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S04:E16 - It Ain't Easy Being Breezies


S04:E16 - It Ain't Easy Being Breezies  

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I watched it. Now I'm like

Not the Rainbows! Not the rainbows shining on eyes and stuff! NOT THE RAINBOWS!!!

Yeah, kinda harmonybox rainbow theme here.

The rest is confidential.

I seriously love this episode! It's not all about Twilight for once. When are we gonna find some damn keys!?

Don't worry! We have episodes to go! Or there may be an episode for all of them finding the keys together.

The rest is confidential.


Credit to lunia! (he is awesome at signatures!)

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Wife: Who was that?

Seabreeze: That was just Fluttershy a friend. We stayed at her house.

Wife: *Shock.* You've been cheating on me.

Seabreeze: No. No. You have it all wrong.

Wife: I can't believe it!

Baby: *Cries.*

Wife: You're tearing this family apart!

Seabreeze: *Sigh.* Now I remember why I left in the first place.

Edited by Singe
  • Brohoof 2
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Equestria confirmed to have trans-dimensional parasites.

I'm the uber-conservative one.
Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTP
A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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Spike you retard just let Twilight levitate you! I love this episode though!!!!!

I seriously love this episode! It's not all about Twilight for once. When are we gonna find some damn keys!?

I know right!? the season is over halfway over. You would think that they would have done better than that.

Overall, I wouldn't consider this a very good episode. It seems like almost nothing actually happens; the conflict, plot, and the breezies all come across as contrived and unengaging; and the moral is muddled and not illustrated well by the actual events of the episode.


One of the main issues I have with this episode is the breezies themselves. I didn't find them anywhere near as cute or appealing as it seems I'm supposed to, but more than that, I think there are a lot of unanswered questions about them. Why are they journeying away from their home world to get pollen? Why do they have to travel across all of Equestria to do so? How often do they have to do this? Perhaps more importantly, why are they so sensitive and in so much need of micromanagement by ponies? If this journey to get pollen is crucial to their survival, how have they managed to survive for so long? Were they ever able to survive this journey without ponies carefully planning and intervening on their behalf? Do they only survive at the whim of ponies who ensure their survival because the ponies are enraptured by their "cuteness" or feel sorry for them? In short, I'm a bit astounded at how much breezies are dependent on ponies to shelter them from perfectly ordinary occurrences in the natural world (e.g. a blowing leaf or falling acorn). I guess they haven't evolved any kind of mechanism to deal with these abundant natural threats, though perhaps that's because ponies have interfered with the process of natural selection.


That brings me to a second main issue I have with the episode: the way that all (and I mean all) of the characters react to the breezies. The entirety of Ponyville seems absolutely enamored of and entranced by them (even Rainbow Dash frets about them), and they're perfectly willing to go far out of their way to make sure the breezies aren't discomforted, inconvenienced, or dispirited in any possible way. It became more and more baffling (and annoying) to see how much this happens - the Mane Six being taught to cheer the breezies to boost their confidence, but not too loud so that they don't startle them; the pegasi having to get the breeze just right; Rarity dressing up for this "special occasion" and then being told by Fluttershy to remove her jacket because it might reflect sun in their eyes; all of the spectators having to whisper and not scare the breezies in any way; and, last but not least, Fluttershy needing to attend to the breezies' every whim simply because they were blown off course, even though they weren't injured whatsoever. I can't help wondering why ponies dote on the breezies so much and put forth all of this effort for them, yet the audience is never given any real explanation or reason for this, other than perhaps "because they're cute!". In short, I don't know why the ponies care about the breezies so much, and consequently, I don't know why the audience should care about them or their plight, either.


Yet another issue is that the moral of the episode is muddled and isn't really reinforced by what actually happens in the episode. We see Sea Breeze learn a lesson that being mean doesn't incline others to listen to you, yet we also see Fluttershy learn that being overly concerned with being nice sometimes results in things not being done which need to be done. So, apparently, sometimes you have to be nice, and sometimes you have to "put your foot down". But when should you do the former and when should you do the latter? Should you try to be nice first, but when that doesn't work, be more firm? I don't think the episode gives any good indication. This isn't helped by the events of the episode. On a superficial level, Sea Breeze acted "not nice" with the other breezies, and they didn't listen to him. Yet Fluttershy acted "nice" with the breezies, and they didn't listen to her either (and took advantage of her). Fluttershy acted "nice" with the bees, and they didn't listen to her, yet when she acted "not nice" with them, it worked. Then Fluttershy acted "not nice" to the breezies, and they listened. So, again, looking at these events, can we actually tell when should one be "nice" as opposed to "not nice"? In short, the moral of this episode is unclear, and the events of the episode seem only to confuse the moral (whatever it is) even more.


