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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by ReGen

  1. In the veins of "Epic Wub Time", I would make an episode where a newspaper editor from Manehatten goes around asking everypony questions about life in Ponyville. Background ponies get their screen time and it's in a mockumentary style.
  2. ReGen

    Made my month

    I hope you don't mean us.... Lol.
  3. Thanks a lot. It's great to help out with anything about the site. Benefits us both, I guess. Good thing too. I am finishing up a Twilight song.
  4. Gladly. Just one more question: In my songs, there are no quotes by the characters from the show. Does it still count as MLP music?
  5. I have a question. I wish to somehow contribute my music to this site. Does it have to be somewhat good? My stuff may not really be that good compared to everypony else's... Heck, I use my PSP to make my songs. Anyways, i'd love to help out with testing and all that noise. https://soundcloud.com/rainbow-nova
  6. I have a question. I wish to somehow contribute my music to this site. Does it have to be somewhat good? My stuff may not really be that good compared to everypony else's... Heck, I use my PSP to make my songs. EDIT: Um... ignore this post or delete it. I didn't read the whole post. I'll leave a comment on teh blog.
  7. This is awesome

    and i'm going to sleep. Night! (Hope Luna shows up in my dreams...)
  8. I need scientific facts and documented sources. From the internet. By a scientist. Who graduated from college. A real college. Get what i'm sayin'?
  9. I met a brony through a certain thing called Colonial Youth & Family Services, where we (The members) do community service stuff. Every wedsnday we have a meeting and during said meeting we get a fifteen minute break. I saw him drawing Rarity and Twilight (He says they're his favorites) once, and now we're kinda better friends. I actually knew him before finding this out, and I always thought he was a jerk. In fact, he gave me one of his Twilight pictures. I gave him a picture of Rarity as thanks. I thought he would throw it out, but I noticed as we left, he kept in his bag. Made my month.
  10. I have no idea why, but I really don't like Spike. Whenever I get into a show/game, there's always that character i dislike for no reason. Spike just happens to that character. Not as much as I hate Diamond Tiara. Stuck-up little bitch....
  11. I don't think anypony's asked this question: Is it permenant or temporary? Maybe Twilight experiences what it's like to be an Alicorn princess but doesn't like it because she doesn't get to be with her friends or study/read books.
  12. Well, I wanted to draw this for a friend, so here it is: Yes, I'm quite aware of her eye color. I didn't have a very large selection of crayons. Sooo... How bad is it?
  13. "*Ahem* Where would you say is a good place to start drawing (Ponies) if you draw like a 5-year-old?" As for a picture... well, this is the best I ever did: Sorry for the shoddy quality. I just basically copied the pose from a tutorial and added a couple things.
  14. You're such an awesome artist. I'm so jelly. I'll go ahead and ask.... *Ahem* Where would you say is a good place to start drawing (Ponies) if you draw like a 5-year-old?
  15. ReGen

    Number 12

    2:39... Cheated death.
  16. Octavia or Vinyl. ...Wait, that'd be creepy.... Being the pony you like a lot... It would have to be Scootaloo. I don't have to explain, do I? Fine... She's awesome.
  17. Awww yeah, more bronies (or if your female, pegasister)! I do hope you have a good time here. /)
  18. boom chakka chakka boom chakka chakka boom

  19. Decided to make a Pinkie themed song. What better than pianos and carnival-ish stuff? http://soundcloud.com/rainbow-nova/pinkie-fair *Phew* This took me three hours to make. Hope you guys like it! .MP3 Download Looool, look at my ava, Scootaloo's playing the piano!
  20. I wonder what happens if you eat Rainbow Dash too fast.... Diabeetus? They should make the CMC gummies too. And include Gummy, Pink's alligator!
  21. RD hoodie!? <_< If you feel you can take criticism... then yeah, go for it. Haters gonna hate. Then again, i've never worn any MLP-related clothing at all before....
  22. I wouldn't, but we would probably have a friendship with a lot of sexual tension since we'd be so awesome. Really good friends, at the least. .... ...What?
  23. Saw a sign in school that said "Tolerance"... Oh, and new song: https://soundcloud.com/rainbow-nova/everfree-caverns :P

  24. I want to work on a Pokemon MD Sky Tower remix... what do you guys think?

  25. I just can't do anything right....

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