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Everything posted by Krys9

  1. Yeah I see no problem in being friends. I noticed that you used your OC in your profile pic but it's nice to see a larger image. It looks great.
  2. Hi! Nice to meet you! Don't worry you'll fit right in! Glad to know that you are very happy to be here. Have a great one!
  3. Hello! Welcome to the forum! I hope you have a great time! I can't wait to hear more details about your game! Take care!
  4. Yeah no problem. Remember to have a good time.
  5. Hey! Welcome to the forum! If you would like some assistance there is a FAQ here: http://mlpforums.com/page/faq If you have further questions then you can ask me or others. You can proceed with anything you want to be honest. Feel like viewing other people's artwork? We have a section for that, want to play games? We have those. Just feeling like talking about the show? Well, we got you covered. The forum may seem big at first but trust me you'll get used to it. Have a fun time on the site. Remember to be nice, considerate and keep the discussions detailed! I hope to see you around!
  6. Hello there! Welcome to the forum. Enjoy your time here!
  7. I've had a Wiiu since launch. I would recommend getting the Wind Waker HD bundle because you get a specialized Wiiu controller with the Zelda etchings which look really cool. You can get New Super Mario Bros. U for $60 (if you buy new) and then just download New Super Luigi U for $20 off the E-Shop and save a little bit of money. You need New Super Mario Bros. U if you want to play the downloaded version of Luigi U btw. The digital version of Luigi U is $20 cheaper than the physical copy and you get both games if you go that route. I hope I helped. Glad to see people supporting the struggling Wiiu.
  8. This world is one of sadness. Battle brings death. Death brings sorrow. The living may not hear them. Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake - the dead... are not silent.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      The dead may not be silent but the victors, those still living, get to decide who hears them.

    2. Enemy Stand

      Enemy Stand

      You will be killed by your sons.

  9. Well you and I have different tastes in the characters to include which is fine. I honestly don't care for Villager at all and like you I really don't care for Wii Fit Trainer. I don't like clones of characters and Toon Link is no exception. I wasn't counting on Skull Kid to be playable and he wasn't even in my mind for characters that I wanted to see in the game. When I first saw screenshots of him I thought he was playable and then later I found out he wasn't. I felt some slight disappointment but it's alright and I'm over it.
  10. LOL Okay. I still don't agree with you or Junpei. I would love to play as Skull Kid though. Dropping the moon would be a kick-ass final smash and I wish we got him as a playable character rather than Toon Link or another character. For the life of me it pisses me off that Nintendo added him again. I really don't care if he is a faster version of Link or whatever. Also Nintendo put the Villager in as well as the Wii Fit Trainer. Nintendo already knows that they chose pretty weird characters for a Smash game. Granted these characters are more relevant since they made games in both of these series recently but to be honest did you really expect them to be playable? Was there someone out there that thought "Oh I know what I want in my next Smash game I want to play as a fitness instructor!" I think the Wii Fit Trainer could be a good assist trophy while Skull Kid would be awesome as a playable character. I hope Nintendo's choices for playable characters is going to get better as time goes along. As for Skull Kid not being playable, it's a shame but it is what it is.
  11. I disagree. While I do not hold Skull Kid in high regard as a great character he could definitely add some creative moves to the mix and give us a new Zelda character to play as.
  12. I was surprised to learn how awesome Batman: Arkham City was after I first played it back in November of 2011. I was utterly addicted to playing it back then and it's one of my favorite video game ever right now. Some honorable mentions include: Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 Infamous, Infamous 2, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5, Soul Calibur 2, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid 3, Uncharted 3, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, Vampire Rain, Velvet Assassin, Bullet Witch, Deadly Premonition and Catherine to name a few.
  13. Skull Kid is in the game as an assist trophy....Woohoo? T_T
  14. Nah you can still talk about it. I would actually be interested to hear other people's thoughts about it because I myself, have barely heard anything about the game so if you have more info please enlighten us. lol
  15. Haha that's great to hear. Welcome to the forum! I hope all your lurking has paid off. Now you finally join in on the conversation and have an awesome time. See you around!
  16. Hey welcome to the forum! I watched your video by the way. Overall I really liked it! I generally really like these types of videos where people sit down and give their thoughts about something in a meaningful and insightful way. It made me laugh a few times and also notice things that got overlooked when I watched the show the first time. You do a good job on explaining the pros and cons of what you think about MLP and I can't wait to see more videos from you about this. *Liked*
  17. For me Super Smash Bros. Melee Metal Gear Solid 3 Metal Gear Online (MGS4) Uncharted 2 Starwars BattleFront II Starfox 2 Super Mario Galaxy 2 F-Zero GX (better than AX) Mario Party 4 (better than 3)
  18. The ranks you can get appear under your avatar and depending on how many posts you have they change accordingly. (just like Darky said) On another note welcome to the forum! I love your username and I can't wait to see your drawing!
  19. Hey my man welcome to the forum! You are pretty young but don't let that get in the way of enjoying the site. Like you stated before most people here are a little bit older. (myself I'm 17) I like Fluttershy quite a bit but my favorite will always be Rainbow Dash. I hope you have a fun time experiencing all the cool things that come out of enjoying MLP and being apart of this great fandom! I hope to see you around! /)
  20. "He pressin' me like button downs on a Friday night (Ha ha ha)"

  21. Wow, that's a long wait to re-join a forum. I would of just said "fuck it" lol Anyway welcome back to the site. I hope you have a great time. (Hooray for character limit being somewhat abolished! )
  22. Krys9

    movies/tv Winx club

    I watched it every once in a while when I was younger. I thought it was pretty good. I have a hard time remembering what it was about and the names of the characters though. Sorry
  23. Never used it myself but I have seen some pretty funny stuff. I'm not addicted to watching vines as some other people are but every once in a while it's good for a laugh.
  24. Hey Flutterwink! Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you with us.^^
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