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"He makes updates. BEEG updates."

Well, not 'make' so much as 'has'.   Keeping to the purpose of this blog, I won't tell you about all the other reasons today was so fabulously amazing. I WILL tell you, however, that the first review of the drivel I call the beginnings of a story was emailed to me today. A friend of mine from MLP:Online, Shield Generator, sent me his review of the prologue and chapter one. Here is one of the highlights of what was said:   "Anyway, it's a great read so far, I especially liked the imagery in t

Standard User

Standard User

Pluto: The Best Planet.

It had come to my attention that so many of you are against Pluto. What's up with the Pluto hate you guys? This is more speciffiacaly pointed at the General Chat Thread. Now you may be asking why I think Pluto is a planet. I have one reason for you. Yeah that's pretty much my only reason.... but it is a planet!

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

The Beginning of it All.

I have decided to begin this blog, as a way to document and record the things that happen during the day. I'll try not to bore you guys, but I won't make any promises, seeing as how this is my first blog, acting as an experiment to see how I like the whole ordeal. Comments are welcomed and encouraged, as I would like to know what y'all think about this.     As the first entry ever, I would like to say that nothing truly spectacular happened today. There were a couple disappointments, and a fe

Parties like Pinkie

Parties like Pinkie

Crazy Communism

Hello to you peruser of the forums, and welcome to my blog. For those of you familiar with what I do here, welcome back. Here is where I talk all about the future and the glory it contains. Todays topic is that wacky evil communism!   Now before we all jump to conclusions and assumptions, lets clear one thing up: The USSR was not a legitimate Communist state. All legitimate rape jokes aside, lets take a dive into what the core values of communism are, and try and understand exactly what this



My First Entry

Welcome, though i doubt that anypony is reading this. This is more just for my fun and stuff, well anyway... This is what I like to call my cloud, since my pony Star Chaser is indeed a Pegasus. I'm a high school student, and I hate it. My favorite pony is Pinkie Pie, because she's like the pony version of me. I'll basically just post my life by the days and stuff. yeah.... I'm done...




Back in 2010, I won RED's (then) newest album, Innocence and Instinct. I was pleasantly surprised and excited, seeing as how I barely ever win anything. We were at a concert, so I stuck the CD in my bag and continued to enjoy the show. During the lulls in the music, I was just singing the lyrics to the first song of the album: "...and it finds me, the fight inside is coursing through my veins..." The strange thing was, I'd never heard that song before in my life. I hadn't opened the CD yet, so I



Bridges and Balloons Pt 2

A recent move to Linux has left me without EnergyXT (the Linux version doesn't seem to want to launch for me), so I'm gonna have to *shudder shudder* use LMMS.It's inelegant, but at least I'll be able to save.



Limitations on Skype

Hey everypony. This week of college has hit rock bottom, and it'll continue next week and the next, for the next eight weeks because I would arrive home from college at 6 PM, which is gonna be complete hell, on Mondays and Wednesdays, thus forcing me to limit my conversation on the MLP Forums Skype Chat on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I used to go on Skype everyday just to talk with my friends, but thanks to the constant demand from college, I am officialy limited on Skyp

Jon the VGNerd

Jon the VGNerd

A Day In My Life In Two Minutes Flat

Alright, I have to make this short, because I don't have much time...   In first hour, we're making these cool things on this awesome program. In second hour, the kid I have a crush on sits right next to me, and we're doing intergers. In third hour, I finished most of my missing work. At lunch, I ate pizza. In third hour again, we did more language artsy stuff. In fourth hour, we sang, and some funny stuff happened. In fifth hour, we took notes on the Mesopotamian peoples. In sixth hour



Thank You & Goodbye

After 168 years, we finally say a sad but very proud farewell to our 7.5m loyal readers. Teatime Tirades, the world's greatest blog 1843-2011 2012.   Our parent company is pissed, so they ragequit like the noobs they are. Also any allegations of corruption, negligence, and wrongdoing is unjustified and fabricated slander, and will be dealt with per the legal system.   How did we fail? Quite simply we lost our way. We praised high standards, we demanded high standards but, as we are now on