On a related note, once the straggling breezies actually get going, Sea Breeze does an almost total 180 and gives canned encouragement to other tiring breezies, saying things like "I did not even really believe those things I said!" and "I believe in you!". It seems to me that by swinging from one extreme to the other in such a short time, Sea Breeze comes across as insincere, and I would find his statements like the ones I just mentioned a little hard to believe. Sea Breeze's previous and oft-repeated "mean" statements about the other breezies' incompetence, weakness, etc. certainly sounded like he meant them, but now the other breezies are suddenly supposed to believe otherwise? I would be a bit skeptical.


Finally, there's the whole issue with Twilight using a spell to turn the Mane Six into breezies. Other forum members have said that this comes close to jumping the shark, and I can see why they would have that sentiment. This seems to just come out of the blue, and I can't imagine what a good in-world explanation is for it. Why was turning the Mane Six into breezies a good solution to the dilemma of the breeze being too strong for the small group? I would expect them to be very inexperienced at flying as breezies (although they somehow aren't) and they aren't positioned in a way to break the wind for the other breezies or anything like that. And it seems like there are other simpler solutions, such as having fewer pegasi flapping to create the breeze or having the breezies cling to Fluttershy as she transports them. Of course, the cynical real-world explanations for doing this would be to provoke an "OMG, they're so cute!" fangasm from the audience and (in conjunction with that) create a new toy line of the Mane Six as breezies.


Finally, here are a few miscellaneous observations of mine:


If Fluttershy wanted the rest of the Mane Six to whisper, why not just tell them to? Why do they have to go through all of the "a little quieter now, a little quieter now" routine?


The explanation Fluttershy gives for why the artificially-created breeze is necessary is that it activates the breezies' magic, which protects the pollen they're carrying from being destroyed (as Fluttershy says) or going bad (as Mr. Cake says). What does this mean? How exactly would the pollen "be destroyed" or "go bad"? What does this activated magic do to prevent that?


Wouldn't Fluttershy's darting around in the air to save the breezies actually exacerbate the problem by stirring the air currents around?


We see Twilight and Applejack, and then Rainbow Dash and company, ask Fluttershy whether the breezies are ready yet, and when Fluttershy says to wait longer, they just defer to Fluttershy without asking follow-up questions or asking for an explanation of why, even as they have legitimate doubts and concerns.


Since when do peepholes on doors have hinges or the capability to be opened and closed? What purpose would that serve?


Sea Breeze gives Fluttershy a picked flower to remember the breezies by, which also turns out to be her rainbow "key". Will Fluttershy have to do anything to preserve it? I would expect it to be dead and shriveled up after a couple of weeks or so. Considering this, a flower doesn't seem like a very long-lasting thing for Sea Breeze to give Fluttershy as a reminder of them, unless Fluttershy is only supposed to remember them for the next few days.

Now that I think about it, the rainbow "keys". Each mane six might get one then at the end find that they are keys. (duh). Perhaps Rainbow Dash's was the flag?

I seriously love this episode! It's not all about Twilight for once. When are we gonna find some damn keys!?

as I said a sec ago, perhaps the flower was a key in "disguise" so to speak. Then so would be the flag Rainbow got in Rainbow Falls (is it)? idk. Someone probably does. 

Edited by Holly Dash

Holly Dash is amazing. Rare is good. She is seen for 1 second. WHOOPIE!

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Now that I think about it, the rainbow "keys". Each mane six might get one then at the end find that they are keys. (duh). Perhaps Rainbow Dash's was the flag?




as I said a sec ago, perhaps the flower was a key in "disguise" so to speak. Then so would be the flag Rainbow got in Rainbow Falls (is it)? idk. Someone probably does. 


I think the consensus is that Rainbow Dash's key object is the Wonderbolts pin/badge that was given to her by Spitfire. Each of the four keys we've seen so far is an object given to one of the Mane Six by someone else, and the key object is shown to have a rainbow "shimmer" across it (which has been at a different time than that member of the Mane Six gets the rainbow "shimmer" across her irises).


The four keys we've seen so far this season are (1) the spool of rainbow-colored thread given to Rarity by Coco Pommel; (2) the Wonderbolts pin/badge given to Rainbow Dash by Spitfire; (3) Boneless the rubber chicken, given to Pinkie by Cheese Sandwich; and (4) the flower given to Fluttershy by Sea Breeze.

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I think the consensus is that Rainbow Dash's key object is the Wonderbolts pin/badge that was given to her by Spitfire. Each of the four keys we've seen so far is an object given to one of the Mane Six by someone else, and the key object is shown to have a rainbow "shimmer" across it (which has been at a different time than that member of the Mane Six gets the rainbow "shimmer" across her irises).


The four keys we've seen so far this season are (1) the spool of rainbow-colored thread given to Rarity by Coco Pommel; (2) the Wonderbolts pin/badge given to Rainbow Dash by Spitfire; (3) Boneless the rubber chicken, given to Pinkie by Cheese Sandwich; and (4) the flower given to Fluttershy by Sea Breeze.

