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Come, gather round for a scary story!

Come ladies and gentlemen, and I shall tell you a little scary story. Well, it's not really as scary as it is eerie. But none the less, it's still pretty good I think. Note: This story revolves around the American Civil War, if you are alergic to history, please leave while you can!   So, a history teacher at school started teacing his students about the American Civil War. And to fit the subject, he took them on a field trip to Fredericksburg (wish my history teacher did that hah!). He showed



NaNoWriMo kicks off soon!

Well in only a few hours now it will be the end of Nightmare Night/Halloween and the beginning of November. For some it will be the beginning of NaNoWriMo. I have explained it before, so I shall do a short explantion.   On November 1st, quite a few people from all around the world will begin writing there 50,000 word novel, due by the end of the month. I am one of those people. That's really all to it, just write a novel in a month, at least 50,000 words.   Now I don't really know what else

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

Roop's collection additions #6 - ZOOP IS NOW MINE MUAHAHA edition

So, for the first time in a while, I bought some more games. And a controller.   Blaster Master: Blasting Again: I've heard from several sources that this is a pretty bad game. However, at a couple bucks, what do I have to lose? Great shape. I've yet to get around to playing Blaster Master on the NES.   Donkey Kong: I finally re-bought this game. I used to have it years ago, but I lost it in a move. Looking forward to playing this again. Kind of a precursor to the Mario Vs. Donkey Kong serie

Ron Jeremy

Ron Jeremy

What Happens When Djenty Decides to Act Stupid

So while the forum turned a big blind eye on me, I decided to try to slip my way out of here. For multiple reasons, which I shall not go into. But yeah, for maybe what... three? days, I've tried to not go to this site, and just move on with my internet activity. BUT THIS PLACE IS FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO LEAVE. Of course, a large portion of you probably never noticed my absence, due to my whole method of trying not to draw attention to myself, and making a humble departure status update. Welp



The newest (And Dumbest) game at SMS

Its called oreo.   1. Play R-P-S   2. Winner makes the other ask someone out. If tie keep going.   This is sad.   In fact, it doesn't matter if your a boy, the winner can make you ask out a boy OR a girl.

Discorded Bluenote

Discorded Bluenote

Grrr Today Sucked

So I wake up, spend the next 10 minutes finding my pants, which were right beside me the whole time, put them on, go downstairs to make myself a cup of tea, I wait on the couch for the kettle to boil, of which my nose then proceeds to bleed for absolutely no reason, which I spent the next five minutes cleaning up myself from a bloody mess. So now I don't have time to reheat the kettle due to me only having time to drink a mildly-warm cup of tea, which tasted weird due to having the milk out from



My comment on Disney buys LucasFilm

As it stands, I see Disney buying Star Wars as being a great thing.   People didn't think that Heath Ledger would make a good Joker, but he played a really good one. I'm giving Disney the benefit of the doubt. If they screw it up, we can just say that Star Wars is completely dead, forget about it and move on. If it's better than the prequels, we'll all say that Lucas should have signed it over to Disney 10 years ago.



It's Halloween, Everypony!

It's Halloween, and I'm going on my very last tricking-or-treating trip ever. I'm a little sad, but the Halloween stores are running out of costumes in my size, not because I'm fat <_< because I'm tall, 6'5"; For a girl that's pretty tall...I think. Anyway, I'm going as a...either a Vampire or a Kitty Kat. I can't decide.



Omygerd! Why Am I So Hyper Right Now? It's, Like, 10:00 PM.

I would be bouncing off the walls right now, if I had mastered that pogo stick, but it's pink, and Barbie, and ugly, so I'm probably not ever going to touch it again. If I had, like, IDK, an MLP pogo stick, I'd master that thing like nopony's business. My art looks like spit compared to this     Epicness courtesy of Mr.Brony. I wish it was morning already, so I could run off all this steam. Seriously, I have so much steam, you could put me on train tracks and call me a locomotive. Plus, I do



Opinions on Halloween

Ok since tomorrow is Halloween and everyone in my school dresses up even though im in high school I have never once dressed up for Halloween and don't ever plan on dressing up. I never saw a point in it I mean I like Halloween but still i really don't see a point in it i mean yeah.. its fun to scare people but I .. I don't like dressing up and I feel its a waste of time to go around getting candy when i can just do to the store and jet the same amount for like 10 buck and without wasting time wa

