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S04:E16 - It Ain't Easy Being Breezies


S04:E16 - It Ain't Easy Being Breezies  

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Aside from just being boring for myself personally I feel initially that this episode fails as a key episode. Well, not exactly fail but that it doesn't hold the same impact as the other key episodes.


Each of the other key episodes presented an opportunity that pertained to their cutie marks, but also threatened the status quo.

Rarity almost left temporarily for a job in Manehattan.

Rainbow Dash almost left the Ponyville team for a possible place on the Wonderbolts.

Pinkie almost quit partying all together because of her feeling of inadequacy.


All would have affected the show greatly, where as Flutters makes a minor change about how to know when you have to say no.

As much as it would affect her character development it would make no significant change to the show's overall status quo.

This change is so minuscule I honestly thought this was just a simple moral episode rather than a life changing, no, show changing episode. This is disappointing as Flutters is one of my favorite characters in the show.


As a concept, being too kind may have caused an unhealthy relationship where the Breezies dominated her home life would be a crippling aspect to the show dynamic. This would be the case IF the Breezies posed any threat at all that is. Their incompetence and generally push-over nature make them easy to show out as soon as they did anything detrimental to Fluttershy's life.


Don't get me wrong the moral was great, but not great enough to be the lesson that grants her the key.

  • Brohoof 1

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You're asking bronies if they noticed a character in the background?



Yeah, everyone noticed.  I didn't get the reference because I haven't gotten around to watching Dr. Who, but I noticed what was going on.


Did anypony see Doctor Whooves in the background? He was wearing 3-D glasses and a tie. I am a David Tennant fan and I almost died when I saw it!!  :wub:


The 10th doctor agrees with the episode.

Edited by Diamond Charmer
  • Brohoof 2
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At first I wasn't so sure the Breezies would be a good species to bring back, but this episode pretty much changed all that. It was quite adorable! I also loved Rarity's jacket and angel-white dress!


Favorite part: Rarity's dazzling clothes

Favorite line: "I love new ideas that make me feel funny at first!"

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I have to admit that I loved this episode. It was nice to see Fluttershy be assertive but not nearly as bad as when she was going by Iron Will's ideaology. And you have to admit, breezieshy was just down right adorable beyond any limits ever set before!

  • Brohoof 1



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No I didn't like this episode, in fact, I believe Fluttershy deserved better.


I'm not as critical against it as others are, and I've seen some seriously negative critical analysis of this episode, but it was headed in the right direction with Fluttershy's moral thingy...


...Its just the breezies and thier role in Equestria didn't make a lot of sense (I thought they were stupid, an idea with potential that was completely wasted) and it was a bummer all around.


If I had to collect every episode of MLP for prosterity, this episode would be the one I'd leave out of my collection.

  • Brohoof 1
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If I had to collect every episode of MLP for prosterity, this episode would be the one I'd leave out of my collection.


There are a few I'd do that with, or at least bury at the bottom of the stack.  The Show Stoppers, Spike At Your Service and Daring Don't come to mind.

  • Brohoof 1

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

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Not sure how I feel about the moral of this episode. It's a valid lesson of course, but the fact is that people being too soft in the real world is nowhere near as big a problem as it's made out to be. More often than not people are so scared of being too kind that they go overboard in the opposite direction and become too cruel.

The dilemna of when to be kind and when to be harsh is a very delicate thing, and I'm afraid the vast majority of people don't have the level of compassion necessary to understand where to draw the line.

  • Brohoof 1
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I really like this one.

I don't see what's wrong with the mane 6 breezification, I found interesting to see them as breezies.

The Fluttershy/Seabreeze's dialogues were great. :)

Edited by BlobuIle
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Not sure how I feel about the moral of this episode. It's a valid lesson of course, but the fact is that people being too soft in the real world is nowhere near as big a problem as it's made out to be. More often than not people are so scared of being too kind that they go overboard in the opposite direction and become too cruel.

The dilemna of when to be kind and when to be harsh is a very delicate thing, and I'm afraid the vast majority of people don't have the level of compassion necessary to understand where to draw the line.


I absolutely disagree, because I'm the living example of what happens when you become too soft.


I wasted two years of my life in a co-dependant relationship, because I was too much of an open bleeding heart, cowardly, naive and my mind was a bit fractured from drug used as well.


I'm not proud of the things I've done and the way I've been, but it's made me the bitter f@#k I am today. I'm still able to be kind and generous, but I'm a lot more picky with who I help, and how far out of my way i'm willing to go for them.

Edited by KelGrym
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As much as everyone was anticipating the breezies, I really didn't like them.  The cheesy accents and goofing looking feat just weren't interesting and the plot left much to be desired.  Very predictable.


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God Spike, why did you have to ruin it?  :okiedokielokie:

I kind of wish the breezies would have been blown across Equestria and never came back.  xD  Three cheers for Spike!  

Hip hip hooray!  Hip hip hooray!  Hip hip hooray!


{ Independent Electronic Music Producer } { Graphic Artist } { Concept Designer }

 ~ Beneath the Sakura Tree ~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got around to watching it. Am I the only one that found it hard to acknowledge Sea Breeze as a male character? Couldn't get my head around that. They all looks so feminine.

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Finally got around to watching it. Am I the only one that found it hard to acknowledge Sea Breeze as a male character? Couldn't get my head around that. They all looks so feminine.

The males ones have much shorter manes and tails.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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There are many humorous elements here and some new insight. When Fluttershy appeared as a bee I realized that she has the power to appear as any critter. That explains how she is able to get along with all of them. The bit where she and Seabreeze was returning and it started out he almost could not hold on (hear the music) but she slowed to a fair pace and they proceeded. That was funny. And how about where they set up a gag when Fluttershy warned the ponies to be careful where they were stepping and later when she was looking for Seabreeze she looked on her hoof! And Seabreeze, we should see more of him as he is the best new character this season. He is very charming, a good husband and responsible. And I like the way he talks :lol:

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I loved flutterbee, and the episode was kind of good, I'm a flutterfan, so the fanservice was great to me, and I think the spirit of Kindness of Fluttershy was pretty well represented in her interactions with the Breezies and the repercutions of it, so in generas was a good chapter, and I loved it!

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Sea Breeze is one of the best new characters this season. He is both heroic and vulnerable. Having the name of a popular drink, Sea Breeze is a cocktail containing vodka with cranberry juice and grapefruit juice. The cocktail is usually consumed during summer months. The drink may be shaken in order to create a foamy surface. It is considered an IBA Official Cocktail. From WIki. makes him even more endearing to Bronies. :lol:

Edited by Bill Ames
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