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The Crystal Maiden

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Everything posted by The Crystal Maiden

  1. Hello! You seem cool! Do you write? So do I! Your OC is beautiful. :D And don't worry, I can be shy too. ;)

    1. The Mystical Writer

      The Mystical Writer

      Aww, Thank you! And yes, I do. ^^

  2. Coldplay - Hymn for the Weekend. <3

  3. I think it would be really interesting to see either Twilight, Celestia or Rainbow Dash turn evil. (temporarily. xD) We saw an evil Twilight in Friendship Games which I thought was a great twist, and could easily hint at her dark side manifesting in the show. Although maybe people would see that as just reusing the Friendship Games plot. Celestia would make sense because, as someone said, we've seen Luna's evil side, and since Celestia is so genuinely good and kind, it would be interesting to see her taken over by evil. Because she's someone Equestria relies on in times of need, and if SHE succumbs to darkness, then everyone's pretty much screwed. And Rainbow Dash... well, I just think it might be quite a cool and very likely twist on her character. I think she could easily be tempted by darkness if her loyalty was tested or her dream was offered to her in a similar way to the Shadowbolts scene in the pilot episode.
  4. I'm bored. Someone leave a comment that will make me smile.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I try to bring a positive atmosphere if I can, sometimes that results in me being silly and weird, though I am almost always silly and weird. XD

    3. DJShy


      Here's something to make you smile:


      "When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in life's eyes and demand already made lemonade."

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  5. 50 Shades of Grey, the Kardashians, Kanye West, windy weather, anyone who mistreats/disrespects animals, women or children, trashy celebrity gossip that I don't give a shit about, people who know how to use good grammar but choose not to, and bullies. Yeah those are pretty much my main hates off the top of my head.
  6. Ain't it great? All my old computer games refuse to work on this laptop. Wonderful, right? -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Sounds like these games must be put in their place. >:c

    3. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Yeah I might get a console one day. Maybe. XD

    4. Deae Rising Shine~
  7. If anyone would be kind enough to check out my short Daring Do story, I'd really appreciate it. It needs more love. XD :)http://www.fimfiction.net/story/309004/the-wanderers-respite

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Awww, thank you so much! I saw the extra like and then I saw this comment! I'm really happy you read it, and more importantly, liked it, haha. And oh really? Do you publish any of your writing? Thank you again!! :)

    3. FullmoonDagger


      I'm mostly writing in french, I still struggle a bit in english, but one day I'll make some traductions of my works, but if you understand a bit of french, I can show you x)

    4. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      Ahh right well that's cool. Unfortunately I don't know much French so I wouldn't understand most of your language apart from a few tiny phrases! XD

  8. Good evening. :) How are you?

  9. Cry. For several days. And then when that passes wander around feeling sorry for myself. And then when that passes, probably watch the whole show from the beginning and remember how much it gave to me. :') Seriously though: DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT THIS DAY YET. >_<
  10. Watching Friendship Games. Again. XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      I finished it ages ago now haha. XD It's not a long film after all. ;)

    3. Cookie <3

      Cookie <3

      Oh yeah true xD Well at least you liked it for probably the second time!

      I have no idea why but I used to spam watch it, it was the only thing that calmed me so I think I've seen it at least 20 times T_T

      I'm not sure why I stopped...xD

    4. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      That's really cool! It's just one of those films that makes you feel happy and relaxed, I think, so I'm not surprised you've watched it so much! This was my third time watching it, and I still enjoyed it! And I stand by my opinion that it's SO much better than overrated Rainbow Rocks.

  11. I do think it's a little babyish but I NEVER skip it because I love singing along to the lyrics. I definitely don't hate it.
  12. If I'm feeling a lack of inspiration or I don't feel confident with my style, I will often write a simple short story to get the juices flowing again and then go back to the main story I was working on before. Writing prompts are great to give you a kick-start and help you come up with something interesting. e.g. pictures, quotes, an opening sentence. My inner fiction geek squeals at the thought. XD My problem is that I work on too many stories at once and I lose my mojo for one or more of them. So I tend to focus my attention on one and wait for inspiration to come back for the others once I'm satisfied with something else. If that makes sense. XD
  13. Three pages of writing done in the last half hour or so. Yay, I feel so accomplished!! But my arms hurt. xD

  14. Happy Christmas, everyone! Or alternatively, Happy Hearth's Warming, everypony! ;) <3

    1. Violet_S


      Happy Hearth's Warming to you too! :)

    2. The Crystal Maiden
  15. Anyone else read The Riflepony series on FIMFiction? I'm five chapters through the second part at the moment. These fanfictions are soooooo good though! Action-packed, romantic, beautifully written, well characterized, and takes an interesting POV by focusing on Braeburn and Daring Do! If you haven't read, I recommend. Look for 'Treasure in the West'!

  16. Leave some questions please! I'd love to get some more! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcYitPpY1aI

  17. Got absolutely no sleep last night because I'm so ill. Never been this tired before. I've tried sleeping this morning but I just can't. :(

    1. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      Awh nu :( what's up, man? Hope you feel better soon *hugs*

  18. I'm writing and writing and writing right now!! Such a good feeling to be the rid of the block!! :D New fanfic coming soon. ;)

    1. Lightwing


      Can I ask which idea did you got for a fanfic? dx

  19. I'd really like an episode centred on Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, since they haven't had a full episode to themselves since Sleepless in Ponyville. I'd also like to see Daring Do again! one more thing: I'd like to see how the CMC getting used to their new marks and learning what they truly mean! Like, Sweetie Belle has a music note for example. Does that mean singing? Hopefully we'll find out.
  20. You seem cool! Hi there! XD

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      The irony. The grammar police needs to correct 'influince' to 'influence'. XD

      I'm only joking btw so don't take that seriously. Just thought it was funny. XD

    3. Pinkiest Pie
    4. The Crystal Maiden
  21. I've started a Q&A on my Youtube channel and I'd REALLY appreciate getting some questions to answer! Only one person has responded so far. XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcYitPpY1aI

  22. What a finale that was!!

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