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ooc WAR (AU!/Action/Romance/SoL)


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"Once upon a time, there were four kingdoms that lived in tranquility.
Each loved each other, and would never hurt one another even if their lives depended on it.

But that, was one hundred years ago. Now, each kingdom is pinned against each other.

And due to the growing anger and hate each kingdom harbored against each other...

the windigos arrived."




Welcome to WAR.

Before reading further, I shall make it clear that you must abide the rules. If you do not read the rules, I will be forced to not allow you in the roleplay. I apologize for this. Now, what is this roleplay about?

This roleplay is an alternative universe of Equestria. WAR will contain action, romance, and even hints of a slice of life. WAR was originally meant to be launched on PonyRoleplay, and for this reason, we are a PG-13 roleplay. The roleplay contains elements from both Game of Thrones (the reason for it's loving nickname Game of Pones) and other medieval fantasy stories. 

With that out of the way, let us move onto the four kingdoms.



The Solar Empire

(ruled by Celestia).

Celestia is a fair and just ruler. Her philosophy is: “Do not attack until it is necessary.” She often uses peaceful tactics, and is often on the defensive side. Her prisoners are often kept captive, not slaughtered. Despite this, her army has had to kill and attack. It h as become absolutely necessary. The Sun Army is seen as weak, and is often attacked by the opposing sides. They do not conquer as the other three kingdoms do, but defend the territory they have. The Sun Army is made up of extremely powerful unicorns that can hold their own. There are very few Earth ponies and pegasi, and those that are there are seen as lesser.

The Solar Empire is a monarchy. Celestia rules solely. However, she does have advisers that she listens to. (this section will be edited with the ranks.)


The Solar Empire (SE)'s capital is Canterlot, but owns the entirety of Northwest Equestria. These territories include  Vanhoover, Tall Tale, smokey mountain and Unicorn Range.


-here is a sketch of the Solar Empire armor, as drawn by Demirari.


Members of this Kingdom:


@@Demirari as Princess Celestia

(this will be edited shortly, readding members.)

Once you have joined, please ask Demiari to add you onto the official Solar Empire PM.



The New Lunar Republic

(ruled by Luna)

Luna is a very headstrong leader, who tries to be kind-hearted. However, unlike her sister, her prisoners of war are often killed after they are forced to give information. Her strategy is secrecy. She tends to attack in the middle of the night. The Moon Army is fast, agile, and sneaky.

Many ponies in her army are lightning-quick pegasi and bat-ponies. There are one or two unicorns, but no Earth ponies. The reason for this being is that Earth ponies are all brute strength, rather than being small and quick. Unicorns in the army are treated equally under the eyes of the superiors, however, many other members of the army call them traitors behind their back and blame them if something goes wrong.

The New Lunar Republic is a monarchy. Luna rules solely. (this will be edited with the ranks.)
The New Lunar Republic (NLR)'s captial is in Manehatten. They also control all of the East, including Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Hayseed Shamts, and The Mountain.
-here is a sketch of the New Lunar Republic's armor (it's not done yet. I lied.)

Members of this Kingdom:

@@Windbreaker as Princess Luna

(this will be edited shortly, readding members.)
Once you have joined, please ask Windbreaker to add you to the official New Lunar Republic PM.
Due to the popularity of this kingdom, we are no longer accepting members.



The Crystal Empire

(ruled by Cadance)

Something happened to Cadance after the death of her husband, Shining Armor, and the death of her children. She never knew she would outlive her own family. 'Mad Queen Cadance' is probably the best way to describe her, which many ponies do behind her back. Her army relies on brute strength, and her strategies are erratic and crazy. It is for that reason that her Hoof of the Princess is often looked to rather than Cadance herself. Her army consists of Crystal Ponies- Crystal Earth Ponies, Crystal Unicorns, and Crystal Pegasi. She will not accept any other type of pony.

The Crystal Empire is a monarchy. Cadance rules solely. However, her Hoof of the Princess is second in command. (this will be edited with ranks.)
And the Crystal Empire controls the good portion of the North, including the Crystal Mountains, and Neighagra falls. There is a large wall around the Crystal Mountains. Outside of the wall, is a freezing winter. Those who venture out, never make it out alive. It is impossible to survive the conditions outside the wall.
- Here is a sketch of the Crystal Empire's armor. (Just kidding. there is no armor yet.)

