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private An Imperfect Situation: The RP


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An Imperfect Situation.

(A Roleplay by DM and Co DM @Scribblegroove.)

On a stormy night, the oceanic ferry to the land of the griffons. Some perhaps to visit family, others for travel, all had diferent reasons. And they all had one thing in common. They would not reach their destination. The ferry had set out in the morning from manehattan to be on its way for several weeks. In the middle of their journey, disaster struck:
A bright flash of white, rain and wind all around. A crack and a bang, ponies screaming. Utter chaos ruled the decks of the Interoceanic ferry. The large boat had several life rafts on board that were being set up by the ferries safety guards. Ponies were hastily flocking towards them as the boat was slowly beginning to sink. Nopony knew what was happening, but one thing was sure, they had to get into one of the rafts as quickly as possible. The ponies in raft 17 is our little group.
"Come on, we have no time to waste, get in!" A guard yelled through the storm as he urged the ponies to enter the raft as quickly as possible. Another guard, a mud colored zebra climbed in the boat as last. The first guard was about to join him when one of the ropes that held up the life raft snapped. The boat was now hanging nearly verticall above the water, all the ponies hanging on to not fall down. "Oh no! Crap, hold on!" The guard who was still on board of the ferry screamed. He looked around if there were any others who could help him, but there was no time. "I'm sorry Fireleaf, you are going to have to take care of these ponies on your own!" He yelled as he let the other rope go, dropping the raft into the water. 
Fireleaf, the mud-colored zebra guard was shocked at first, but then gave a last look to the other guard and nodded. Swiftly he moved for the rafts motor to steer them towards the other rafts, as planned in a emergency like this. He then realised that the motor had been damaged and had leaked out all of the fuel when the rope had snapped. He kept calm and searched for the rafts oars. He slammed them into their locks and started to row quickly, slowly catching up with the other life rafts that were zooming away with their engines.The night sky, the rain and the wind numbed his senses and made it hard for him to focus. It made it hard for all the ponies on the raft to even function properly. The cold forced their bodies to shut down and save energy and warmth. All the ponies on the raft fell asleep in the cold rain of the night, nearly undercooled. The last thing they remember is the sound of the howling wind and the pounding waves against the raft...
As the sun rose on the horizon, the ponies were greeted with a sight not seen by any eyes before. The raft had washed ashore of a large tropical island, basking in the light of the young day. Along with the view they could see the other ponies, either asleep or already awake in the boat with them, and Fireleaf, who was already on land, leaning against one of the several crates that had washed ashore. He looked exhausted, but he was enjoying the first sunlight that warmed his body after the cold night. His eyes were closed. The long white beach streched out far to the right and left, but eventually curved inward, reavealing that this was obviously a small isle. The wind that had howled around them the entire night now softly waved the leaves of the forest in the distance around, and along with the sound of the waves breaking ashore it was a very calming and soothing noise. All in all, not a bad place to run ashore.


How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Dawnblink woke up with a splitting headache, the result of trying to teleport under the harsh conditions of disorientation and near-hypothermia and failing. With a small spark of his horn and a flash, he found himself on his hooves next to the raft, wobbling and hardly keeping himself awake. "Oof... So much for a pleasant vacation. You're that guard that was on the boat with us correct? Do you happen to have any idea where we are?" Blink closed his eyes hard and shook his head, trying to shake away the stars in his eyes. The failure from the night before practically short circuited his magic abilities for the moment, and he wouldn't be able to blink around regularly for at least another day or two. 

Edited by Ampharos
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Flame was already awake looking at the ocean. He overheard a pony speak and ask if the guard knew where we were.  He looked at the guard. "I believe no pony has an idea on where we are at" He said as he got up and looked at his hooves before looking straight at the ocean again. "It just looks like a empty island..."  He thought to him self.


"The storm destroyed the ship and we abandoned it and got on rafts..." Flame said to himself as he looked at his wings. He tried to open them but winced a bit. "Great...sprained my wings...won't be able to fly for a short while..."

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Zain sat up with a jolt and cursed "no... No no no no, not now! I was so close!" He mumbled desperately, as he attempted several times to stand with numb and unsteady legs. After a moment he finally succeeded and stumbled around, but was too preoccupied with frustration and worry to even notice the beauty of the island. He even ignored the other members of the now undoubtably stranded group. "Fuck!!" He yelled into the wind, kicking sand


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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If there was one thing Honey Jars hated more than wasps, it' when her pessimism gets the best of her.

It wasn't the fact that she hated sailing, oh no, not at all! The whole notion of getting on a boat and just... Siting back while you travel across the vast ocean. No worries for weather or time. Or work. You could just do what you wanted!

