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open Casual Baltimare RP Reboot


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There were several books on the library shelves about local treasures and history. As Glacier looked through the shelves, she took these books and piled them on a nearby desk. She quickly worked through the non-fiction and soon had three books on the desk. They were titled: "Hidden Gems in Baltimare", "The Complete History of Baltimare" and "The Secrets of Baltimare". Glacier sat on the floor next to the table and began to do a quick scan of the book's content.


"Hidden Gems in Baltimare" proved to be a fairly useless book to Glacier. It didn't contain information about magical gems or precious crystals but was instead full of information on lesser known tourist attractions in the area; a completely different spin on the idea of hidden gems. Glacier tutted, put the book aside and pulled down the next.


The second book, "The Secrets of Baltimare", was even more useless. In it, the author described a variety of conspiracies about the area such as it being used for secret indoctrination schemes, underground bunkers and shady animal testing programmes by pharmaceutical companies. They were all given with poorly drawn diagrams and evidence that was both mathematically and scientifically flawed. This second useless book was an irritation to Glacier and she growled with annoyance at it.


She hastily grabbed the third book, "The Complete History of Baltimare". Although it had no information on magical artefacts or gems, it still contained information that could be useful later. It turned out that Baltimare had the second largest dock in the known world and was a hub for sea trade and transportation. However, following the rise of steam trains that could take larger loads and quicker roots, the docks were completely removed and no traces remain. 


She had a slightly better idea of the area but still no idea what this 'thing she could use' was. She left the books behind and began to walk down the street. She could see a large group of ponies congregating inside a café. An idea came to get mind. She took cover in the shadows near the café and was slightly obscured.


'Perhaps if I can eavesdrop or get near others, I can see they know anything.'

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@,@@Mint Drop,


"So are either of you from around here?" Ambrosia asked her two new acquaintances. "'Cause if you are, I could really use someponies to show me around." She tapped her hoof to her chin, "though, I suppose if you aren't, I still suppose it's better for us to stick together a little while." She giggled a little, "no sense getting lost all alone, huh?"


She took her own half-eaten pastry, and finished it in a few bites.

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"Until next time I presume!"


Those were his goodbyes to his professor as he walked through the door. He could hear the old pony bid him farewell as well, and then close the door behind him. Scribblegroove sighed. Yet another class had been followed and finished. It was time to leave Baltimare, and he did not enjoy that.


Luckily, he still had a few days off, so he could stay in Baltimare a little while longer. His love for the place, and more specifically the sea had started to grow on him in the past few weeks. He hadn't seen much of the town yet though, so maybe that was what he should do. Wonder around the town a little, perhaps get in touch with a few citizens. His stay in Baltimare had been quite secluded from social interaction.


Scribblegroove decided that doing exactly what he hadn't done yet would be the wisest descision, so that was exactly what he was going to do. He shifted the saddlebags on his back a little so they wouldn't grow uncomfortable later and looked down the street. It wasn't too busy at the moment. There were a few ponies in a café, in the distance he could see ponies enjoy the park and there were others wandering the street like he was. What to do, what to do...


His stomach growled. Ah, problem solved. he thought after his body indicated exactly what he should do... Eat. The café looked interesting enough, but he felt like taking something sweet, and not too heavy. He remembered a milkshake place somewhere up the street. Perhaps that would be a good idea.


He crossed the street without attracting much attention. Even though he loved being in the spotlights, he didn't feel like showing off at the moment. He didn't want people to think he was some kind of egocentric arrogant dumbass did he? He couldn't help but snicker a little. He remembered times where he'd make music anytime he was on the street. That turned a lot of heads! It was surprising how little unicorns knew how to conjure music. As of now, the only one he was aware of being capable to do it was he himself...


He frowned. He had crossed the street and was standing in front of some kind of hardware store. This was not 'the milkshake place' he had been looking for... He turned around to search for it, but to his dissapointment, he couldn't find the sweet-drink serving store.


He cursed himself for not having explored Baltimare more earlier. He had been here for weeks and he still couldn't find his way around! It was frustrating, but he had to ask some pony for directions. He looked around to hopefully find a citizen who was more 'at home' in this town.



