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Everything posted by Lionheart27

  1. That's not bad at all. Furthermore, nobody but Popeye likes spinach, so that's funny as well. Still, don't sell yourself short, this is pretty good, and as an added bonus, it's funny.
  2. I will say that the DBZ Abridged series put out by Team Four Star is extremely hilarious, and manages to stay reasonably true to the story, while condensing it down even further than Kai did. The only negative is the fact that we have to wait a month for a new episode, but considering the quality, it's worth the wait.
  3. The original DBZ took forever to actually finish a fight, and a lot of the filler episodes were just that. Filler, and not very good filler more often than not. From what I've seen of Kai, it's pretty decent, and has better pacing, which always helps.
  4. When magic is used in many fantasy universes, it's often neutral, with it's power being categorized as good or evil depending on the user's intent. Granted, in this case, it's apparent some type of corrupting force exists within the Alicorn Amulet, but by and large, magic seems to be mostly neutral, unless cast in fear or hatred, but again, that could simply be the magic reacting to the emotions of the user.
  5. Ok, that makes sense, since we haven't seen any male alicorns yet, to my knowledge anyway. Still, it made me wonder, because usually, if a person has a niece or nephew, they have a sibling that has had children. Perhaps it's something like the idea of godparents and godchildren.
  6. They defeated Discord, apparently sometime after the land was settled by the three factions of pony, but the rest has honestly always been kinda vague. Did they start out with a smaller area to rule, and saw the danger Equestria was in under Discord, or did they simply stumble into the role, in a way?
  7. I've always wondered, since Celestia has nieces (and one nephew, if Rarity's imagination in "Ticket Master" is to be believed), who are their parents?
  8. Ending the series after season 3 would leave far more questions needing answers than season 4 with her as an alicorn would answer. For what it's worth, I like the idea, even though it throws off the balance the group had prior to the change. Still, that balance is still present in the Crusaders, and if Cadence and Shining Armor are grouped in with the Mane 6, the balance is restored at 2 apiece. If nothing else, this will lend a new set of adjustments for everyone in Season 4.
  9. I follow the Red Wings as well, but when living in Florida, as I do, following hockey is a lot harder than usual. Fortunately, the Wings will be making the jump into the same conference and division as the Panthers, so that should change. But I digress. Having limited interests is fine, provided that they don't become obsessions to the point of adversely affecting one's life.
  10. I never noticed that before, but it makes sense now. It makes me wonder how effective the sonic rainboom could be when used as an offensive weapon, should the Elements not be needed or otherwise not available. Also, perhaps its impact is being lessened by Rainbow Dash's ability to achieve it more easily. The first time was the hardest, her second time was her trying to replicate it, and by the third time, she's figured it out, and can do it more easily.
  11. I think the main thing is to diversify our tastes, so people can't paint us into just one corner. For example, I'm a brony (obviously), but I also enjoy playing football and baseball, as well as watching the Detroit Lions and Tigers. That way, one aspect of my fandom doesn't overpower the others.
  12. I see no reason why Twilight couldn't continue in her studies in Ponyville, despite the change in title and obvious other changes highlighted by Fhaolan. I agree, this will probably cause some stress, but the developers have been consistent at the proverbial plate so far, I see no reason why they'd suddenly change.
  13. Fresh cider can produce a foam when recently dispensed. Granted, it's not a lot, but when dispensed from a tap as it was, as Circadian mentioned, it will often produce some fizz. Of course, the demographic would also help determine whether or not it's alcoholic (I don't think it is), but much like in real life, cider is very addictive.
  14. My main issue with it is that it throws off the ratio of ponies in the Mane 6, namely, where it was 2-2-2, now it's 2-1-1-2. Of course, if you add Cadence and Shining Armor, who have been getting some screentime, the ratio balances again, at 2 each. I'm genuinely curious to see how they move the story going forward, and to see what new changes are going to happen.
  15. Personally, Rarity's whining is the funniest scene in my opinion, but each of those mentioned so far also could work. Another one is where she tosses Tom away (S2,E2) and says to never speak of it again. Of course, the memory is revisited moments later, much to her chagrin.
  16. It's definitely interesting to see the various aspects of fandom come together, but thanks for the welcomes, and here's hoping this is a long and fun ride.
  17. I started watching MLP back in season 1, because I wondered what all the fuss was about, and I've been hooked since. Now my wife and 22 month old daughter all watch it with me. I just found this forum and decided to see what's going on in here.
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