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My friend :(

碇 シンジン




When I was 7 years old I went to the first grade. First days I was lonely there I went and sat near this tree all day. Then some kids came and yelled me something I cried and ran away.


I cried 3 days at home and didnt go to school. After that I went back I'm not sure what teacher had told the class but they acted differently around me and after that day they always were like that. I was still pretty lonely but then there was this 1 guy. I dont remember how I met him but we talked sometimes. He had other friends also so I was still quite lonely.


I tried making friends. I went to play soccer with them and other games, but it wasnt for long until they saw me crying and I became more distant to them I cried always in pressure situations and other kids didnt so they became more distant to me.


My only friend was that one guy i talked about earlier he was willing to distant himself from others to be with me. His other friendships were suffering and when we went to 7th grade. He was only with me.


We always had fun time in classes and laughed. We always were on the other corner of the room than others. I miss that time i never had so much fun and i dont think I will


When the 9th grade came and it was time to choose where we go continue our studies he chose different school than me. After that I've seen him only couple times hanging out with his new friends while im still alone tear fell down on my cheek it makes me wonder


What is my issue?

  • Brohoof 19


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Nothing. You're a wonderful person and a caring friend, and while I can't be there you're never truly alone so long as I'm here, and that's a promise :3

  • Brohoof 4
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There is no issue per say, perhaps you could give some of your schoolmates a chance, perhaps there is someone that you could befriend. 


There is no issue with you and as far as I am concerned, I think I can call you a friend. You are always there for people. 


Perhaps you could talk to this old friend of yours. He might have new friends, but he probably hasn't forgotten about you. Me and my best friend went to distant schools as well. I feel that our relationship has been a little bit lessened, but we still contact each other as much as we can. He has made a lot of friends in his new school while I have made few in mine, but that doesn't change him or how he acts around me. Might be worth to try and talk to him ;)

  • Brohoof 4
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What do you mean no friends? we're here arn't we? ;-;


You are my friends and you always will be my best friends but here i was talking about my IRL Friends

  • Brohoof 2
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You are my friends and you always will be my best friends but here i was talking about my IRL Friends

But we are also IRL friends. We might not be standing right in front of you, but we are still real people :)

  • Brohoof 7
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I'd like to answer that question, but honestly somewhere in that, i just got lost in translation (moving throujgh the story). Buddy (I just call my friends that; its not age related)  let me tell you this. When i was in middle school I had 1, maybe 2 friends. I met them on a spur of the moment from simply jumping in their conversation about a game I was interested in. We moved apart in high school after about a year, only met for a lunch or two. And from college, we only further moved apart. I speak to one of them about once every few months. And in college I have but one person I call a friend, even then we speak weekly. We met and became friends from  a random encounter from a gaming club meeting, when i asked who brought a certain game, and he let me borrow it. Life's friends seem to come from random instances to me (or if your searching too I guess). Just gotta put yourself out there, and make some friends.


Take a look here on the poniverse, you'v got enough people who'd actually like to be your friends as compared to the number a person gets on facebook friends. I'd say the only thing keeping us all from hanging out together, is distance. I for one, dream of a time when me and my online friends can all hangout together, eat a resteraunt, play some video games, all that good stuff.

  • Brohoof 5
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You are a great person and are perfect the way you are. You'll find more real life friends soon, i'm sure of it. I don't have any friends either and for a time i have had opportunities to get some but rejected it. I went through my first year of college without socializing with other students but i'm working on making more friends. You should try too. There are nice people out there but some aren't always going to come to you. I know its scary but think positive thoughts and do what feels natural.  No matter what happens, just remember that you will always have me and your other friends here on MLP forums to talk to you.

  • Brohoof 3
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There's not really an issue, you really care about this guy and you should try to talk to him next chance you get! :)


And hey, you're never truly alone here. Us pones stick together right? B)

  • Brohoof 2
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A sad but very relatable story. When I was just starting in school, I made best friends with a girl. Then a new girl joined our class and my best friend became best friends with her, and so I lost my friend. I had no friends after that. I still don't know why. Did I do something wrong? Or was the other friend just a better friend than me?

But I am lonely too and I don't know how to make new friends either. But at least we have eachother :)

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You've done nothing wrong! If other people can't see just how awesome you are, then that's their loss and they don't deserve to be friends with someone as amazing as you! Don't forget, you always have us and we'll always be here for you! ^^

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not good to reassure or encourage people, but I can try: talk to him, try to understand what has changed, speaking lucidly is the best solution I can advise you for now. In addition, we also are your friends, even if it is behind a screen, we are here for you. Be strong.

  • Brohoof 1
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Uhm.. i'm not really good at offering advice in these kind of situations, but just to offer what i think.


It sounds like you just miss your friend, I know what the feeling can be like. I had a close friend also who i went to school with.

After we both left, we really didn't see each other but kept in contact through net. 

He went to college then uni and slowly met new people, eventually he didn't want to be my friend anymore because he coulden't tolerate me and met better people. (stuck at home with mental illness issues and so on, so i kinda mess things up alot when i don't mean too.)


This made me really sad to be honest. I mean as if severe depression and anxiety wasn't enough.

You could try talking to him i suppose as xeltor suggested.


I can really understand how you might be feeling. As others have said, just remember that were all your real friends on here.

