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ooc Viva Las Pegasus (SoL/Romance)

Vinyl Scratch.

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Hey guys this is my FIRST romance RP so you might have to help me at sometimes. I've done other roleplays but never a romance one.

It's easy, trust me ;) the only word of advice I have is don't be too awkward...

@@Vinyl Scratch.

Are you going to reply soon? I've been waiting on you for a while :huh:

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So guys, I thought it would start in Los Pegasus but I see it included the journey there. Guess I'll be waiting for a while. @@Pelate,@@madpenguin44,@@The Blades Shadow,@@Melanie Scratch,@@Vinyl Scratch.,

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Hopefully when vinyl scratch. Gets online he'll put the ponies In the actual city then -_-

Hope he will post soon, 'cause now I'll have to wait. 

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@@Lady,@@Vinyl Scratch.,


I accidentally placed Melody already in Los Pegasus. Sorry :P


(Oh and Lady, hope you got my message I left on your profile) 

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You bet I am. Thanks. Just one question, is everyone starting from the same spot, or can we end up in Las Pegasus from elsewhere in Equestria?

Yeah, start anywhere but canterlot isthe last train station and we're leaving

also sorry i'm late, I had to work


"I want to live on mars so I'm closer to the stars." - Deltron3030

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So everyone in the role play seems to be occupied, is there even an even amount of players? Because I have nopony to talk to

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