"Excuse me miss. I'm looking for this place where they sell these amazing milkshakes. I forgot where it was, could you please tell me where it is?" He asked a elegant looking mare who was walking down the street. She had a scowl on her face that made her look... Unpleased. It was a shame, really. She would've been so much more beautiful with a smile.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Scarlet Rose.




Scarlet sighed in an exasperated manner at the interruption - making a show of rolling her eyes as she fixed her stony glare on the pony whom had approached her. Typical: there was always somepony who wanted something... couldn't she just have one day where nopony spoke to her, or something like that?


In truth, she would have hated that: contrary to what she believed. Even a few hours without speaking to somepony would leave her uncomfortable and anxious - but she didn't want to be thought of as needy or dependant.


"What makes you think that I would know?" She answered in a sharp tone - her words sharp and challenging. "You saw me and thought 'I know, she looks like she knows where they sell milkshakes', did you?"


Of course, taking offence at such an offhoof comment might have been ever so slightly petty of her but... well, if you didn't shut them down early then folks would just walk all over you!


'Oh come on Rose, that was kind of cold...'


She supposed it kind of was... and there wasn't anyone about that she knew. Maybe she had been a little over aggressive after all.


Scarlet sighed - holding up a hoof to signal that she wasn't done speaking before quickly making a snap decision. She hadn't seen this unicorn before, and probably wouldn't again: she supposed that she could be a little more... agreeable. Just a little though - she did have an image to maintain!


"I'm going that way anyway - I'll show you." Came the words - still sharp and terse. "But only because I'm going there myself - don't go thinking we're friends or anything!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Shooting walked around town and found a library. 'I wonder if they have books on astronomy. Well, they probably do since it's a library!' She thought cheerfully. Shooting walked in and started looking through the books.


She found a decent astronomy book and started looking though it.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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Scribblegroove smiled throughout the mare's reaction, sighing and eye-rolling included. It wasn't exactly helpful, but he tried to stay decent. He was the one who had bothered her after all. The way she snapped at him did make him think though:


"Have I said anything wrong..? I don't think so. Perhaps she is just over-sensitive.



His chain of reason was interrupted by her raising her hoof. That almost did it for Scribblegroove. As if she was more important than him, ordering him to remain silent until she spoke. She was acting contemptuous over him! He didn't like that in the slightest. It was usually him who looked down on other ponies and acted like he was above them. But, he had learned that it never really helped to act like that. Most ponies would dislike him the instant he spoke when he was acting like that. That is why he tried to change that now.


Even though this mare was acting completely unreasonable, she did comply to his request... Though without snapping at him yet again. He pretended to not have heard it and kept smiling at her.


"Fine then, lead the way!" He exclaimed.


After all, all he wanted was a damn milkshake!

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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From her shadowy retreat, Glacier could see everything that entered or left the cafe through the main entrance. For now, nothing was happening and all was quiet. Too quiet.


'I won't get anything if I stay out here. As risky as it may be, I'll have to sit near some ponies. If I look like I'm looking through the menu, I'll fit in a bit more than if I do nothing.'


Quickly, Glacier dashed into the cafe. It was fairly regular and had no fancy decorations or furniture. Also, it lacked the strong smell of coffee which Glacier detested. She looked around the cafe for a suitable place to sit. She needed to be within hearing distance of as many as possible to get the most information. Her eyes settled on a promising group sat near each other. Carefully, Glacier went over and sat a table down from them. She looked straight down at a menu and attempted to eavesdrop.


@@Mint Drop, and

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet did so: walking away at a steady pace with that same annoyed look across her face - moving away a few paces before she paused and looked back to ensure that she was being followed by the presumptuous upstart. She should say something: make conversation. Apologise for her rudeness or...


'Apologise? To him? Why?''


No, Scarlet didn't 'apologise' - that would mean acknowledging that she had done something wrong - which she refused to do.


She made her way further down the road, before slipping through an alley into the next street along. Easily recognisable signs for the cafe came into view producing from the front of the building in the distance: it was a favourite place of hers not because of the excellent quality of drinks but because she could usually find a quiet corner to read or write in peace... something that was surprisingly difficult.


She stopped again and checked that the stallion was still following her as she caught sight of the place.


"Here we are!" She said brightly - temporarily forgetting her arrogant tone before she hastily added a barbed follow up in her previous scathing voice. "I mean... there, see? Same place it always was."