Being behind a computer doesn't matter were all still real people. :3

  • Brohoof 1
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To me, it seems like you're not really making much of an effort to talk to people yourself.  You want them to come to you, but unfortunately, that isn't always the case. This person probably saw his other friends as superiors to you, and you were sadly an afterthought. Yeah, that sucks, I know, but at your age, you'll probably have to start being a bit more social with people in order to make good friends :/

  • Brohoof 3
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I had quite a lot of friend's back in School but only really counted a handful as real friend's, I had a best friend for 5 years and I thought we were going to be best friends until like death sadly he too went to another College and I didn't see him for a while. Occasionally we would meet up but it is sad that we couldn't be friends for longer I just think it's a part of life where people walk in and out of it though some stay for permanent.


In your situation I don't believe it was your fault he just probably had to move elsewhere due to educational purposes and such, if you do see him talk to him you know? Unless you have confidence issues?

No-one is really lonesome everyone has that person there for them whether that's in real life or over the internet if you're upset about being lonely perhaps the best thing to do is to approach or make new friend's or a single friend.

Don't cry either I mean we're pretty much here for you xoxo

  • Brohoof 1
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To me, it seems like you're not really making much of an effort to talk to people yourself.  You want them to come to you, but unfortunately, that isn't always the case. This person probably saw his other friends as superiors to you, and you were sadly an afterthought. Yeah, that sucks, I know, but at your age, you'll probably have to start being a bit more social with people in order to make good friends :/

He is still my friend I know it in my heart it just makes me sad because we kinda only interacted when we were at school. My nature isnt very outgoing and its same with him. And when the school was taken away our interaction kinda stopped.




Don't cry either I mean we're pretty much here for you xoxo


I've cried today so much =( When I think about the past times

  • Brohoof 1
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I know how you feel. I got bullied for more than 6 years, I know exactly how you feel. 


You're a nice person, you're just caring about that person, which is good. 


Remember, every time you feel lonely, mlpforums is your place. 


Alright, now I'm trying to cry. :/

  • Brohoof 2
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I can relate ...


I used to have over 7 really good friends who were always nice and funny whenever I hung around them. It gave me a sense of belonging and acceptance.


But the passage of time and life events were unforgiving and all those people seemed to change and slowly drift away. The unique spark of friendship was lost and I got enrolled in a different college than the majority of my high school friends. Thankfully, I'm still very close friends with one of them and he's turned out to be the greatest friend I could have ever asked for thus far. And I realized this after high school ...


Life is funny.


But not a day passes by when I don't think about what happened between me and my other distant friends. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the blame. It hurts. Time and change can bring forth both blessings and curses.


Whatever happens, I hope life will treat you fairly. Enjoy the company you have here for now. It's amazing the things in life that we take for granted.

  • Brohoof 1
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He is still my friend I know it in my heart it just makes me sad because we kinda only interacted when we were at school. My nature isnt very outgoing and its same with him. And when the school was taken away our interaction kinda stopped.






I've cried today so much =( When I think about the past times

Crying is good, it's good to let go of your emotions and sometimes just cry I think you shouldn't let the past define who you are right now as a person. If you were lonely or just sad in the past you should work towards in fixing that to have a brighter future <3

  • Brohoof 1
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I hate to be blunt, but like Geek0zoid said, you should try interacting with other people rather than wait. Now don't get me wrong, I've been in a similar situation to yours. It was no fun and because of my rebellious attitude, I was too late to make any friends in high school. But what I've learnt in life is that if you want to move forward, you gotta make an attempt to talk to whomever. You'll might learn something from them you never knew, even. It's the only way to make friends, really.

  • Brohoof 3
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I find it helpful to look for other people with similar interests, and build friendships off of that. As someone who finds it difficult to introduce myself to people, finding similar interests actually makes meeting people easier.

  • Brohoof 1
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You have to realize that friendships don't just randomly fall into your lap. To get friends, you have to put yourself out there more and make an effort to socialize with people. Sometimes you have to start the conversation, especially if no one starts the conversation with you. Another things is, if you do have a friendship with someone, start hanging out with their group of friends instead of pulling them away from them. This can also help you make even more friends.


There's nothing wrong with you as a person. You're a really great guy who I know would be a good friend to anybody. But you have to remember that friendships don't come easily. I hope this helped you.

  • Brohoof 4
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There is nothing wrong with you, ooBrony. You're a wonderful and kind person. :3


You should go out and interact with people more! Go out and socialize, make new friends! Some people have a hard time making friends with others, but you're so nice, I bet you'll make some more friends. 


Keep moving forward, do what's best for you, make new friends. 

  • Brohoof 1
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You know, some people just don't know a good person when they see one. There's no issue with you. In fact, I've lost a lot of friends too, but I continue to find new people to be with, you being one of them. I wish I had saw this sooner because everyone has really touched everything to say. They're all right. You're a great person, it's okay to let out your feelings, your online friends are also your IRL ones, the one that really caught my attention was not always waiting for other people. I used to do that and it never got me anywhere. I think all the time that there's no friends who want to stick with me but I bet if I looked for them there would be. You can look too. We all support you and think you're really just awesome. You've got a lot of friends here, and that's great, but people need real physical friends too not just online friendships. Getting what you want isn't always easy and even if things don't go well the first time doesn't mean you should give up. If someone was willing to be your friend then there may be other people like him and you just don't know it yet. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I always had the same issue. I never was liked by anybody at any of my schools, and I really never liked them. There was only about a few people that actually stayed at my side. In middle school, there are then two groups: the people that get worse in terms of immaturity and attitude, and the people that actually do mature. Guess which was the bigger group.


So in middle school, a lot more people begin to like you. I came to like some people, but every year is a better improvement. But it is great that your friend was there for you, but maybe he never intended to make you feel alone again. It may not have been his choice to change schools. My best friend say he is going to move to a different school next year, and I'm heartbroken about it...


  • Brohoof 1
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