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Everything posted by Doctor-Whooves

  1. My sister was borrowing my Netbook. A close friend of hers proceeded to click remember me on Facebook on that computer. Chrome migrated the information to my Laptop. Needless to say, havoc ensued.
  2. "Why hello, Chrysie." said Discord, standing up. "I would think that our other dear friends would be here as well. Where is our dear Princess and King? It would be simply rude to start without them, don't you think? And how are you, Chrysie's prisoner?" he asked Darts.
  3. Well, ~Chaotic Discord~ is back.

    1. Betez


      He was gone?

    2. Doctor-Whooves


      No, he changed his username.

    3. Betez
  4. Got a new signature. Made an avatar to go with it.

  5. You use Gimp. <3 Quite a good job you did there. If you stick to photo manipulation, you might want to take a shot at signatures and things.
  6. Everypony is sitting there with 20 requests in their queue, and I'm just wondering why nopony loves me anymore.

    1. Circadian


      Okay, I'd like a cosmic signature. With my username and twinkling stars or something. :)

    2. Wardaddy


      Still thinking of ideas for a new sig....btw I'd request forming an archive of sigs for each member. You never know when they might miss something :)

  7. I'm first on the user list at the bottom of the page. I deserve an award.

    1. GrooveBroove
    2. Radiance64


      Happens every time you refresh/go back to the homepage I think, at least for me...

  8. I demand a new signature from you. Request is as per my last one. Pony: Doctor Whooves Background: Spacey or Timey Wimey Text: Allons-y! Other: Maybe wearing 3-D glasses, but I'm fine if he isn't.
  9. Certainly. Pony: Doctor Whooves Background: Either something in space or related to the Tardis. You can decide. Text: Allons-y! Other: Preferably with him wearing 3-D Glasses, but whatever. Is that specific enough?
  10. If your requests were back open, I would request a signature. I usually like getting signatures from the other creators, (especially the ones that inspired me to get started, like you and Airbourne.) Please notify me when they are back up.
  11. You have over 400 posts and still no signature from me? Madness. 3/10
  12. ~Chaotic Discord~ changed his name. Madness. Now who's the role model for all the chaotic usernames?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NavelColt


      I'll be back soon enough. Who ever said this was permanent?

    3. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      I need to start my own faction.

    4. MatrixChicken


      @Harmonic: What is that symbol, anyway? Biohazard?

  13. Discord sat at the head of a long table, covered in a white tablecloth. He snapped his fingers, and Chamosis appeared, sitting in the chair to his immediate right. "This should be fun, shouldn't it? You must be hungry after that long hike up here. I wonder where the others are?"
  14. I suppose I should actually make my profile page useful sometime soon...

  15. Another great job. What language are these signatures in? Also, am I the only one here who thinks that this story would make a great plot to an RPG?
  16. Request reposts. Request reposts everywhere.

  17. I agree with this statement. There's a logical explanation to it. In the worlds of Albus Dumbledore, 'It's the unknown we fear when we look into the dark.'
  18. "Aren't you going to stay for dinner?" Discord pouted. "Everypony's coming, and I'll be our amazing host. It will be delicious." he crooned. A card appeared in front of Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, and Sombra. The contents inside read: Hello! You are hereby invited to an amazing dinner, hosted by the embodiment of chaos. Bring your captive. Time: now. Where: Dining Hall Who: Discord How: Chaos Magic What: Dinner Party
  19. Discord laughed. "As much as I would love to use your affection for our queen to drive her insane, I have my own captive. I'm winning, by the way, Chrysie." he snapped his fingers and teleported to the cavern where Chamosis was waiting. "Hello, my dear. What did you do in my absence?"
  20. Discord took off the small, ornate pair of binoculars he had been watching this exchange with. He appreared there with a flash. "You know, my dear Chrysie, didn't our dear pegasus say something about asking my pony on a date? There may be some love left for you yet."
  21. "Naughty wonderbolt," said Discord, sprining up and extending him wings, flying next to him. "Nobody insults Chrysie but me." he snapped his fingers, and the trees around them came to life, their limbs reaching and scratching Dart's hide. "You may be able to defeat a love-sapped Changeling, but tell me when you're ready to tangle with the God of Chaos."
  22. Discord heard a yell from outside. "Excuse me for a moment," he said to Chamois. He teleported outside, and appeared about five yards to the right of Darts on top of Chrysalis. "Why hello, Chrysie. Would you like some help, or should I just watch you get beaten by this small pegasus?"
  23. Discord frowned. "I'd love to let you go, Chamosis," he said, thinking how terrible it would be if she escaped, "but if I did, you would just inform your dear Princess that I am here, and let them seal me again, for another thousand years or so. Do you really want that?"
  24. "I was actually there first. But it wasn't this tyranical dictatorship your country is in now. Ponies were free to do what they pleased, and I was only making sure that Equestria stated in it's natural state of chaos. Tell me, Chamosis, is that worth being frozen in stone for one thousand years by two sisters?"
  25. Discord stroked his goatee. "Well, it was lonely. I could reach out and see what was happening in Equestria, and see what was going around my statue. I couldn't move, and I could only think. For one thousand years, just for trying to make things a bit more fun?"
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