Grannie Smith

Okay, I had 20 minutes between work and class so here is a timed sketch of Grannie Smith. The body is a bit too long and the head is a bit small, but for being done in under 20 mins. it turned out very nicely. ER92  



Small Town Drama

For a town of only 4000 people, give or take, there sure seems to be a crapload of stuff going on. And I'm left out of the loop on almost all of it, which kind of pisses me off. I hear people telling these wild stories about relationships and family crises, and it seems impossible that all this stuff actually happened.   According to my friend, a family (We'll call them the Bacongaiz) was recently torn apart by one beer. Apparently, the father drank one beer, and the mother kicked him out. Th



My First MLP Doodles

These are my first doodles. I will try to upload more as the inspiration comes. I hope you enjoy the ponies I have created. Just to note, I will not stick to just FIM there will most likely be G! interspersed and intermingled throughout. I hope this won't bother most. If there is any pony you'd like to see me attempt, just comment. I will see if I can make a works in progress post every now and again if this picks up.   ER92



Starting a new Fanfic and updates on my other ones.

My name is Scootaloo. I am a pegasus. I am a pegasus who will never fly.   These are the opening words of my new fanfic I am writing. The fanfic is situated around Scootaloo. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I will say it will be sad. At least I think it will be sad. We shall see what happens.   The Canterlot School of Higher Learning will be continued when ever I get more inspiration to write more of it, which may be awhile.   The New Sparkle Empire will also be updated when I get som

Pinkie D Pie

Pinkie D Pie

I Bet You Thought I Updated, Huh.

That's really cute if that is true. Knowing me, it'll be a while. A long while.   So a couple things of significance happened to me today. For one, I gained a team member of sorts. If you haven't gotten the chance to introduce yourself to him, go give a big hello to Nikki-Layne! He's a talented music artist; give his tunes a listen when you get the chance.   I came to Nikki with a proposition: as climatic scenes appear in my story, he writes up a song to accompany it that fits the mood/scene

Standard User

Standard User

Video game shopping in the US done last weekend!

I was in the United States, at the Settle Inn!   What I have got so far:   DK Bongo Drums for GameCube Donkey Kong Jungle Beat for GameCube New Super Mario Bros 2 for 3DS Jurassic Park on NES, SNES, and GameBoy Godzilla for GameBoy Resident Evil Code: Veronica for Dreamcast Michael Jackson's Moonwalker for Genesis Zombies Ate My Neighbors for SNES Spider-Man Vs. Kingpin for Sega CD E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial for Atari 2600 Donkey Kong for Atari 2600 Mario's Time Machine for SNES



Teen Titans

So this is just gonna be a blog of me writing about music that matters to me and why. Maybe I'll update it daily or just do it every once in a while I'm not really sure. But I wanted to write something about this:   I've had it stuck in my head over the past couple days. I couldn't even sleep last night because it was stuck in my head playing over and over lol.   Teen Titans may be my favorite childhood cartoon, if you could call it that, me being around 12 or 13 when it came out. My

Titan Rising

Titan Rising


Basically I have no interest in sports, especcially football, but everyone tries to tell me I'd be great. This was a conversation "Are you going out for football?" "No, I don't like football at all." "Not like football? What are you talking about?" "I find it pointless and barbaric" "Well, if your not going to play football, then what are you going to do? Wrestling?" "No... I'm not doing any sport. I want to focus on my music, and sports will get in the way of that" "How can you not

Dusty Soul

Dusty Soul

2 New starts + Getting back to TFotKoE

Right then, It's been a while since I started writing fics again. This time however, I've learnt all about the 'New dude - Skip line, type, finish speech, start post-speech thingy.   Basically, I've improved drastically, an' now I'm ready to show that and buck-start my writing again. During my Hiatus-y thing, I've read a few too many fics so now my writing skills are no longer what I was taught (poorly) at school by the (Failing) English Dept., No, My style is now easier to read, less likely



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