Members of this Kingdom:

@@Dovashy as Princess Cadance

(this will be edited shortly, readding members.)


Once you have joined, please ask Dovashy to add you the official Crystal Empire PM.



The United Republic of Magic

(ruled by Twilight Sparkle)

Twilight Sparkle has not forgotten her lessons on friendship. Despite the lost of her friends, she continues to be a strong and fair leader. She is considered the best leader of the four. Everyone is treated fairly, and equal. She is a conqueror, but never treats her new citizens badly. The Princess listens to a council, and has her own constitution. Her army fights with their head high, and would rather die in the field than return home to the republic a failure. She enlists every type of pony, and even has a changeling or two on her team. The Magic Army often looks to their advisers, who are very knowledgeable tacticians.

The United Republic of Magic has a constitutional monarchy. Princess Twilight has a council in which she listens too. However... not all have good intentions. (this will be edited with ranks.)
The United Republic of Magic (URM)'s captial is Ponyville. Ponyville is now a metropolis, and a large city the likes of Manehatten or Canterlot. The URM also has all of the South, including Las Pegasus, the Desert, Appleloosa, and Dodge junction.
-Here's where I would put the sketch armor for the United Magic Kingdom. If I had one!

Members of this Kingdom:

@ as Princess Twilight Sparkle

(this will be edited shortly, readding members.)

Once you have joined, please send me a message and I will add you to the official United Republic of Magic PM.


Perhaps, the four kingdoms do not catch your eye. I understand completely. Then... perhaps... you would like to be a rebel? Or perhaps, you choose to not be with any pony.


The Rebels

there's nothing here yet. i tricked you.



No Kingdom

Lastly, you may choose to not allege yourself with any kingdoms. This is fine. However, the road will be perilous for you- or they will be full of riches. Kingdoms with either try to bribe you to join or they will try to murder you on sight. Oh, trust. You will have friends in the kingdoms- or you can have enemies. You have your own ideas, and your own morals. Are you brave enough to stand by them?

Here are those that do not choose to be with another kingdom.  


Ruled by No Pony:

@@Commander Tangent as Gold Icarus


Have you decided to join? The rules are simple.


  • There will be no God-Modling or being a Mary-Sue.

  • You can make two ponies. Two.  If your ponies are in separate kingdoms, they do not know information that the other one knows.

  • I'd prefer if the Ocs were specifically made for this roleplay, but I know that some people take like a year to make an OC so it's not a big deal if you use one you already made.

  • If you read the rules, post "Arya" on the top of your post. This is really the only way I can tell you've read the rules.

  • I'm thinking at least a very detailed paragraph (seven sentences) each response. No one line responses.

  • Romance and such would be allowed- m/m, f/f, or m/f. It doesn't matter. Except for the Princesses.

  • And they would have to keep the romance to a minimum.

  • It'd be PG-13. (Violence mainly.) This will be thanks to the new rp site allowing PG-13 content.

  • I reserve the right to kick you out of this roleplay. Seriously. And I will not hesitate to use such power.

  • If you have a skype, I suggest you add me (sleepingpeacefully) on skype. I will then add you to the official WAR! discussion group chat. You will be able to help shape this roleplay.

  • Subscribe to this thread and the roleplay. Do it.

  • If I brohoof your character, you're in. Please don't mention me fifty times asking if I'm in.


Name: (just tell me the name of your pony!)


(what kingdom do they hail from? keep in mind, there are no bat ponies in Celestia's army, and there are other restrictions.)

Race: (what pony race are they?


Apperance: (What does your pony look like?)

Cutie Mark: (What's their special talent? IT DOESN'T HAVE TO DO WITH THE WAR.

We can't have everypony in the army having guns or shields as their cutie mark)

Personality: (Tell me, how does your pony act like?)

History: (I don't want an essay. Just give me a summary of their history.)


Post your sheet on the forums.