Flicking her thick mane away from her face, she glanced around and continued to approach the building. It was a little run down - nothing terribly fancy but hardly in a bad state: just a little worn around the edges.


"Seriously, they need to give this place a coat of paint or something..."

Never quite forgotten.

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Skyheart stepped daintily off the train, excited to be in a new town. She was so distracted by the beauty of Baltimare, that she tripped on the last step, and tumbled hooves-over-ears onto the ground.


"Oof!" She squeaked. Her fluffy blue coat, and purple mane, were covered in dust. She tried to clean up, but to no avail.


Glancing around, she blushed, hoping nopony saw her spill. She straitened the bow in her tail, and picked up her saddlebags.


"Oh... my..." she mumbled in embarrassment.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Scribblegroove followed the mare through the town. Despite her not appreciating his prediction, he had been right. She was from around here. He could easily see it, the way she walked steadfastly towards their destination. He couldn't help but snicker a little at the way this mare was acting.


He looked at the building. Some ponies might have said 'rustic' or 'simple'. Those ponies were usually delusional. This building hasn't been taken care for properly. At least not for a place that was supposed to appeal to people, to seem inviting.


On the other hoof, they hadn't even seen the inside, let alone tasted their food, and that was what it was all about. He shifted his saddlebags again - a habit he had picked up after years of carrying books and papers around - and closed the last bit of distance between the mare and him.


"Well, even though it may not look very good, you came back to this place!" He said with a crude smile on his face, one brow raised. "They must be serving something amazing if they can get ponies to ignore the aesthetics around here..." He added, shifting his attention to the inside of the building as they walked in.


It was crowded. Not too crowded, but there were just a few tables left. Everypony was talking. High voices, low voices, quick and slowly talking and chattering. He couldn't help but notice and analyze every detail of this cacophony if sounds.


"That is my curse, is it not?"


He looked at the mare again. Despite her obvious efforts to scare him away, she seemed like some pony he could talk to... He could relate to. After all, he had acted the exact same way not too long ago.


"Right then. I am going to get myself a drink. You can join me... Or not. The choice is entirely yours. I suppose that you don't view us as friends, but that can change right?" He smiled at her. It was a little bit of a lame attempt to convince her to open up at least slightly to him, especially to a pony like her, but he felt being honest and open would hopefully set some kind of example.


How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Wayward's eyes shot open after an idea came to mind. Oh! There's gotta be a library around here! Maybe I could look up stuff about the town, or anything nearby! Brilliant! Quite literally jumping off the bench, he took off around the city until he came to a skidding halt in front of the library. He trotted quickly inside, and his jaw dropped at the sight. "Oh my... It's beautiful! The archaic design! The decay of the wood on the shelves! Cobwebs everywhere! Oh this is simply wonderful! You sir!" He pointed at librarian, who looked quite surprised to see tears welling up in this odd pony's eyes. "You've done.... a simply excellent job!" the pony managed to squeeze out between moments of complete happiness. Before the librarian pony could respond, he took off for the Non-fiction section, more specifically the section on Baltimare History. He looked through the same books that Glacier had, being just as disappointed as she had been, but began looking at other books that wouldn't catch the eye of someone looking just for titles that would immediately give the reader information. He grabbed a book called "The Hoof-Crush Mines" and had even gone to the fictional section to get a book called "Myths and Legends of Baltimare" and another called "The Secrets in Baltimare Woods", which had claimed to be based on a true story. Wayward cracked open the mine book first, and began thoroughly analyzing the information in the book.

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Skyheart turned and began to walk down a boulivard. The sun warmed her wings, and she closed her eyes in happiness. She was glad to have come here.

But warm sun and happiness was not why she had come.

She continued down the street, looking for the house she needed to find. 64223 Hoofdale Street.

She was distracted, yet again, but the beauty of the town. She came upon a small park and decided that it was time for lunch. She sat on the grass under a flowering tree, and pulled a bacon and egg sandwich out of her bag. She hoped nopony would notice the bacon. Altho its not uncommon to eat meat, it wasnt always socially acceptable.

The sun warmed her feathers. 'Why was I here again...' her mind drifted happily.

Edited by SkyHeart


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Shooting looked up from her book whenever someone came in. She had a piece of paper in front of her and she doodled a picture of a meteor shower and some constellations behind the falling comets.


