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Everything posted by Krys9

  1. Hey! Welcome to the forum! Eh... I use such programs like Gimp but that is mostly to mess around with pictures and I don't really draw a lot of stuff in that program so I sorry that I can't help you with that. But I can offer a kind helping hand if you have any inquires about the site. I hope you have fun!
  2. Well lately I've been watching documentaries on YouTube but I don't think that counts. Oh yeah I just remember the time when I went onto the PSN to check for movies because my mom and I were bored and we watched a 10 min clip they had of the beginning of "Man of Steel". I gotta say that so far it was awesome and I really liked it. I haven't been able to go and watch a movie because they are kinda time-consuming but at least I watched some of it. xD
  3. Krys9

    Whats up?

    How in the world was that amazing name not taken? Haha Hey there buddy welcome to the forum! Nice to have you here with us. You sound like a cool dude. Enjoy yourself on the site.
  4. I'm on restriction right now so I can only play games on my PC. Ocarina of Time on my Project 64 emulator it is then!
  5. Thanks pal! I really hope you enjoy your time spend here!
  6. Hey there! Welcome to the forum! Oh and please bring your dirty mind with you.
  7. I've played Absolution all the way to completion but I never played Blood Money before. As sad as that may seem. I heard really good things about it though and it looks like an awesome game to play. I would probably go with Blood Money because it's more of the classic Hitman style that we know and love.
  8. Hiya! Welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you. I hope you have an awesome time on the site.
  9. I don't like how it came to that but people will be people. Anywho congrats on getting the PS4 for Christmas. I hope you really enjoy it when you get it.
  10. Krys9


    That all sounds very cool especially the gf and grandpanrents thing. Welcome to the forum by the way. Your fan-fic sounds interesting so far. I hope you enjoy the forum!
  11. Alice: Madness Returns Beyond Good & Evil Catherine Dark Sector Echochrome Fat Princess Guilty Gear Heavenly Sword Infamous 2 James Bond 007: Blood Stone Killzone 2 LittleBigPlanet Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Naughty Bear Overlord II Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Quantum Theory Resident Evil 5 Starfox Assault The House of the Dead Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Velvet Assassin Wolfenstein X-Blades Yakuza 3 Zombie Apocalypse That was fun. :3
  12. Well that's good that you want to buy a Wiiu. It just has very little to offer to the mainstream consumer right now based on it's current standing. Third party companies were all for it in the beginning but that enthusiasm has quickly died off in the little time that the Wiiu has been on the market. They don't have a lot of "must-have" titles as of yet and PS4/Xbox One have more offerings right out the gate and loads of more sales to show that people don't care that much for Wiiu as sad as that may seem. Go ahead and get a Wiiu if you would like (I've had one since lauch btw) but there are definitely some problems with how Nintendo is handling their business right now and they need to definitely step up their game.
  13. Krys9


    Hey there Flaskers! Welcome to the forum! I hope you have a great time. I can't personally vow to like any of those (besides MLP and Adventure Time) but I'm sure you can find people with more similar interests if you look around. Enjoy your time!
  14. Yeah true. Nintendo even had a year head start and they did nothing with it. Now their competition is here and it's totally wreaking them. Why should we play on Wiiu? Cmon Nintendo give us reasons. You totally don't have third party companies with you and your own first party games are not even out yet. (I'm talking about big titles like Mario Kart 8, SSB4 and etc.) I know the Wiiu has some great games like Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World and such but seriously people need some more interesting and creative IPs every once and while. It keeps the game pool unique and interesting.
  15. I know. PS4 is like what the PS2 was in terms of sheer power in the market right now. Literally everyone and their moms are rushing out to get a hold of one. I have also heard some sad stories about people getting stabbed and even murdered for their PS4's Check http://www.gamespot.com/articles/man-shot-dead-trying-to-sell-ps4/1100-6416497/ A very tragic story about a 22 year old man who was trying to sell his PS4 but ended up getting shot and he later died in the hospital. I like the hype surrounding the console but when you kill people JUST so you can play a damn system you know your f*cked up in the head. On another note, I am extremely glad the PS4 is doing well. It kicked Wiiu's ass in about 48 hours both in the U.S and the UK with more than a million sold. Wiiu has been out almost an entire year and it hasn't even grabbed those kind of numbers. lol
  16. Thanks but I already have watched all their videos. xD I'm an avid fan of TP's work.
  17. I love the Silent Hill franchise! I started with SH2 and loved every second of it! It was one of the greatest stories that I experienced in a game and the atmosphere was so dark and creepy. I always dreaded walking around the town at night. I have also played SIlent Hill 1, 3 and Downpour. So far 3 is my favorite next to the second one and then finally the original. Downpour was decent until I watched TwinPerfect's analysis on it and now it's "meh" for me. Oh by the way I encourage anyone who loves SH to check out TwinPerfect's channel on YouTube because they have a lot of interesting videos of analyses on what the monsters mean and insightful information. Here's a link to the channel for you: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmzfpLoX_ogBgSShfaiQ4A Here is an example of one of their videos: Why did you have to play the HD collection? lol There are SO many problems with it it's not funny. Glitches, stupid re-casted voice acting (granted you can opt for the old voices for SH2 but you can't for SH3) and techical problems galore! You should watch this it's funny and insightful.
  18. Krys9

    YAY im new

    Nice to meet you Tom! I sincerely welcome you to the forum! I hope your quest for voice actors gets some footing. I'm pretty sure you can find people here willing to help. I hope you have an awesome time!
  19. Wow that's so cool that you're from Korea! Greetings! Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you will enjoy your time on here!
  20. Nice! Welcome to the forum Sawyer! I hope you enjoy the site just like your sister! It's the perfect place for MLP fans like yourself. See you around!
  21. Hey there Strawberry Cream! (Your name sounds delicious!) lol I hope you enjoy the forum. It's a great place.
  22. Winter! If you got a chance to pilot a plane would you? (If they taught you before hand)
  23. I love foxes, wolves, leopards, lions, tigers and dogs.
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