However, you must send  Dovashy, Destiny, Windbreaker, and Demirari a one paragraph+ sample of your roleplaying skills. This is to judge whether or not you will be able to keep up in this long-term roleplay.

Edited by Destiny
  • Brohoof 9


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I'd be interested, though I will say I have had limited experience with roleplays.






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Oh gosh, this sounds amazing.  I am very interested and I can see why you want ocs that are just made for this roleplay, and I'm glad that this is planned for the new roleplay site. 
You wouldn't happen to know the exact dates for when everything will be finished for will would you? I know that there's a 4 day grace period for it's launch but other than that, I really want to put the dates in my calender. 
Oh, and how would one apply to be a princess? 

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I used to be a huge RP'er, and id love to get back into a big one again. I always make a good Luna if you need one.

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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I am interested


Color me interested.


Perfect! Glad to see people are onboard.



I'd be interested, though I will say I have had limited experience with roleplays.


As long as you can write a literate paragraph, you'll be okay. :)



Oh gosh, this sounds amazing.  I am very interested and I can see why you want ocs that are just made for this roleplay, and I'm glad that this is planned for the new roleplay site. 

You wouldn't happen to know the exact dates for when everything will be finished for will would you? I know that there's a 4 day grace period for it's launch but other than that, I really want to put the dates in my calender. 

Oh, and how would one apply to be a princess? 


Thank you very much! I've had this idea in my mind for a while, really.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly when the site will be finished, which might be a problem.

Oh! I'll edit my first post with how to apply. :)



I used to be a huge RP'er, and id love to get back into a big one again. I always make a good Luna if you need one.


Awesome, I used to a huge RP'er too, but haven't seen any really large scale roleplays. You're more then welcome to apply for her. :muffins:


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Perfect! Glad to see people are onboard.





As long as you can write a literate paragraph, you'll be okay. :)





Thank you very much! I've had this idea in my mind for a while, really.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly when the site will be finished, which might be a problem.

Oh! I'll edit my first post with how to apply. :)





Awesome, I used to a huge RP'er too, but haven't seen any really large scale roleplays. You're more then welcome to apply for her. :muffins:

there was one a while back where it was similar to this, but it was discord fault they split. I played Luna in Taft one, but it died off. But yeah, I'll apply for Luna when you tell us how :D

I only love you platonically.

As in plate tectonics.

As in two bodies sliding against each other.



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I'm interested and considering I designed my oc specifically for a roleplay of this style I would like to enter mirrorwing a link can be found in my signature if you have any questions about him feel free to pm me

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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I'm interested and considering I designed my oc specifically for a roleplay of this style I would like to enter mirrorwing a link can be found in my signature if you have any questions about him feel free to pm me

I'm on mobile, could you post a link? :)


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Unfortunately I am as well, but search mirrorwing in the character database and you'll find him I'm sorry for the inconvenience

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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I'm interested and considering I designed my oc specifically for a roleplay of this style I would like to enter mirrorwing a link can be found in my signature if you have any questions about him feel free to pm me

To be honest, he seems a bit god-tier. Would you consider changing a few things for the rp?

  • Brohoof 1


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Such as what? Please inform me and we can discuss changing him a bit and I hope we can decide on a fair set up

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Such as what? Please inform me and we can discuss changing him a bit and I hope we can decide on a fair set up

I believe his age is a bit out of place. As he is a pegasus, and not an alicorn, he should be a much more normal age. I understand that his age is part of his history. If you do not want to change that, it's fine. However, I ask then if you have another OC or you can make a new character. :)


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As he is ageless due to celestias magic, it can't really be changed, I'm very sorry to say, but it can't be done

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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As he is ageless due to celestias magic, it can't really be changed, I'm very sorry to say, but it can't be done

That's fine. You are welcome to use another character, if you'd like. :)


@, I just wanted to say, I love the emblems you have.


All emblems are made by Emkay-MLP. I can't take credit, sadly!


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I'll try, it might be a while I'm thinking a decendant similar pop over but not ageless OK? Lemmebknow if the as s cool, I gotta make a new one anyways lol

  • Brohoof 1

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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