'Kind of reminds me of when I got my cutie mark, but less realistic.' Shooting thought.


She went back to her book. She flipped through the book until she found what she wanted, meteors, meteorites, and asteroids. Shooting referenced the book and continued her doodle.


'Might need to change a few things but it looks somewhat real.' She thought.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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Scarlet Rose.




It was always a difficult balancing act: trying to socialise like she needed while maintaining a frosty exterior. Thankfully, it was something that Scarlet had done for a long time. Sure, some folks might see right through her display, but that wasn't the point - they tended to be the ponies that she didn't mind so much.


Scarlet glared to the pony for a few seconds - a look of disbelief hidden among her features in response to the audacity of the colt. She eventually sighed, rolled her eyes again and shrugged theatrically.


"You'd look pretty lame sitting in here on your own, wouldn't you?" Muttered the mare. "You already dragged me here anyway so I might as well... don't go getting any ideas though!"


She sidled inside - the dull background hum of voices washing over her in a reassuring manner. She loved places like this - busy enough to blend in, but isolated enough to not worry about being disturbed. The staff always seemed friendly too - not that she knew why. Maybe they had her figured out like the librarian: or maybe they were just the friendly sort. She didn't care: it was nice either way.


"It's a nice place this, so don't go causing them any trouble." Warned the mare needlessly as she strode up to the counter: voice changing immediately as she was approached. "Hey! Uhm, can I have... oh I don't know - something sweet, surprise me!" She glanced around for an empty table, saw one and motioned towards it with a cheerful smile. "We'll be over there."


And without a backwards glance, the sulky mare slipped away from the counter and towards the table.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribblegroove became a bit uncertain of himself when he saw how his companion acted towards the staff of the café. She was a lot friendlier towards them relative to how she was treating him. Was she not fond of strangers? Did he say anything that had upset her? She seemed very preserved earlier, not even granting him a single smile, but towards the ponies behind the counter she smiled like the morning sun! Perhaps she was just a strange pony...


He walked up to the counter as well. He looked after the mare before realizing it was his turn to order.


"Uhm... Just a chocolate milkshake please." He said a bit absentmindedly, still thinking of the strange mare. He searched the table she had walked towards and followed her lead. As soon as he reached the table, he dropped his saddlebags on the floor beside a chair, and then dropped himself on it. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed. Only now that he had released himself of the burden he realized how heavy those bags really were...


He looked at the red-maned mare with the tall legs. One of the first details he noticed, and something anypony would search for anyway when they really looked at some pony was her cutie mark. It was not anything specific. A rose. It could reflect her personality, or perhaps a talent as florist.


"I apologize for my rude behavior, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Scribblegroove. As you may have already guessed I am not from around here. I am from canterlot..." He sighed. He had been away from home quite a while now, so whenever he though of it he got a little homesick. He picked up pace quickly enough however. "Now... What might your name be?" He asked her, leaning back in his chair a little.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Glacier was still sat in the cafe and was beginning to get fustrated again. The ponies she were sat near were rarely talking and when they did, it was fairly benign information about each other; not the sort of things she needed to know. She frowned and was about to get up and leave before a new pair of ponies walked in. One of them was a tall, grey, earth-pony mare who looked rather irritated. The other was a beige, unicorn stallion who seemed happy, despite his acquaintance's anger


As the new pair walked in, Glacier focused her attention to them and tried to drown out the rest of the background noise. It was a difficult struggle in the noisy environment but she was able to pick up a few words every now and again. The short snippets of conversation she heard weren't useful to Glacier - just a mention that, apparently, the stallion had dragged the mare into the cafe. When she heard this, she sighed with disapointment.


'Just what I didn't need to hear. It's just another pair of nobodies with more useless information.'


With a groan, Glacier got up to leave with the frown still on her face. She sulked away and was almost out of the door before her stomach let loose an almighty grumble. The almighty din of this gastric performance was loud enough to catch the attention of a nearby mare who stared at Glacier for a moment but then looked away with disgut and her nose in the air.


'It must have been some time since I last ate something worthwhile. I'll take some time out to see if this place has anything nice.'