And then Honey actually got onto the ship. And as soon as she did, all of her thoughts became:

"But what if the ship crashes?"
"What happens when it goes off course?!"

"Are there any icebergs nearby?! OH DiCaprio help me!"

And now look what happened.

When Honey Jars finally woke up, she woke up to something that was both amazing and terrifying. There was sand under her hooves! There wasn't supposed to be sand on a boat! They had crashed after all! So after Honey had gained her balance and was able to look around, Honey done the most logical of logical things to do...


Honey screamed, very very loudly.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Dawnblink winced at a high pitched, loud noise coming from behind him. He turned around to see a mare with her mouth open. It would seem as if she were making the noise herself. Blink looked around at the others questioningly. "Why... Why is she doing that? Does that help?" He lowered his voice exponentially as he looked around at the others. "Should I do that too?"

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Flame covered his ears and sighed. "Seriously you now decide to scream" He said as he looked at the mare. He n turned to the stallion who asked if he should do the same. "Please don't there is no reason to scream at all" He said. "Besides it's not like any pony else, besides the ones that are with us now, can hear us" He looked at the sky. "Should have just flew instead of taken a boat then I wouldn't be here on a island with sprained wings"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Dawnblink nodded and looked away then turned back with his eyes sort of squinted. "Oh a scream... Right... I don't see how creating a loud high pitched sound helps us here..." His voice sounded gravely, as if he was close to losing it or had just woken up, but it was actually the natural sound of his voice. Blink looked away again before sitting down against a rock and thinking. 

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Fiera was woken up by the loud scream and talking. She yawned good morning and rubbed her closed eyes. "What a strange drea-" she paused as her hoof made contact with the rubbery raft. She wasn't too surprised her 'dream' was real, considering stuff like this tended to happen to her. She opened her eyes slowly and took in her surroundings. All she saw was blue ocean and even lighter blue sky. "Are we still on the ocean?" she asked as she turned around. The answer should have been more obvious to her considering there was no giggly feel below her.


A seemingly uninhabited island was sprawled out in front of her vision. Multiple ponies she had never met before were around the area, talking and screaming and pondering the situation. Fiera was just glad she made it out of there alive and unharmed for the most part. Her wings felt fine, but her front two hooves were both feeling out of place. She stood up and immediately fell back down into the raft in pain. Her front two hooves were shattered, but no external damage. She lifted herself up with her wings and floated off the raft, onto the beach. "What a storm. Glad we all made it out of there!" she said in her normal cheery tone. It would take more than broken hooves and a shipwreck to dampen her spirits.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Nassir layed in the raft, hardly moving. One could actually mistake him for dead for how still he was when he rested. However, the second his body stirred, awoken by the sounds of screams, he stood up (on his hind legs, oddly enough), with his hooves out, looking around for what was causeing the scream... when he saw no signed of physical danger, and simply a screaming mare next to him, her went down on all four hooves, looking at the island before him. He thought a moment, trying to remember what had brought him here.


He recalled that he was on an Equestrian ferry... he had been forced by a task from the Tribal elder to head too the nation of Ponies, and investigate the rumors of the Everfree forest having grown less dangerous... the plants and creatures calming and the forest seeming more in line with normal... if such an effect could happen there, his elder purposed, perhaps it could be used here to tame the jungles around the village, if only slightly. He'd gone and, dispite spending a large amount of time exploreing the Everfree and asking around in the town of Ponyville, discovered nothing that could show how the forest had calmed like a best under pleasant music. He'd boarded the ferry, spending nearly all his time in the cabin, relaxing and meditating, occasionally performing exercises to ensure he was still in shape before arriveing back home. It would not make due for a warrior to return home weak and flabby.When the strom occoured, he glanced at the sky, wondering if the stars themselves had decided to cause this catastrophe. He barely managed to board a life raft, and, dispite his training to avoid otherwise, could not resist the allure of passing out after such events. 


He glanced at those that were not awake yet, and a redamentry check ensured him they were all still breathing, although he could not tell much beyond that. He finally turned to the screaming mare "Quiet." He said firmly and simply. "Your screaming is doing nothing in this situation, aside from annoying all around you..." he said, stepping off the raft, looking at the island before him... his leader would be thuroughly dissapointed by the fact he hadnt uncovered any news about the Everfree, let alone this delay... He glanced back at the new mare, a pegasus, spoke up... obnoxiously cheerful at decent events. He barely even spared her a glance before walking up the beach, glancing around for the time being. He spotted the Zebra guard, but payed him no mind... he chose a life among ponies and, as such, was practically one.

