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Everything posted by SparklingSwirls

  1. Oh man this game is still a thing? I remember when the original "Fighting is Magic" stuff was first released. Glad to see it's doing well.
  2. Hmm not that I can think of. I don't have a ton of time to get invested in games these days and generally after I've played through something once I don't have much of a desire to do so again, or if I do, it's because I want to see something I missed the first time around or just take my time messing around for nostalgia purposes.
  3. It sucks for all those people who spend tons of money on these games only for it all to be wiped away in an instant. I wish the devs would make offline versions, but I know that's easier said than done.
  4. Some good fanart maybe but that's about it. I try to keep my brain cells intact
  5. Why, the Swirly Avatar Army, of course Good god that was so many years ago, but it feels like just yesterday... is this what getting old is like
  6. I imagine most people want to work; people want to feel productive and contribute to society. The problem is that a lot of jobs have rude customers/coworkers, demanding managers, tasks that don't allow a worker to reach their full potential, or just an overall unhealthy work culture. If you like your job, you've struck gold. I'm at the point where I'm graduating college and looking for a full-time job, but I'm fortunate that I can afford to be picky. That means no overtime, coworkers my age, assignments I enjoy doing, and a flexible schedule. But many aren't so lucky and have to take whatever they can get out of desperation, it's sad.
  7. I have a few fridge magnets that I saved from my parents' home, so I can remember some places I've been and things I've seen. I probably have some paper clips lying around here somewhere as well
  8. I like a cappuccino with extra milk foam I used to hate the taste of coffee but I've since gotten acquired to it. I don't mind black coffee either, though it's not my preference.
  9. Yeah I bet I played in one at some point. Indeed... those balls were surely never cleaned. But I turned out okay, so why not let kids have fun in them? Gotta build up those immune systems right?
  10. Back in my hometown, a storm that knocked over a giant tree in our backyard. I was a child at the time and loved climbing around that fallen tree for fun so I was sad when my parents eventually had it removed.
  11. Just finished the Chasm story quest today. All I can say is... I bet Ella Musk is going to have a big role in the story later on (I also got her commission today what a coincidence) The Chasm has been fun to explore, but I prefer the bright colorful locations, but hopefully Sumeru will be bright and colorful!
  12. Yelan looks super cool, especially those attack animations, but also I feel like she almost looks too modern for Genshin maybe? Might be just me. Kuki Shinobu is awesome, but since there is no epitomized path for 4*, I probably can’t count on getting her ;_; Since Itto is the speculated 2.7 rerun and I already have him, and it doesn’t seem like Kazuha is coming until 2.8, I figured I’d be safe to try 50/50 on Ayato. I got another Mona and an Ayato in the same 10 pull. Hydro supremacy . I just stuck the Flute on him for now
  13. Good luck on your pulls everyone! May you lose the 50/50 to that one standard 5* who is still evading you I still haven’t decided if I want Ayato. He looks cool but I don’t really have a good weapon to give him, since Ayaka gets my Amenoma, and so far I’m not thrilled with his personality (though maybe that’ll change after his story quest and the festival). He feels okay to play. I threw one 10 pull on his banner and got a Sucrose. Playing as Razor in Hyakunin Ikki made me excited to grab him from the shop this Friday!
  14. That would really suck for new players who want those characters, unless they add an epitomized path system. Otherwise you could spend thousands of wishes and never get the character(s) you want.
  15. Eh I don't do the meta/abyss so I don't really focus on building characters (most of mine are still only chilling at level 60/70 ) I think I have elemental mastery. I do, I want everyone but I don't want to spend so much on crystals D: I think I'd prefer Kazuha and/or Ayaka if they come soon. Ooh good luck!
  16. Yes I did get Sara, and glad to hear you got her too! I only got one copy; I did another 10 pull after getting Kokomi to try to get a second one but I just got another Bennett (might try again before the banner ends, but I want to keep my pity low for next time). Also I'll admit that I am actually enjoying Xinyan a little more now; her burst does look kind of cool, reminds me of Yoimiya's Now the only 4* I am missing is Razor but he'll return in the shop next month . I'll have to skip Ayato because I'm almost out of wishes...
  17. It's that time of every 3 weeks again I won the 50/50 on Kokomi, but I had to go through 4 Xinyans before I got a single Sara . I hadn't had either of them yet. Xinyan is my least favorite character because her voice drives me crazy (I have nothing against southern accents but it just really doesn't fit the setting... ) also her attacks are sooooo slow. I'd been waiting for Sara to return on a banner for months now! She is one of my favorites.
  18. I'm agnostic, and sure. I would be willing to date someone who was more religious as long as they respected my views and didn't try to convince me otherwise. Values/Compatibility is probably more important.
  19. I can never make up my mind, so I usually sleep with one eye open and one eye closed
  20. Oh, I already got her! I love her character and personality too. That Gorou hangout quest
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