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open Casual Baltimare RP Reboot


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The day in Baltimare was young, and many events were soon to take place, big or small. Most ponies, even some zebras, could be seen trotting or being taxied around the busy city streets. Friends were being made, or seen again, enjoying meals together. Ponies were working hard in all sorts of ways. Love was blooming wherever it could. The day has begun.





Verdant exited the train station, not much was packed with her, just a few snacks for the ride over, and enough bits to hold her up for some short time. She walked past a park and saw a pale-yellow mare and a bright yellow mare sharing an intimate kiss, but paid no mind. She happily skipped along the streets and began her little adventure...not that she had any specific plans, but she was ready for...something

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Wayward Wander trotted slowly and hesitantly, adjusting his scarf and tugging on it a few times. The scarf looked ready to just disintegrate at any second, but was keeping it's flimsy hold in the stallion's hoof. Seconds later, a similarly colored mare walked out, levitating her things as well as a few of the stallion's. She seemed much happier than Wayward and gave him a light punch on the shoulder as she easily walked past him. "Come on Wayward! Don't look too excited! If this were a spelunking trip you'd be halfway across town by now! Don't be all... somber..." She stuck her tongue out teasingly at him as he sighed. "Yea it's just... I really wanted to check out the Royal sighting over in the arctic mountains near the Crystal Kingdom. There was some serious evidence that there was one there!" "You're teams already on it! Seriously, Ash is even there to help them out. He probably already built some elaborate system to get the thing without having anyone lift a hoof." "Yea but I'm not there, Hush! And it's a Royal!"Royal" was the code word Wayward used for a mystical object, and were very rare in his travels. He used code words with his team so that nopony else would hear about the treasures and go looking for them. Wayward had been so excited too! But Hush had forced him to take a break, after he passed out from complete exhaustion after staying up for 3 nights in a row researching about the alleged object. Hush simply waved a hoof as Wayward sighed again. "Listen, let's just go find a place to eat. Then we'll split up to do our own things. I'm sure you'll warm up to this place!" Wayward simply shrugged as he followed his sister to some cafe she had heard good things about from a friend here. Of all the places she could have taken him, from Saddle Arabia to the land of the Griffins to the East, she took him to the plain city of Baltimare. What was so special about this place anyway? Shaking his head, Wayward looked down to inspect himself. Not wanting to seem too nutty, he had replaced his explorer's vest with a dark brown collared shirt, and had also retired his backpack, for a more casual bag to keep his stuff in. He felt so naked, but Hush insisted he dressed casually. This place better be worth it.

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A light bluish-bray unicorn mare left the train station, keeping her head down. She was usually fairly outgoing, but due to recent events, she didm't have the heart to be very happy. True, she was moving to Baltimare to start anew, but also to escape what had happened, and she was still so scared of what had happened. 
She trotted around town for some time, not going anywhere in particular. 

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Ambrosia was lazily drifting upon a stray cloud in the sky. She had decided to take things slow, and easy. Her eyes were only half open as she scanned the ground below, but she didn't take in much detail. No, instead her eyes were just glazing over the cityscape below. Her tail flicked erratically, and her wings flitted about nervously. She absentmindedly poked the cloud with her left forehoof.


Ambrosia sighed, and turned over on the cloud to lay on her back. It was still early in the day, so the sun was not directly overhead. She always liked the early morning, and the late afternoon. Shadows were so much larger and more distinct; they had more character, she mused. Additionally, on days like these where the sky was mostly clear, she could appreciate the vast blueness above.


Her contemplation was interrupted, for she heard a distinct grumbling. She put her forehooves on her barrel, "huh, I guess I haven't eaten at all today." She turned back around to face the ground. A smile crept unto her face as she considered the city below her, "ah! I suppose this will be my stop, then!