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Comet slowly awoke, laying face first in the sand a few feet from the raft. He pulled himself to his feet and coughed up a mouthful of seawater. "Ugh... Where am I? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Comet let out an enormous blood-curdling cry. "No no no! This isn't possible! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!" Comet flew into the air and tried his best to see something other than ocean, but to no avail.

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Cinderblock & Bubble Burst.


Cinder raised a hoof to her head and grumbled a little as she awoke in a half stupor - memories of the events that had just taken place nothing more than a blur in her mind. Opening her eyes slowly, she was greeted by the sight of a familiar face...




Cinder recoiled instinctively from her overly vocal sister as her body reacted to the sudden surprise of waking to find another face so close to hers. She gasped a little, before giving a half smile and shaking her head. There were plenty of things to be concerned about, but her sister wasn't one of them. Blinking in the sun, the tan coated inventor look about to try and get an idea of her surroundings. Unfortunately, even if she had the slightest idea about geography, it still wouldn't have helped.


"Hey Bubble..." She smiled with an expression that suggested curiosity more than fear. "... are you okay? Where are we?"


"I have no idea! It looks nice though... like a beach or something!"


The bubblegum maned pony held out a hoof to help her sister up, looking about at the commotion that the others were making as she did.


"They've been like this since they woke up..." She shrugged.




Getting to her hooves and stepping off the life raft, Cinder checked over the bottles she wore across her body: a few were broken and even more had leaked, but enough had remained intact for her to breath a sigh of relief - she wasn't helpless, and would have something to occupy her at least.


Unlike her sister that was, who was proceeding to explore progressively further down the beach of her own accord: seemingly unphased by the disastrous events.

Never quite forgotten.

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Dawnblink blinked a couple times again and squinted his eyes, as if he had just woken up with a large light in his eye, at the sound of another loud noise and looked up at the panicking pegasus. "I-I don't understand this 'screaming' thing. Is-is there some sort of benefit to creating such a horrible noise?" Dawnblink scowled for a moment before looking around at the island, the realization of being stranded hitting him suddenly like a brick. And although the realization was quite violent, he made no sudden acts to show he was frightened by any sort. In fact, he simply closed his eyes and sighed contently. Maybe being isolated from the rest of the world would give him some peace and quiet. If these ponies stopped making such horrific noises that is.

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Zain ignored the mares scream and plopped down in the sand a good distance away from the others. He'd finally managed to sneak on board a vessel bound for his homeland, so he could finally see his mother and siblings again. He'd managed to avoid recognition, keep out of any guards sight, and even used a fake name. But even with all of this, he still managed to fail. The damn boat had sunk and they were stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere. "What a fine mess your in zain... You've failed yet again." He said to himself, before looking at his guitar he'd had strapped to his back to make sure it wasn't damaged.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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After quite some time, and a few deep breaths, Jars's voice had run dry. She had no more scream left in her, leaving her to cough a few times. She could feel her face exploding into a bright red soon after. Her screaming had done little more than make herself stick out slightly among the group, and that was the opposite of what she wanted to do. Inside, Honey wanted to go into a panic about this. This, this was the exact reason she never said a word! ever! And now look where it got her! Most of the ponies here had probably passed their judgement on her already, they already knew just what to think of her! Heck, they'll probably feed her to the animals as soon as they get the chance! 

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Accidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorry Accidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorry Accidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorryAccidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorryAccidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorryAccidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorry Accidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorry Accidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorryAccidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorryAccidendtly posted... Editing now... Very sorry

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"First off everypony needs to calm the fuck down now" Flame said as he looked at the others. "Panicking will get us absolutely nowhere we just need to plan on what we are and need to do and find some shelter" He said before turning to the mare that was screaming. "And refrain from screaming anymore also" He said as he sat down on the ground. "First off...we may be here for a while so finding or building a shelter would be the first thing to do"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Fiera was more surprised at everyponies reactions to this situation more than anything. Fiera smiled when she noticed a pony trying to talk sense into the others. "Yeah, what he said! Lets get whatever is in those crates and head inland!" she announced and started off towards the closest grassy area of the island. 'It can't get much worse than this. There are...' she took a pause in her thinking to turn around and count. '16 ponies! There is no doubt about survival. This will be easy peasy' she thought and continued hovering away.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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"Screaming... always with the screaming...." Nassir muttered, hearing yet another join in the screams. He tried to sympathize with the ponies. They must have had such sheltered lives. The Everfree forest had been thier definition of dangerous, and they didnt even live there. Such a place, even before it had been calmed down by... something, would be a walk in the park for a zebra warrior like himself. He spent everyday fighing in monsterous beast in a jungle, so while he was calm, he could understand why these ponies were not.


