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Everything posted by SilverStarApple

  1. I like it, but why do people keep making Pinkie the smallest? Wouldn't Earth Ponies typically be larger than the other tribes? Not as an absolute rule, but a general tendency?
  2. *joins you in banging head against wall* ON! EVERY! LEVEL! It is objectively idiotic! You can't rhyme a word with itself, and you don't picture things using actual cameras! Was this idiot paid to say Kodak in his songs, and decided he wanted double pay? To put it bluntly, true dat. The only things worse than crappy radio music are the non-musicians playing what they're given and writing worse songs and laughing about how little effort they have to put in, because the lowest common denominator trash will buy it anyway.
  3. They showed up in-show. That makes them canon. What I want to know is... can the heroes go and help those universes, or did each timeline get obliterated when a new one was put into place? It doesn't seem like it. But what if a pony going to those AUs would just create a new timeline, wasting effort and not helping the badass war-torn Somverse Dash or angry less-badass Lunaverse dash at all? By the way, I also hate the whole "Pinkie pie is an evil serial killer, because nobody ever gets over their childhood and smilers are always crazy, and crazy chicks are hotter if they're struggling with something like depression or obsession and they become emotionally dependent on me because that's toats 180% how love works, plus I just looooove it when she licks her still-dripping cleaver while staring into the knife, and thrusts it into that quivering hunk of- Why are you giggling? Don't tell me you've played Silent Hill! Great, now everything more original than cliche gorefest grimderp just looks incredibly phallic. I still wish Psychopinkie would stick her cleaver into me though." thing. I specifically fake-predicted it to cause this outcome. Keikaku doori.
  5. I literally bet a friend that this would be the first response. Would you like to know what comes next? Some ridiculously edgy edge for edge's sake evilverse where Alternate Rainbow has a blood-soaked furred jacket and a pocketknife, and Alternate Twilight is likely evil.
  6. What are your favourite non-canon AU Versions of the Mane Six?
  7. I study by learning about the topic, seeing what I don't know, learning about that, and going from there. I quickly develop a full working knowledge of a new subject, and if there's something I don't know, I look it up.
  8. Yeah, why aren't people demanding justice? And why do haters of One and Two love and support Three and refuse to admit he/she might have flaws? Or put their hands up their own butts and say "One and two suck. Three just sucks less" instead of doing something about it?
  9. They WHAT?! I only "Cared" about Clinton's because Clinton's is the first one I've actually heard about. That's a practice that needs to be ended. The .Gov emails are supposed to be used BECAUSE of how much oversight they have! ...Or so I've been told, tell me if I'm wrong. Also, yeah, I hate people like that. People that change their tune to suit the mood, as fake as an actor. People that say they should get something because of what they are, rather than who they are or what they can do. If you keep going, the way you are now... you'd be a lot more entertaining on a roleplaying forum. This is a serious discussion about politics. Come on, use your roleplaying character to do something entertaining, try to get away with saying something only your character would say, because it's your character. Filter your view of politics through the character's unique lens. It doesn't get more unique than a timesploded scientist ghost and Sans's dad.
  10. Oh. Thanks, this helped a lot. Whose fault is it that I used to believe this "Raising minimum wage=printing money like an idiot to try and look good" thing? Didn't Hillary make a private email server? Didn't she delete everything suspect from it when caught and give it to the cops, saying "That's all there is"... And when they asked for more, she released a little more and said "That's all there is"? And when questioned on WHY she had an untraceable ultra-suspicious private email server, she said it was "More convenient" and the technologically illiterate American sheeple ate it up, because they don't know how much effort goes into writing a story, let alone making an email server?
  11. Yeah. I saw my fair share of bad stories like this. Still... In a fanfic I'm writing, there's a romance planned between my OC, Silver... and Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow. But it's more of a four-way love than a "Everyone loves dude number one and fights over him" thing. How can I write that without people calling it crappy wish fulfillment?
  12. Twilight Sparkle. Smart, skilled, talented, well-read... check. There are a few differences, but I'm mostly her, with some Rainbow Dash added in.