She brought out her small bag of bits, tied around her neck, out from behind her shawl, and felt the weight of it. "Yeah, I should have enough on me for a little while..." She put the bit back behind her shawl, and stood up on her cloud. Looking down at the buildings, she looked for any sign she could of a cafe, diner, or bakery. One caught her eye, and with a short warm up to make sure her wings were ready, she took flight down to the city of Baltimare.



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Singe and Watt


"And don't come back!"  The voice belonged to the owner of the cheap inn the brothers had stayed out the night before, his angry words accompanying his act of throwing their luggage out the door after them.  As the door slammed shut, the two unicorns glanced at each other and shrugged.




"I would say so!"


"All we did was try and make a few improvements - free of charge, even!"


"Well, you did sort of catch the bed sheets on fire.  And the window curtains."


"They're replaceable...  You're the one that accidentally electrified the bathroom."


"Seriously, who uses THAT much metal in a bathroom!?  Anypony could have done that!"


The twin unicorns stare at each other for a moment before they both start laughing, picking themselves up off of the sidewalk and levitating their saddlebags onto their backs.  Thankfully the bags were mostly empty - they were traveling light hoping to pick up parts here in Baltimare, rather than trying to convince anypony to actually buy anything they'd made.


"We're going to need to find somewhere else to sleep tonight, ya know."  


"Mmhmm...  I assume you'll handle it."


"Why do I always do the talking?"


"Because you're better at it than I am."


"Y'know, this whole thing is giving me a great idea to start working on though...  Inns are a pain in the flank anyways, what if we could design a light shelter that you carry with you, and could easily set up anywhere ya want?  Just like that!?  I'm tellin' ya Singe, it could be something to get our names out there at least."


"Right...  Come up with the blueprints before you fantasize about it too much.  And it sounds an awful lot like you're talking about a tent."  


Watt fell silent for a short moment before shrugging, the two brothers heading off in a random direction.  Sitting around on the sidewalk wasn't going to accomplish anything, after all.  Without a specific destination in mind though, they could really end up anywhere...  Baltimare was a pretty big city, after all!

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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@@Mint Drop


Verdant rounded a street corner too fast, only to butt heads with another pony.


Verdant lay there for a moment, surprised. "Oooowwwwww...." She shook it off and immediately hopped onto her hooves again. "Hello! Sorry!" She smiled and dipped her head down in front of a worried-looking mare.

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Scarlet Rose.


"Thank you!" Beamed Scarlet as she left the garden - reaching up to place the flower in her mane with an uncharacteristically cheerful demeanour, before pausing. She cleared her throat and looked each way down the street before fixing her best scowl and stepping out from the alley.


Long legs would usually appear elegant... not for Scarlet though - she somehow managed to maintain her slow walk of solitude all while doing her very best to appear 'distant' and 'mysterious'. It was a practiced look, and while she might never pull off the effect that she was aiming for, she tended to still turn a few heards. They were met with that same scowl - though in truth, she loved the attention.


It wasn't 'cool' to love the attention though.


Pace after pace: step after step, Scarlet made her way across to her destination. She looked around quickly to check that nopony she knew was watching, before quietly slipping into the library.


The earth mare (though she was still called a filly on occasion) made her way through the books with a sudden enthusiasm once away from prying eyes. Trotting merrily along, she plucked up a pile without even needing to check whereabouts they were. All books on various arts: she smiled to herself before returning to the front desk.


"Hey there Lighty!" She greeted him in a tone reminiscent of one of her roommates. "Just these few please, has my package arrived yet?"


"Not yet Rosy." Chuckled the librarian on duty. "Give it a few more days, they were out of stock when I ordered it."


"Huh, okay..."


She grinned thankfully, showed the stallion her books and shoved them to the bottom of her saddlebags as she left. As she passed through the door, another pony about her age came through in the opposite direction - scuffing against her by mistake.


"Hey, watch it!"


As the words formed on her lips, so did that defensive scowl on her face. The pony was already gone though. Shrugging haughtily, Scarlet went about her day - wandering along with the diving feeling of the weight of the books slung across her back. Something to drink would be nice right about now: perhaps she should head to that place that did the great milkshakes?

