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Rainblow H. Ash

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Everything posted by Rainblow H. Ash

  1. I take over topics. Check my resume. Like I said in my argument, since characters have explicitly referred to Spike as a Baby Dragon, I'm sticking by that until a characters says otherwise. I mentioned that in my argument as well that in cartoons, kids act way more mature for their age anyway. So the fact that he's a baby doesn't prevent him from doing unbaby-like things, especially since he's a dragon.
  2. In that case I might have to look that up to see if there's ever been fiction where Vampires can be born rather than created by bites/blood transfusions. Spike can sing a song about Vampires. We've cracked the code.
  3. Yeah for people like Wolverine it's a bit different since he's a mutant. There's also Elves in Lord of the Rings where they age but then when they become adults they stop aging and live forever, although they can be killed. I also believe it's a bit different if a Vampire reproduces rather than bites someone, but I don't have any evidence off the top of my head for vampire babies.
  4. Find Trenderhoof and give him a pat on the back and tell him every little thing's going to be alright.
  5. I'll have to check that one out. I know in a lot of fiction it's like what I said, where Vampires stay the age they were when they were bitten, but I know that can depend on the writer.
  6. "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" "Hearth's Warming Eve" "Putting Your Hoof Down" "Dragon Quest" "Wonderbolts Academy" "Spike at Your Service" "Bats!" These are the episodes you need to feed your need.
  7. @@TheImmortalLegendG, As a side note, as far as I know, Vampires don't age in most fiction. They stay the same age as when they were bitten. Do you have a reference for Vampire aging in some pieces of fiction?
  8. Banned for eating peasant food. Time to stick some Utz in your Butz.
  9. Precisely. Twilight has built up a legion of Twilight body doubles to cover all of her bases. She has Glimmer and Nurse Redheart in Equestria to cover for her in public, and she now has her shadow agent Sunset Shimmer watching over human Twilight and guiding her with an invisible hand. For all we know, she could be molding human Twilight to bring her over to Equestria so she has an exact clone to fool the masses. The goals of Twilight's body doubles and manipulation are not quite clear. But with Glimmer and Redheart in Equestria and Shimmer in the human world, Twilight can make world-altering decisions behind the scenes. Whether it's a grab for power she's after or something more sinister we do not know. But we're going to find out. Let the investigation continue, brother.
  10. We're arguing over something that has been accepted in the fandom for some time. I haven't seen legions of fans saying Spike is a teenager, especially when all evidence points to him being a baby. Essentially, you are arguing from a standpoint of something that has never been said. I have the stronger evidence but you refuse to see it. He has been explicitly called a baby on the show while you're relying on implications. Explicit statements are going to trump all of your implied arguments. Here are a few of your arguments: - Spike hung out with teenagers and was allowed to compete for the scepter alongside Ember. - Spike is not treated solely as a baby or child by everyone. - Spike is essentially an intern for Twilight Sparkle. - We don't know how dragons age. Those are all well and good, but it has been explicitly stated in the show and all related materials that Spike is a male baby dragon. That automatically trumps everything you're throwing at me. That's why I came to the conclusion that dragons must age differently, because for Spike to be a baby, they have to age differently. In the end, bro, we're going to have to agree to disagree. It'd be different if they never called him a baby dragon, but it's been said by characters on the show and in merchandise. If you think he's not a baby, you're going to have to argue with explicit evidence and that's not going to work.
  11. I'd hate for them to stick Wind Whistler into Gen 4. She was my favorite OG pony and I'm on the fence about what they'd do to her.
  12. I'm not complaining. I just hope Trixie doesn't mind her assistant taking some time off to nap with little ol' me.
  13. All of this is steeped in factual evidence. I've been researching the many Twilight stand-ins myself, and I've reached the conclusion that Twilight is mentoring Starlight Glimmer to be yet another body double to cover for her. She's already planted Glimmer in her circle of friends and has her out gathering intelligence on Trixie, Discord, Thorax and others. No doubt Glimmer's great magical ability was a main factor in Twilight's choice of her next body double. Glimmer will be able to replicate Twilight's magic perfectly and none will be the wiser. With Nurse Redheart making public appearances for Twilight and Glimmer using her magic to fool people, Twilight Sparkle will be able to operate from the shadows to continue her unknown agenda.
  14. He's a baby, bro. You can't turn "reaching" around on me when everyone except you agrees that he's a baby. How many other fans out there think he's a teenager? There are plenty of moments in plenty of cartoons where weird age ranges hang out with each other. In fact, in most cartoons, kids act way too mature for their age. And as a baby dragon, Spike is going to act differently than other babies since that stage of his life lasts longer. Because the characters call him a baby dragon. That's how I know he's a baby. And how do you know how long a dragon's baby stage lasts? You have less evidence to support your position than I do and you're reaching for "internships" and Spike hanging around with teenagers to prove he's not a baby but neither of those things are hard evidence.
  15. When in doubt, throw in an Out of Character moment to fix your writer's block and continue the story.
  16. You're reaching pretty hard there, bro. We have adults hanging out with Spike as well all the time. Spike also hangs out with kids. I don't see what's so strange about teenage dragons hanging out with him. In fact, why is it that Twilight and the others call Spike a baby but call Garble and his gang teenagers? It's because Spike is not a teenager like them. He's a baby. Spike and Ember didn't have a romantic relationship in the show, so that's not evidence of anything. There is no pairing in canon. That's all fanwank. As for allowing a pony to compete in a trial for the scepter, as I said before, the dragons are a different species than ponies and have different rules.
  17. I already have my own place, and I do have a short list of rules: -Take off your shoes -Clean up after yourself -Don't bring anyone with you that I didn't invite or I don't know about -You can smoke but only if I get the first hit -You have to pay for parking
  18. I like Discord more when he's aloof and goofy than when he's angry. As others said, what makes him being angry and serious so effective is that it's such a rare sight. Giving him too many moments like that ruins the effect.
  19. The fact that sixteen years into Spike's life and everyone still calls him a baby dragon is what shows that dragons age differently. It's not implied, it's strictly stated by the show and all related material. Not to mention that in general dragons are shown to age differently in all other fantasy worlds: Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Elder Scrolls, you name it. Dragons can usually live for hundreds to thousands of years, thus each stage of their life (baby, toddler, kid, teenager, adult) lasts far longer than other species. You're comparing Earth to Equestria. Spike is a baby dragon not a baby pony, thus he is given more duties. He might be a baby, but he is a sixteen year old baby that can do more than a baby pony can.
  20. Mind controlling the mailpony and forcing him to lick your stamps.
  21. Dragons age differently. I've said that every post. Let's assume dragons live for one thousand years. If Spike is about sixteen years old, then compared to his one thousand year lifespan, he's still a baby, and the characters call him a baby. That stuff about assistants and interns is bunk, by the way. Spike is Twilight's assistant because she hatched him and they grew up together. He's not an intern. Not to mention this is a completely different world than Earth and we don't know the age ranges at jobs for all. As far as we can tell, you can start working as soon as you want to in Equestria. Just because they don't always treat Spike like a baby doesn't mean he's not a baby. He's a baby dragon, not a baby pony. They age differently, learn differently, and thus are treated differently.
  22. Spike is a talking baby dragon, I don't see what's so strange about him hanging out with adults, teenagers, or kids. You have no evidence he's in his teenage years and there's far more evidence to the contrary. As I said, the show says it, as well as the merchandise and all related material. If you want to believe he's a teenager, go ahead, bro. I won't stop you. A lot of people, including myself, will disagree with you though.
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