Usually, Glacier wouldn't carry money. After all, there was no real use for it back home. If she desperately needed food, she could forage or hunt for it. The same pony that gave her the bad map had also given her a few bits for accomodation, food and the like. She thought about what to get as she walked towards the shot queue. Given how many times Glacier had read throught the menu when attempting to eavesdrop, she'd remembered the things that sounded most interesting to her.


When Glacier entered the queue, she found herself behind the grey mare from earlier. The pony before her had left and the mare was about to place her order by the time Glacier reached the queue. When she did, Glacier furrowed her brow in puzzlement.


'How odd... she seemed much less happy when I spoke to her last. Either she's really not a fan of that stallion and is just being nice or there's something afoot here. I think there's more to this mare than meets the eye.'


The mare left to her table and Glacier stept up to place an order. "A small lettuce salad, please," Glacier said. She figured that this would act as a small snack until she could find some better food outside. Also, it happened to be the cheapest food on the menu, meaning that no money was wasted on fancy extras. Glacier left the counter after dropping a few bits on it and sat back at the table she was at. Luckily for Glacier's new raging curiosity, it was exactly one down from the new pair. She resumed eavesdropping.

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Singe and Watt


Once Watt had returned from the depths of the hardware store, carrying far more than he probably should have bought, he shot a quick glare at his twin who was still waiting outside.  "Singe, help me carry some of this, would ya?"


"No.  If you're the one that does all the thinking, you can be the one that does all the work."


"Oh come on...  Are you actually pouting?  Seriously?Siiiinge, you're my brother!  My only brother!  Don't do this to me!"


"We have an older-"




"What are you talking about, we have a younger sister too!  Fine, just...  Give me one of the bags..."  Rolling his eyes at Watt's antics, and sighing that he'd managed to get suckered into carrying some of the supplies as well, Singe takes some of the hardware and the brothers start to walk down the street again.


After walking for a short while they found their way to a library, and both of their eyes lit up a little as they smiled up at the building.  "Perfect!  A quiet place where we can try to work on some new blueprints!"  


"You do realize you're supposed to be quiet in a library, right?"


"So stop talking and come on!"  As they went into the library, both brothers greeted the librarian with a smile before trying to find an empty table.  They couldn't find one large enough, so they settled on pushing three of them together and spreading out everything that Watt had bought on them.  It would look to many like useless objects - individual parts, sheets of metal, random springs and coils, and more that most ponies wouldn't even identify.  To the twins it was a puzzle without a clear end to what it was going to look like, and their task was to solve it.  Unfortunately they were likely making a fair bit more noise than they should have been as they tried to get everything out to where they could view it, but they finally had everything unloaded.


Singe climbed into a chair to look over the table, his muzzle resting in one of his hooves as he thinks, while Watt started trotting through the library looking for books that might help them or give them some kind of inspiration.  


@,@@Harmony Cube,  











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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet listened carefully to the stallions words: not that she showed it. Making a slight grunt and shrug of acknowledgement at his apology, she debated simply telling him to mind his own business for a few moments before deciding against it. She leaned back herself in a lazier imitation of his actions and raised her brow - flicking her mane from her face.


"Scarlet." She said dismissively. "I'm from Trottingham."


Before it was revealed whether she was going to say any more, the stallion from behind the counter had hurried over and placed an exquisite looking drink on the table in front of the mare - pinkish in colour and laden with a multitude of sweet, sticky, black and red berries. She smiled brightly as he did: cheerfully passing a few bits his way with a word of thanks as she did.


And then she was back to her usual self.


With closed eyes, she took a sip of the milkshake through the striped straw and nodded slightly - shadow of a smile passing over her face for the briefest of moments as she enjoyed the sweetness of the flavor.


She resumed her glare as she opened her eyes and sighed again - though her tone might have been marginally less hostile... it was hard to tell.


"Scarlet Rose." She elaborated somewhat - putting emphasis on the extension of her name. "I'm on study leave here with some friends."

Never quite forgotten.

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Shooting looked at all the parts when the tables were pushed together. 'I wonder what the parts are for. Wait, why is that pony on a chair? She thought. She tried to go back to her drawing and book but kept looking at the ponies with the parts.


'It's nothing and none of your own business, now get back to your things.' Shooting thought but kept looking.




Sig made by Kyoshi

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Shyheart continued down the street, before coming upon a beautiful old library.