Edited by Cinderscribe
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Never quite forgotten.

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Kisu had been trotting down the street  when suddenly an Earth Pony mare whipped around a corner and butted heads with her.  She staggered backwards, somehow staying on her hooves. Her scarlet eyes looked over the mare in front of her. She had vibrant green hair and golden coat, and her mane and tail were fairly straight. She didn't seem malicious, but Kisu knew very well that looks could be deceiving.
"Oh, um... Th-That's okay," she replied, looking down at her hooves. 

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@@Mint Drop


Verdant chuckled, and started to skip away, until she noticed that she hadn't made any new friends yet. She had already had such a fun time with the pony she bumped into, she decided to find out more. Quickly, she started skipping backwards, as if rewinding herself to her position by the other mare. "What's your name? I'm Verdant Amber." She was grinning ear to ear.

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@, Kisu sighed, mostly out of relief, when the mare started skipping away. Shestarted looking around to check if anything had fallen out of her saddlebag when she was bumped into, and was confused when she saw the mare skipping back towards her.
"Um, w-well, I'm Kisu..." she replied. She didn't want to seem cold, so she added, "I, um, like your name."

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@@Mint Drop


Verdant happily bounced at the mare's compliment, taking no notice of her quiet, gloomy demeanor. "That's a pretty name." She scratched her chin, "Weird, but pretty...but good weird! Different! That's the word!" The bouncing mare was coming close to falling forward onto her face due to her constant movement. "Wanna be friends?"

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"Um... thanks, I guess?" Kisu replied, taking a cautious step back.
She was rather surprised when Verdant asked if she wanted to be friends.
But I just met her? she thought, confused. Oh well, maybe she's just one of those 'friendly to everyone' ponies...
"Um...Sure," she replied quietly, plastering an awkward smile on her face. She wasn't sure she wanted friends at the moment, but didn't want to appear rude.

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@@Mint Drop


Verdant hopped away blissfully, only to return hopping around the same way. "Well, I am new here, and I'm hungry. What about you?" The bouncing pony only kept grinning. If she had a conscience with a loud enough voice, it would probably be screaming at her to shut up, by now.

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Kisu was fairly confused to see Amber bounce away again, only to return and continue talking.
Only when the mare pointed out her own hunger did the unicorn realize that she, herself, was fairly hungry. 
"Me too.... On both counts," she replied, looking around for somewhere to eat.

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With a determined, serious look on her face on her face, Glacier galloped to just outside the edge of town. She looked down to the map she had, checking it against the surrounding trees and river. When she felt the two matched up, she smirked.


'Nice. I've found a location based on a poorly drawn map with no compass markings on it, using only the stars, the landscape and memory to guide me. Sometimes, I amaze myself.'


She kept the smirk as she strolled into town. From what she'd heard from the pony that gave her the map, there was something of worth in Baltimare., something that, according to the pony with the map, 'A young mare like you could do with'. This idea helped Glacier come to the conclusion that there was some sort of amulet or other magic-amplifying garment that she could obtain.


Keeping to a slow pace, Glacier tried not to look like she had an intention. After all, if there was something like an amulet nearby, other ponies could be after it too. Unnecessary confrontation would only delay her and attract attention.


Glacier looked on both sides of the street she was walking down to see what rolled into view. The street was fairly quiet and was lined on both sides with houses and small cafés lined the streets. The cafés pumped out the smell of fresh coffee which Glacier didn't particularly enjoy. In her eyes, coffee did more harm than good to your mind and body.


There was a lull in the housing and a sizeable building with a sign came into view. From the picture of some books on the sign, it was obvious that the building was a library. The perfect place to start an investigation, Glacier reasoned. She entered with confidence, headed straight for the non-fiction section and began to scan through shelves.

