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Everything posted by Doctor-Whooves

  1. Alright, I'm alive again. Good to be back, MLP Forums.

    1. longgone




      You regenerated?


      You really are the Doctor!

    2. pegasister101


      Welcome back, my good sir. Glad you're alive and well. (I'm assuming...)

  2. Of course not. Like this? By the use of the word 'reference', I feel that I need to clarify that I have no art skills. I can only use pre-created images. Yaaaaaay, biblical signatures for the win! I made it subscriber size. Hope you don't mind. If you do, tell me so I can resize it. Here you go, sir! Also subscriber size, tell me if you want it changed.
  3. Alright, I think I got it. By your description, I assumed that you wanted it in the same format as my own signature, so I went for that.
  4. I just rebooted a Request thread, with Signatures, Avatars, and Wallpapers.

    1. Standard User

      Standard User

      I might drop in and get a wallpaper sometime soon.

  5. I seem to be judging a lot of art for me keeping these claims that I'm not an art critic. Pros: -Dat shading.... -Dem eyes..... -Dat hair..... Cons: -The wings are a bit too small and look a bit shrunken.
  6. EDIT: I do not draw. I am a Photomanipulator. My art skills amount to that of a piece of dirt. Thank you. Hello, everybody! My old request thread was outdated and didn't have a wide variety of options, so let's get started on a new one, eh? Signatures: I am best at signatures. This is what I have been doing, and it is what I prefer to do. If you want the fastest and probably highest quality work from me, I advise having a signature made. I use Gimp for all of my signatures. Please use this format: Pony: Background: Text: Other: Avatars: I am okay at making avatars, although they are probably not as good as my signatures. The small space is a bit difficult to fit a lot in, so don't make your requests too full. Please use this format: Pony: Background: Other: Wallpapers: I have only done a few wallpapers, all of which can be located on my DeviantArt page. But, it's not too late to get better! Allons-y! Please use this format: Pony: Background: Text: Genre: Vectors: Other: Best of luck to you!
  7. You just lost The Game.

    1. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      No I didn't. I'm gonna win it in three moves.

    2. Doctor-Whooves


      You, sir, just defied me and made a reference. Bravo.

    3. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      I aim to please.

  8. Worst Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy X. Even though it was fun, the past game overshadowed it and it didn't live up to the standard I was expecting from the series at that point. Best Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy IX. This one has a storyline that is very enjoyable to play through, and the music and characters are top-notch. Plus, Vivi is the greatest. Honorable Mention- Crisis Core. Arguably the best mobile RPG out there, (Persona 3 is probably better, though.) this one has a fighting style so different from the others, it makes it very enjoyable.
  9. I live in the middle of the Western United States, (Idaho, Utah, etc.) and don't qualify for any of the categories above. But yeah, hi!
  10. Well, congratulations, Pinkazoid! I shall see you all again when this fine fellow decides to give away another amazing painting.
  11. Because Griffons got a bad ambassador, if you will. The only griffon that we have seen so far was a bully and made Fluttershy cry, so we naturally dislike them because Fluttershy should never cry. EDIT: Oh yes, we had the baker. But I didn't like him either. So there.
  12. That is a very good painting, can't imagine why you would give it away. But, since I am selfish and don't care about the whims of others, I am entering this giveaway.
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