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Everything posted by Krys9

  1. Hey Furry1125! Welcome to the forum! There is a FAQ if have any inquiries http://mlpforums.com/page/faq Other than that this forum (as big as it may seem at first) is pretty specific about what you find in each section. Just pay attention to what the descriptions tell you and you should be fine. If you have any further but more specific questions feel free to PM me. I'll be here to help. I hope you have a fantastic time on the site and hope to see you become a contributing member of the forum!
  2. Whoa, you're known as a lot of things apparently. Welcome to the forum Muffin_bag123! Have a good time on the site!^^
  3. Hiya! Welcome to the forum PegasusBrony! I'm sure you'll come to really enjoy it here on the forum. I wish you all the best.^^ Have a great time!
  4. Hey there! Welcome to the forum! I hope you like it! I would suggest just looking around and seeing what is interesting and starting there. I also do like your OC it's quite cool and I love the name you chose. Have a wonderful time on the site!
  5. I actually never watched any iteration of the "Ben 10" series but I know it's quite popular. I don't think it's uncommon for people to like Ben 10 and MLP tbh. You probably still watch it because you find it to still be an entertaining and enjoyable show. lol That's what happens when I go back and watch tv shows that I found good in the past it sort of sticks around for the future sometimes because it brings back good memories and such.^^ I had no idea that Tara did Ben's voice! That's awesome! She really gets around with her voice acting gigs I gotta say. Good for her.
  6. Krys9


    Yeah another Brony on board! It's sweet to have you here. It's a great place to fill your pony needs my friend. Have a wonderful time on the site! I'm sure you'll have a blast!
  7. Haha glad to hear it. Welcome to the site twilightdashshypie! I hope you have an enjoyable experience on the forum!
  8. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1KghWuAg320
  9. I've had the game ever since launch and I've got to world 3. (mostly due to myself being busy IRL). Anyway I really enjoy the game so far like many other people have stated before me. I mostly use Peach and Toad (characters that I thought I would ignore but are actually my most played) xD It's a great game and I can't wait to play it some more later.
  10. Hey! I know you joined a few days ago but welcome to the forum! I hope you're enjoying yourself thus far!
  11. Krys9


    Thanks for stopping by and making an account! Welcome to the forum Nin! I hope you really come to love it here it's a great place! Welcome to the forum aswell! I know your not a total newbie but I don't remember welcoming you myself. Hey there! I hope you're enjoying your time spent on the forum thus far. I wish you all the best!
  12. Here ya go. I got 2 samples and they both sound different btw Just trying different voices the second one is more like my actual voice. xD http://vocaroo.com/i/s1MChnJIrjBE http://vocaroo.com/i/s0CRD2pu9LA7
  13. Sounds great to hear. Welcome to the site! I hope you find it to be what you expected and much more! Have a great time!
  14. Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time (PC) Super Mario 3D World (Wiiu) Saint's Row 2 (PS3)
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