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

Time goes by

"One two three four, this is how fast time goes by. I can't seem to find the meaning of my life." Seven Wiser   Time sure goes by fast. Before you know it, the semester will be over. Boy I wish Twilight Sparkle had a spell to slow down how fast a clock ticks.   It is soooo hard to mangage my time here at college. One because I am a new freshman, two, my "freedom instincts" are kicking in and I have so many balls to juggle at once. Any advice on how to mange your time as a freshman in colle

Courageous Thunder Dash

Courageous Thunder Dash

Death Voice

Ok, I realized that I should clear some things up (like my voice, for instance, because I'm gonna read this entire entry aloud in death voice). So, death voice is this deep, growly voice that you make with the back of your throat, and me and my BBF like to use a lot, and have become masters at it. It came from this dude named Sam, who I hate, but is the one that came up with it, so therefore, his name must be said in death voice all the time. It only really hurts if you, one, do it wrong, or two



Dream Journal #2

So, the dream I had tonight was quite an odd one.   So, I was looking around my house for my old pony toy that I was given from Christmas last year. I couldn't find it anywhere, so I began to check in my closest. The moment I opened it, roaches began to run around everywhere, and try to attack me. I became confused, I began to step on them, then looked into the closest.   I could see my toy at the very back, but it was very dirty. So I ran out of the room, and woke up.   I am so very co




This is quite possibly the most important two hours of video you may ever have the chance to view!  

Steel Matt

Steel Matt

Super Comfortable Bed

Ok i got a new bed a few months ago and this weekend i was moving around on my bed and found the most COMFORTABLE SPOT EVER ! for all weekend i layed on this spot but eventually when I lay on it long enough i just mellow out and relax to the point of extreme high or bliss or what ever u want to call it and totaly zone out its so Awesome i. Then i tend to forget what im doing and just like i did eat my final project for biology that was due today thank god i took a picture of it.   So what im a

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

Defective MnM is Defective

Ok, so in science today, we removed the "M" of an MnM by soaking it, and our group's didn't come off until, like, 15 minutes after everyone else's. It was kind of sad. So, I asked my teacher why, and he just shrugged and said, "I guess it's just defective." I kinda laughed a little and said, "This MnM is defective!" and pointed at it. Then the M came off, and everybody crowded around, as if to say, "Finally." It was a little bit funny.



Today was(n't) boring

So today I woke up at the usual 6:40AM. While only getting 5 hours of sleep because it's impossible to make myself have a decent night sleep, now, usually I wake up, turn off my alarm and go back to sleep and then get woken up by a call from my friends saying that they are waiting on me to go to their house to car pool with them then I feel like a horrible free loader and rush to their house, but not today! I actually had time to enjoy the morning, I even had time for tea! Tea is something I can



Why I am straying away from relationships.

As a teenager, being in a relationship is one of the worst decisions that you could make. With the raging hormones that we posses plus the fact that our decision making skills are off the radar insane, you would think I would try my hardest to stay out of the world of dating.   Yet, I continue to find myself back into it.   As many of you know, I am an extremely extroverted and dependent person. I really need someone to control my emotions. While I have been working on this for years, I fi




Just some thinking, but would the world be better off without labels to go by? (I don't know what else to call it.)   Like religions, culture, and even fan-bases.   Why do we have to separate ourselves from one another? Why can't we all get along?   Why must we continue to fight each others when we could work together and advance so much further into making the world a better place?   Things like this make me lose faith in the human race as a whole. Almost makes me wish the world would e



Dream Journal #1

Welcome to my new blog, my dream journal. If you are unaware what this is, it is quite simple. I will be writing about the dreams I have every night, be them scary, or extremely fucking weird. You can expect great things coming from this journal, as my mind creates the oddest scenarios in the entire world. So, let's get started, shall we?   Night 1:   I had multiple dreams last night, so I shall recall what I remember exactly.   1st dream: I had flashbacks of a Mw2 map, the hotel level



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