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Everything posted by BizzarePony

  1. I win because au contrair, Monsieur!
  2. (sorry for the wait, guys. I have school, you know.) Freemane walked into the shed where he saw Garth and Shy Flower waiting anxiously. "I see that you got my note. That's good. I can trust you two, and I'm about to tell you something that only a few are allowed to know. Check the shed for anything suspicious. Some of the other ponies seem... off."
  3. In soviet Equestria, ghostie giggles at you.
  4. (this might have to wait a bit. You see, it seems that there might be a little something called "sleep" that I need to catch up on. Stupid time zones.)
  5. Love it. What program do you use? My drawings are always so pixelated.
  6. "And I said. Oatmeal, are you crazy?" -Pinkie "Eeyup." -Big Macintosh "Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue!" -Applejack "I like her... Mane?" -Sweetie Belle "Of all the things that could have happened, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING." -Rarity "Not at all! I am weak and helpless." -Fluttershy "20 stalks? Bean or celery?" -Applejack And of course, "HAI GIRRRRLS!" Insane Twilight
  7. I must concur. You can't beat such an amazing arrangement. Also, it sounds reeeeeealy cool when played on a guitar.
  8. No words can describe how awesome I am. Don't even try.
  9. I did, but I was being lazy. Name: Inferno Pokémon: Vulpix Personality: Cautious and calculating, will take time to conceive strategies, level headed, shy, clever,
  10. I win because up here in the Midwest, it pretty much IS winter.
  11. My characters: Name: Dr. Stitches Species: Unicorn Description: Average sized white pony, black mane with a black goatee and glasses. Personality: He's a very intelligent pony who is very talented with very precise manipulation of magic. He cares a lot about other ponies, and will not stand for letting anyone he cares about get hurt. Cutie mark: crossed hypodermic needle and scalpel Name: Dancing Leaf, or "Danny" Species: Pegasus Description: Rather small pony, dull green with dark green mane, Personality: Sort of awkward socially, extremely nimble flier with a talent for stealth, somewhat nervous, Cutie Mark: white cat's paw print
  12. I win because of your blasphemy of Chuck Norris.
  13. I feel as if my time as a brony has taught me so much about who I am.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BizzarePony


      Very good thIng, in fact.

    3. Finesthour


      Welcome to the club :D

    4. Linguz


      Being a brony has introduced me to the world of the nice internet. Does that count?

  14. Well, I for one am extremely sure that people who criticize are just the people who'll latch on to anything just for the sake of arguing. I, however, am a reasonable man, and I don't judge. I am comfortable with my masculinity. I really wouldn't be friends with someone who will write something off as "girly" or "gay." In fact, if you use the word "gay" to describe something you don't like, you've just lost al of your credibility. The truth is, our culture is just so focused on self-image that we've been boxed into a prison of our own design. If I can't break free from this prison, then who really am I? A mindless drone? A media slave? No! I will watch and say what I want, because I won't submit. I hope that we all can do the same. That is what Bronyhood is truly about.
  15. I win precisely because I don't want to win.
  16. Granted. They've moved on to YOU. I wish that I had more time for ponies.
  17. Banned because I have no idea what that abbreviation means.
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