"Perfect" she muttered to herself happily. She trotted up the steps and pushed open the door. Immediatly, the overwhelmingly lathargic smells of books wafted into her nose. She sighed.


Carefully tiptoing to a table, she sat down and pulled out her current novel. She didnt want to bother what looked like a deeply-envolved group. Best to lay low, as usuall.


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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The clock had struck the hour, it was time for this locomotive to shove off lest it wanted to be late.  Rut-Light began to build steam, like he had at the beginning, but at a much more rapid rate due to more experience, released the brakes of the locomotive, set the bronze reverser handle to 75% and waited for the stationmasters whistle; shoveling black coal into the firebox.  After he finished up his duties, the stationmaster held up his silver whistle and blew, signaling that Rut-Light was clear to leave; and after the door shut and everypony was on board, Rut-Light moved the throttle forward and the train started moving before he pulled the whistle cord 3 times in rapid succession.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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@,@@Mint Drop,  


"Ooh! Ooh! We're new too! That reminds me..." the mare scratched her chin for a moment. "...Oh right! I was supposed to be finding a place to work." The mare bounced in her seat at the thought, as she had been traveling and working in quite a few places. Ponies didn't always seem to welcome her help, and she had no idea why, but it never bothered her. Verdant seemed almost consumed with the thought of work, and a massive smile grew across her face. She bounced up, and out of her seat. "I gotta go do stuff!" She called loudly enough to grab the attention of everypony in the building. The mare skipped out the door, and a moment later, returned, to grab her saddlebags, and exit once again.

Edited by Cailleach-oidhche
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Scribblegroove was starting to get a little frustrated. This was the second time the mare had dismissed him like he were garbage, but acknowledged the pony who had come to give her a drink. Was he doing something wrong? He recalled being polite, friendly… smiling. What had he possibly done to piss off this pony! He dismissed all the assumptions he had made about her previously when she said she was actually from Trottingham. He had never met someone this unpredictable before.


Despite his frustration he kept on smiling and keeping his cool. Eventually she would open up… right? On the campus he was regarded as a charmer, someone with a lot of charisma, but this mare seemed in some way "not to give a shit" about him. It wasn't like he was trying to woo her at all, but trying to get some kind of conversation going, where both sides committed was already proving to be difficult. Yet Scribblegroove didn't give up very quickly.


"Oh re-" He started to say, right as a mare loudly announced she 'had to go do stuff'. He turned around to see her exit the building quickly. He raised a brow and turned back to Scarlet. "Okay… So Trottingham huh? What's it like there? I've never been to Trottingham. And what do you study?" He asked her, not giving the loud mare much thought.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet couldn't help it: as the mare burst out of the cafe, Scribble's expression really said it all... she couldn't not break into a smirk - even if was just for a second. Quickly taking another drink to cover up the mirth, she raised her own brow in a hopeless gesture.


"That was weird..." She muttered before actually responding to the words directed towards her. She shrugged in her seat. "It's probably raining. Miserable place... My family love it though. Idiots."


No eye rolling - no snarky insult: not exactly what one might call a 'warm' comment, but it wasn't openly cold either. It actually sounded close to conversational.


That was the end of the answers though: as Scarlet purposefully proceeded to pretend that she hadn't heard the last question. It wasn't something that she wanted to share - least if all with strangers. Her love of literature: of writing and reading and music... of creation! That really was private!


It seemed as if she was going to once more leave the discussion hanging after yet another long pause, when the mare finally followed this up with a question of her own.


"What about you?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribblegroove shifted in his seat, feeling slightly more content with their conversation now. At least he got something out of her. It might not have been much, but it was more than he had expected. He raised a brow at her avoiding his last question. It had not gone unnoticed. He decided he was going to tag along with her 'game'.


"Like I said, I am from Canterlot. I like it there. The School for gifted unicorns gives me enough freedom to do whatever I want..." He said, not dismissively, but not with as much excitement as he had before. Even though he had told her significantly more than she had told him, but considering he loved talking about himself he did a good job at seeming a little 'mysterious'.


After saying that he couldn't help but add one more thing:


"I am a musician. I like to tell myself I am a good one, too. Do you like music?"


After having said that his drink was brought to him. He thanked the stallion and payed him, after which he started to slurp at his milkshake.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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