Very true. The pin. I was thinking flag, but the badge makes more sense. Boneless, of course, and the thread too. Flower was obvious. Now that I REALLY think about it, it is clear that these are the keys.

  • Brohoof 2

Holly Dash is amazing. Rare is good. She is seen for 1 second. WHOOPIE!

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Maybe firm Fluttershy can stick around. Really get use to using newspapers to keep Pinkie Pie in line. Pinkie says or does something out of line, Fluttershy penalize.


Fluttershy: What did I tell you about breaking into pony houses, scaring them, and stealing their food?

Pinkie: Don't do it. *Hit with a newspaper.*

Fluttershy: Bad. Pinkie. Bad,

Pinkie: Please stop with the newspaper.

Fluttershy: Not until it gets through your head.

Pinkie: *Cries.* Twilight, make her stop. She's been hounding me for days.

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I have an observation to make. I think the difference between male and female Breezies is the length of their manes and tails. When they arrive back, each pair that hugs is one short-maned and one long-maned Breezie.








  • Brohoof 1

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I have an observation to make. I think the difference between male and female Breezies is the length of their manes and tails. When they arrive back, each pair that hugs is one short-maned and one long-maned Breezie.




Yeah, I think you are right.  Also, I believe that the female Breezies have pointy eyes while the males have round eyes.

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Shape of their eyes too. Males have rounded eyes. Females have almond shaped eyes.


EDIT: Damn... Shanw Parks ninja'd me. :okiedokielokie:

Edited by moonlightavenger
  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

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I don't feel it's Russian. It sounds more like Irish (Gaelic) or Scottish to me. But this question really bugs me too, since I like when storytellers introduce foreign or fictional languages into their stories. I'd like to know some more background behind this one.


OK at least this question is resolved. Quoting Jim Miller, who is one of the directors for Season 4:


"It's really just gibberish. We directed the actors to sound vaguely Nordic."

(source: Twitter)


Bummer :-/  I hoped for some more depth in that.

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Am I the only one who thinks the breezies look like mini flutter ponies?


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I personally feel that this episode has a certain....Season 1 air about it.


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I think i know what mlp is trying to do, it seems that they are making key episodes in order so in the intro rainbow is first and then "Magic makes it all complete" which is twilight and before twilight its fluttershy so im guessing the next episode might focus on twilight after that something big might happen, just a theory. :blink:

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Well I already knew that.

Anyway rainbowdash, rarity, pinkie pie and flutter shy have their keys already. Applejack's episode is probably ep 20 and twilight's is probably 25 and 26 (also when the box opens)


Anyways moving on to this episode, I just have 1 thing to say.


Those are no where, as cute, as parasprites. (I don't care how destructive they are.)

Edited by Rift enchanted

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
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My one reaction to this episode WTF it's like breezier are supposed to be cute and in my opinion there are ugly.

Because of what has been happening recent episodes (except this one) where they abandon their element and get their key from some pony apple jack will start keeping a secret (this is probably in episode 20) and get a something from some pony and then in episode 25 the mane 6 will figure out that they are the keys and some pony or something will steal the keys and then they will go on a "epic" adventure to get them back and open the box.

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I just don't understand why everyone I've talked to doesn't like the episode! I thought it was fantastic! The moral was great, it shows a real life problem, Sea Breeze was a lovable character, and an understandable issue, and... no offense, but if you don't like it, I'm sorry, you're just stupid.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think i know what mlp is trying to do, it seems that they are making key episodes in order so in the intro rainbow is first and then "Magic makes it all complete" which is twilight and before twilight its fluttershy so im guessing the next episode might focus on twilight after that something big might happen, just a theory. :blink:

Consider the order of finding their keys:

- Rarity (white, blue cutie mark)

- Rainbow Dash (blue, rainbow cm)

- Pinkie Pie (pink, yellow and blue cm)

- Fluttershy (yellow, blue and pink cm)


And in the show's intro:

- Rainbow Dash (Big adventure)

- Pinkie Pie (tons of fun)

- Rarity (a beautiful heart)

- Applejack (faithful and strong)

- Fluttershy (sharing kindness)

- Twilight Sparkle (magic makes it all complete)


I don't see a pattern here, either for order of appearance in the intro or in finding their keys. If there's a deeper meaning here, I don't think they've revealed it yet.

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Another adorable Fluttershy episode for season 4, and I got the treat of seeing both this and Filli Vanilli in the same day.  :yay:  The breezies looked so cute, and the mane 6 looked great as breezies (especially Rainbow Dash.) And to top it off, we got one of the best morals we've had in a while.



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The Breezies' design was odd at first glance, but I shortly grew fond of it. I generally liked the episode too. I also found the lesson to be important. At least, to me.


Also, Scottish accents. Insta-point.

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