  13. I get that people usually love polygamous relationships, threesomes, harems, Herds, whatever you want to call them, as long as they're between the mane six because friendship with magic benefits between the mane six is super cute... until an OC is introduced. The second an OC enters the mix, it's immediately a stupid harem show cliche-storm with a gary stu protagonist, straight out of the kind of stupid uninspired trash anime every real anime fan despises, because it means some corporate hack is funding a studio that's producing this kind of trash instead of Gurren Lagann 2: Spiral Harder. Why do people hate Herds, when used in fanfics? While I hate harem "love at first sight" "Collect all the mares in order like they're six crystal shards of a magic door" "Dash punches him but loves him anyway and he loves her because pretty rainbow tail" "Spike either magically loses his crush on Rarity, dates Sweetie Belle, dates Raincloud, dates Cloud Kicker, or hates anon/OC forever" nonsense, I do like shipfics, and I feel harems/herds can be done right, much like OCs and fanfics in general. Plus, on a more emotional note, there's the fact that herds involve the characters getting together for an adorable loving snuggle-pile, and that's cute.
  14. Playing Ratchet Gladiator on three-star difficulty with unmodded non-upgraded weapons (Already super hard) WHILE THE ENEMIES, FLOORS, WALLS, LEVELS, AND EVERYTHING IS INVISIBLE THANKS TO A COPY-PROTECTION GLITCHING OUT AND ACTIVATING. RED BARS ALSO BLOCK YOUR VIEW OF THE SCREEN AND THE GAME LAGS LIKE HELL. AND I BEAT THIS. I DIDN'T PLAN FOR THIS, OR ASK FOR THIS. I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD HAPPEN. I BEAT IT, AND A BONUS RACING MINIGAME WITH THE SAME STUFF,no prep time or level memorization and I hadn't played that game in years. AND I'd never used a USB xbox controller before that day. AND YES, I RECORDED IT! Every pony with "Gaming" as their Cutie Mark is cordially invited to sit down and kiss my black-suited flanks.
  15. Um... Just, uh... Just so you know... Raising the minimum wage is pretty much the number one crappy dumb thing to do. I know it sounds good on paper, but corrupt businesses and the system ensure that when the minimum wage goes up and people have more money in their pocket, the price of food also goes up, meaning the poor people have bigger and cooler numbers they can exchange for the same products. On paper, it's an awesome help-the-poor thing, but in reality, it will only work if something's done at the same time to ensure the price of food WON'T go up. Still, uh... does he have other ideas, ones that are actually good? Also, the kid that said Illuminati? Fire that uneducated pile of dog residue (Undertale reference, it's dust) because he's clearly bearing The Rinnegan.
  16. Name: Jason Age: A two-digit number. Country: Yes Likes: Video games Dislikes: Fnaf Hobbies: Creating art, gaming, coding.
  17. Pretty much every Micki Minaj song I've ever heard. And, of course, all the unmitigated crap on the radio stations these days. WHY, OH WHY, must the local gym play this shit when we're trying to work out? Is it to fill us with hatred?
  18. Obviously, it's Asgore. All he had to do was use Red Soul, get past barrier, kill dude, find he has wrong soul colour, kill other dude, get right soul colour, go home, use souls, break barrier, reach surface, start party. Gaster's just an idiot that killed himself by diving face-first into the timesploder. Chara's just an angry psycho baby that wants to stab everything and delete the world to gain maximum EXP. Flowey/Asriel is an idiot that can't decide if ur Chara or not.
  19. This is actually a weird grey area. I'm as unsure as you are. I headcanon it, because otherwise, it means Applejack and hundreds - if not thousands... what IS the population of Equestria, anyway? - of ponies are willingly and knowingly enslaving sentient beings and forcing them to live their lives as subhuman (Subpony?) farm animals. Alternate headcanon: The farm animals willingly choose this, as it means they don't have to work for a living or worry about predators like Wolves or Manticores or Pony Satan.
  20. The cows might be able to decide if they do or do not like something or somepony, or how something is, but... is that sentience?
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