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@@Mint Drop


"Ooh! How about there?" She had not given the other mare a second to look where she was pointing before she practically dragged the other mare toward a bustling little coffee shop. "I bet they have breakfast!" The bouncing mare finally stopped her constant movement, taking a moment to consider what she thought she wanted.

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Wayward and Hush had already grabbed their meals: Simply a pastry and coffee for each. They were used to light meals, so this would perfectly last them until lunch. Wayward looked quite on edge, glancing around often. "Stop thinking about the Royal will you? You're going to eat your hooves pretty soon." Wayward dragged his eyes back to his sister and gave her the same worried look. "How do you think Ash is doing? He's never been spelunking before... What if he-" "Really? This is Ash we're talking about. The infamous inventor? The colt who can adapt to any situation in a couple minutes?" Hush raised her eyebrow and Wayward's ears flattened against his head as he looked away. "Well... You do have a point..." "Of course I do! Well you're eating about as slow as a turtle, so maybe now would be a good time to split up huh?" "Wait but-" "Alright cool see ya, love ya!" Quickly grabbing her things and compressing the all into a backpack through a spell she learned, Hush took off without giving her brother a chance to do anything.


Wayward watched as his sister bolted out the door and sighed quietly. He started eating his pastry at a more normal pace instead of practically shaking in a state of paranoia. Gah! I don't even know where I'd go! Maybe I'll try and get Hush a new flute or something... But Celestia knows what I'm gonna do for myself here...


Hush's first stop was a music shop. She wanted to have her flute professionally cleaned and then tuned before she actually took it to the public. She looked around at the music books around the shop and even took an interest in a certain flute that had golden keys, but she settled on an advanced flute music book she didn't already have. After checking out and leaving her flute there, Hush simply left the store and began wandering the city, looking for anything that might have caught her eye.

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"Wha-?" Kisu yelped in surprise when Amber took her hoof and pretty much dragged her to a nearby cafe.She looked around the busy little coffee shop. It was fairly busy, but she figured if she kept her head down and just spoke with Amber, she should be okay. Still, she folded her left ear down and tilted her head to make her mane fall forward a bit, in an attempt to cover up her scar and the hole in her ear.

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@@Mint Drop


Amber hopped up in front of the counter, and a annoyed-looking young colt, in the nicest way he could, asked, "Welcome, what will your order be?"



Amber, without bothering to ask Kisu anything, blurted out "Scones and coffee, please!" The mare was still bouncing. The colt behind the counter seemed exasperated at Amber's mere presence, but she didn't even notice.



After some minutes, Coffee and Scones were ready and being served, and Amber paid for the meal. When she and Kisu were seated, she finally stopped bouncing, and dug in.

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(OOC: Sorry for not posting earlier, fell asleep.  Kind of reminds me of when we first started this, I posted very late)


It was a beautiful morning in the bustling city of Baltimare, ponies were all over the place as they boarded and departed the express train coaches.  Rut-Light was working the passenger service today, escorting ponies from all over via steam locomotive.  He loved his job at the Railway, the blaring of train whistles was music to his ears, the heat radiating from the firebox which the fuel is burned, producing heat to boil the water in the boiler was comforting and soothing, and the rush of being on a time crunch was exhilarating; he wouldn't give it up for the world.  

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Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Ambrosia enjoyed the little pastry and coffee she had ordered. The coffee had plenty of cream, of course; she didn't enjoy her coffee bitter. She was sitting alone in the cafe, though she noticed that pretty much everypony else were enjoying their breakfast in pairs or small groups. "hmm... perhaps I should say hi to somepony? Make some friends? I would like that." She set her eyes on two ponies, a stallion and mare. They had similarly colored coats, so she figured they were related, rather than a couple. "Would be rude to interrupt a couple, now wouldn't it?"


Ambrosia got up to introduce herself to the two, but as soon as she had done so, the mare had gotten up to leave, with the stallion left behind. "Well... bother. I'd rather not talk to just one pony..." She thought, a small pout forming on her face. "Oh well... let's see... anypony else here I could meet?"


