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Everything posted by Willow

  1. Sore after just waking up, but otherwise, I'm feeling pretty good. I feel like I could dance and sing (not really, you wouldn't want to see that). But, in all seriousness, I feel a lot better than usual.
  2. I'm finding myself mildly amused by The Starving Games.

  3. That special kind of defeated where you get so close to finishing something, and then you fail, and you just sit there, paralyzed by disbelief.
  4. Thinking about how I'm going to kill (not really) anyone who spoils the new Star Wars movie for me.
  5. I hate my brains sometimes. Fist it's Monster Mash, now it's this.
  6. Why, dammit? Why does this have to be stuck in my head?
  7. Waking up to freezing temperatures (well, close to it, anyway) is always nice.

    1. Malinter


      kinda is. waking up in sweaty heat is awful

    2. Willow


      I'd rather wake up to temperatures somewhere in the mid 50s. That's perfect to me.

  8. I think 2 pints; I've donated blood twice, and from what I understand, they took a pint each.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0FkyYxOxQE Love this guy's music. He nails everything.
  10. Feeling like I want to cut my "friend" open and string him up by his intestines, while watching him slowly and painfully die. Of course, I wouldn't actually do so. Prison doesn't sound terribly delightful.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utl44_iyjA4 I enjoy this song quite a bit; not sure why
  12. Ah well, freezer burnt corn dogs are better than naught, I guess.

  13. Getting to talk to my friend for most of the day
  14. Wondering why people put up with listening to me talk about what's wrong with me, yet thankful that they put up with it.
  15. A whole lot better than I was last night. Not entirely sure what came over me.
  16. I release my anger on the closest person to me... which I don't like dong... I get angry a lot.
  17. I've never even heard of that... but isn't that Progenitus from MTG?
  18. Talk to whoever I can. Usually someone here on the forum. After they sleep, though, I just sit on my computer doing whatever, usually not even doing anything.
  19. Woke up with my TMD in full swing. Fun times.

  20. Well, I guess self-deprecation is a good poetry topic.

  21. All I do is make people's lives worse. I'm a fucking downer. All I do is get upset and depressed and bring everyone else down with me. I'm not sure how I fucking have any friends. I fucking hate myself. Edit: I hate myself even more for not being able to write a damned poem to save my life. I feel worthless; the only talent I have, and I can't even do anything with it.
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