuffeled her hooves on the ground. SHe said "Thanks for saving me"

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Night Comb stood next to Gentle, watching the gas. How the hell were they supposed to get out now?


'...what now?' He whispered to himself. The entire city had collapsed, and the entrance likely had too. He breathed heavily and began to assess the situation. They were stuck underground surrounded by a chemical gas of some sort. Best to find what the gas did first. Maybe they could go through it.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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Draco sighed as he looked at the gas. He looked at the entrance of the cave yep definitely collapsed.  He sighed he didn't want to use his High Velocity Rifle. He aimed it after walking through the gas. Draco whispered "Mission control cleared to use the High Velocity Rifle?" Draco asked with a whisper.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(Dude the city is gone. The whole thing. Every single thing gone. Theirs no blasting through it. Please stop being so OP? You think you can blast through a city. Plus you have weapons that can kill anyone in one hit. And you keep threatening us with it. ARG just drives me up the wall)


Starfire looked down.

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(LunaKitty the cave entranced collapsed so Draco is going to clear the way. And how is he over op? There feel better about it now that I clarified what Draco was aiming at. Now play stop whining about Draco when he hasn't done anything wrong here alright?)

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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(Clarification: They are outside.

Also, please avoid using anything I stated unless I give you the thumbs up. What I mean is like the missile. It was suppose to be used somewhere else.

Thank you.)

"Your welcome I guess," Solitude Ocean replied, having nothing really to say. He certainly was never kissed by a mare, hell, he had zero, nothing.


"We best to start moving," Gentle Secret calmly stated. The gas had just started to move, albeit at a small pace.


"Negative," Mission control responded back simply.


(Also, the HVR isn't an experimental weapon, nor is the 15mm. Thank you.)


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Starfire said "I mean it! You saved me from death! I owe you my life now.." She smiled and hugged him. She pulled back and looked into his eyes and blushed and looked down. 


(Yeah. Sorry if I seem like im nagging.. I dont want to get under anyones skin.. :( So please don't get mad at me..)

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(Clarification: They are outside.

Also, please avoid using anything I stated unless I give you the thumbs up. What I mean is like the missile. It was suppose to be used somewhere else.

Thank you.)

"Your welcome I guess," Solitude Ocean replied, having nothing really to say. He certainly was never kissed by a mare, hell, he had zero, nothing.


"We best to start moving," Gentle Secret calmly stated. The gas had just started to move, albeit at a small pace.


"Negative," Mission control responded back simply.


(Also, the HVR isn't an experimental weapon, nor is the 15mm. Thank you.)


Starfire said "I mean it! You saved me from death! I owe you my life now.." She smiled and hugged him. She pulled back and looked into his eyes and blushed and looked down. 


(Yeah. Sorry if I seem like im nagging.. I dont want to get under anyones skin.. :( So please don't get mad at me..)

Draco watched the exchange and sighed. "Look two more love birds," Draco said as he radioed for a pick up for the gold he *ahem* obtained. He looked to the group "Yeah seems like it," Draco said walking toards where Manestron would be. Draco thought to himself "Thank you mission control for a map of the region,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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The brother of the kingdom panted making a quick decion for this mare. He lit hes horn with all the power he could and used all hes power to teloport the young mare to the outside. He hit the ground and smiled. He would die for a good reason.


Blue apeard outside right in front of star.

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