@,@@Mint Drop,  


Her eyes settled on two mares enjoying some coffee and scones, "well, might as well!" She trotted over to the two, and casually took a seat by them, setting her own meal down. She waved a hoof happily in a wave, "He~llo," she said, exaggerating the first syllable in an upbeat tone. "What's up? Name's Ambrosia, nice to meet you!"


((edited: thought Wayward left the cafe; however, my post was already pretty divergent from talking to him, so would have to introduce Wayward to the other three, if you'd be so inclined.))

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Kisu was fairly surprised by Amber ordering for the both of them, but mentally shrugged. She hadn't been sure what to get anyhow, and coffee and scones sounded fine. She sat across from the mare, and started eating. It wasn't long until another pony came and sat by them, introducing herself.
Kisu shifted slightly, uncomfortable. 
"Um, well, I'm Kisu," she replied, and looked at Amber, hoping she would make conversation with this new pony so she herself could eat in some peace.

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@@Mint Drop,@,  



Verdant bounced in her seat in excitement, her mouth full of scone. "Hrulloooo." She would be smiling if her face wasn't being stuffed. "Ahrm Vurdunt-" She forced the food down her throat and almost looked exhausted for a moment. "-I'm Verdant Amber!" She grinned happily, and took a drink of coffee (like she needs caffeine.)

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Wayward saw three ponies that interested him and would have been happy to get make their acquaintances on any other occasion. However, he wasn't feeling like his energetic self today, and one of the mares seemed to be very shy while the other two were like Wayward himself. Oh bother... Well I guess I'll just head out now. Wayward downed the rest of his pastry and coffee in one motion before standing up. He couldn't compress his things into his bag like his sister could, but despite his smaller stature he was quite strong, and easily carried his bag and two suitcases.  Where to now? Perhaps... Maybe I should get more hobbies. Oh! Maybe there's a mine around here somewhere! Hush wouldn't even know where I- Aw haystacks! She made me leave my equipment back in Filly! But I've gone spelunking naked before... Still assuming there's something to spelunk... Wayward sighed. He had to face the fact that there wasn't anything here he could do. Wayward began wandering the city as well, and after finding a nice little park, sat on a bench. He simply closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying the nice morning air and listening to the birds chirping.

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Singe and Watt


As the twins wandered through the city streets, the sound of Watt's constant chatter accompanied them.  Singe was quiet for the most part, other than the random grunt or sound of agreement to his brother's mindless chatter.  This usually happened when they were at work on a project...  But right now with nothing to work on, the brother's had fallen back on these personalities while they were on the 'project' of trying to figure out where they were going.


"Baltimare is a huge city - surely there's a place somewhere around here we could buy parts!  Blueprints!  Anything!  We need inspiration, Singe!  Something that could put us on the map!  Something we could go home and rub in Stahl's smug face!  Wait, not that last part, he'd probably just take it.  But you know what I mean!  Where are we even going?  I feel like we've been walking for hours."


"It's been about ten minutes."


"Exactly!  Ten minutes is hours when your mind is running on overdrive!  Think Singe, I can't do all of the thinking for us!"  


"Just what is that suppos-"


"Oh, look over there!  That could be what we were looking for!"  Without giving his twin a chance to respond Watt had taken off to one side, standing on his rear hooves with his face and front hooves pressed against a store window.  With a loud sigh Singe follows after his brother to see what he'd found.  "This place has plenty of raw material we could work with...  Just imagine the possibilities!  Seriously, start imagining them, pull your own weight."


"Hey, are you-"


Before he could complete the thought, Watt had rushed into the store and left Singe outside.  Singe just sighs loudly and turns around to sit on the sidewalk, content to let his brother do the shopping...  And to let Watt carry everything he bought.  If his brother wanted to claim he did all the work, Singe wasn't about to do his heavy lifting.

Edited by Umbreon











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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