...Although that did not make him any less annoyed by the ponies sceams. He spotted two more awaken. One seemed unfazed... abit too much so. It was better than screaming, at least. The 2nd one, a brown earth pony, checked the others as he had, although he noticed her examination was far more indepth. He watched the other pony simply walk away from the raft along the beach. "That seems... foolish." He muttered as he watched, but made no efforts to follow her. He spotted  griffion, messing with a gutair, and trotted over to him, looking up at him and spoke plainly. "You there, Griffion," He said in what sounded like a demanding voice, "I hear that Griffion's are fliers of great stamina. Perhaps you could fly and get us assistance?" He asked, although thinking about it, he supposed that may not be safe for the Girffion. If he used all his stamina flying out to get help, and found nothing, he would have no energy to return back... he glanced as the mare from before spoke, and simply nodded. "I agree... I believe the last thing any of us want or need it for the raft or our supplies to drift off..."

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Flame looked at the pony who just spoke and gave the idea to check the crates. "At least one pony is calm enough to talk and not panic" He said as he went towards one of the crates. "If any pony else wants to help then find a crate and open it" He said as he opened one of the various crates that were nearby. "Hopefully something useful will be in one of these crates that we can use to make a shelter with, I don't think any pony  wants to be out in the open when it gets dark" Flame said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Not far from the group, Bella lay face down on the beach. Wheezing and sputtering out the horrid saltwater, she rolled onto her front gasping for air.


'Not heaven. Not hell... Not dead!' she monologues in her head. Due to the uncertainty of her health, she added 'for now.'

Not seconds after realizing that she was still alive, she felt a soft glow of enlightenment. "I. Am. alive." Her sigh is inaudible as the light glimmering down on her. She heard voices, however she was too weak to get up.

Edited by Neutrino
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Fireleaf: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fireleaf-roadhearted-r5871

Fireleaf opened his eyes slowly. Even though he had been resting, he had still been paying attention. The least he could do was answer their questions, as he was the one who got them into this mess in the first place. He spoke slowly with a deep, heavily accented voice.

"Worry not, ponies, your screams are in vein. The only thing it does is leave my ears in pain. We have stranded, indeed, and that was because of me. An technical error and my failure lead us to wherever we may be. We are safe, however, this island is peaceful. And our supplies, which are hidden in these crates are plentiful. Soon a ship will come to our rescue I am sure. Please forgive me, my intentions were merely pure. I have tried my best to avoid this fate, but my strength was not great enough. I could not conquer the waves of the ocean, so my descision was tough. I set course to this peaceful island, and the current brought us and these crates here to strand..."

After this long dialogue Fireleaf remained silent for a while, and hoped that these ponies would forgive him. He was sad that this had happened, and even thought it wasn't entirely his fault, he still felt responsible for this turn of events. He stood up, revealing his large posture, larger than most ponies, and stepped towards the side of the crate which he had been leaning against.

"This crate is filled with food I think, and further inland of the island there should be water to drink." He said. He presumed this because the vegetation couldn't be growing without a large amount of very clear and healthy water...

"Help me open this darned thing, please, it is too heavy for me alone." He asked to anypony willing to help him as he was trying to buck one side out of its hinges. This one in particular, once emptid, would be large enough for him to stand in.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Blink looked around at all the ponies being useful and actually doing things. He stood up slowly and sort of stared off into the sky. "I'll try to get a better view," he said to nopony in particular, his voice still sounding gravely and rough. With a spark of his horn and a flash of light, he disappeared. If one looked for a moment, they would find him standing on a high rock, fairly far away. And then one would see him waver and fall off the rock, hitting the ground with an abnormally loud *thud*. "I think I'm going to vomit," he mumbled to himself. 

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Zain raised an eyebrow as the zebra tried to talk him in to flying over the sea for help. He was about to tell him that was next to impossible and that there was no help nearby, but before he could the zebra started talking to the other ponies. With a sigh he stood and flew up into a tree near the edge of the jungle. He wasn't worried about surviving, he'd been raised to survive this kind of thing, but now there was no way for him to get home to his family. While he thought about his next move he absentmindedly began to strum on his guitar.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Eventually Bella sprawled up. Her eyes then fluttered. Where was her bangle? She had never lost it before, it held so many very precious memories. But now it was gone. The ocean had a'washed more than the hoofwear into oblivion. She was utterly distraught.

Edited by Neutrino
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