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Nobody Special

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Everything posted by Nobody Special

  1. Isn't Georgetown close to Fort Campell? My father is there and if we move down there we might have to do a meet up sometime Right now though we are in Wisconsin. I can say the town too, becausee it's so small unless you live in a 50 mile radius, you have no idea it exists. It is Bruce Wisconsin.
  2. Honestly, it all depends on where you are from and what the major sport there is. I personally like both of them, but where I am from it is considered more "manly" to play football. If you are from Europe though it is a much larger thing there and would probably be considered more "manly" to play soccer.
  3. I honestly have no idea what it is, it just looks a little disproportinate in some way. Though I can't quite put my hoof on it. Other than that I love it!
  4. I might have confused some people what I meant by what I said was that I would want to be active in a sport that I hate but would still be in the sport I love. I play just about every sport I can and are very athletic so it's hard just to say I hate a sport.
  5. I'm always happy when someone I know joins the herd. One down one to go

  6. I can't stand just watching! I would want to be active in a sport I hate. That's how it is every other day in gym class. We play the same stupid game that I cannot stand! I still participate and try to be the best teammate I can though.
  7. I have barely bought anything so far but I love trolling people at places like walmart and... darn we only have a walmart... but still try this. Walk in and if you see a greeter approach the greeter and before they can say anything say hello and welcome to walmart, then sit back and watch them look all confused. Other than that, I can't wait to grow out my facial hair a little more! Gonna have a full beard with a mustache and gonna walk up and say, "I would like to purchase this fine merchandise, please" (sets mlp related item on checkout. Cleck see what it is) "So... how old is your daughter?" "What daughter?" then walk away saying nothing else.
  8. It's okay for the most part, but there is too much repeating. It feels like I am listening to a 10 second segment 5 times over. There needs to be an intro, a climax, and an ending kind of like a book. You need to treat it as if you were trying to write a book, you need to catch the attention of the listener, get stronger throughout the song and subtly end it.
  9. I normally get quite a bit of hate on my ps3 because my ID is RainbowDashes_ They call me gay and try to get me angry, it hardly ever works though. I normally just play and talk to them, try to get them to stop being complete assholes, if that does't work I just beat them in game and they leave yelling at the top of their lungs cause I beat them The little kids I ignore though because they shouldn't be playing the game anyways.
  10. Oran berries are over rated! I perfer the spicy-sweet yt bitter and sour and not to mention the exceptionally smooth leppa berry. It can restore 10 pp which I think is more useful because, if you can't attack, what's the point of having the pokemon...? Oh wait...
  11. It looks quite good. The only thing I can say is I, personally, think that the arms should be a little larger. I am still giving you a 5 though... that is out of 5 btw.
  12. Friendo is going to go see Equestria girls with me.

  13. Yeah, I can see it being quite difficult to add shadows to such a dark coloured oc. It looks very nice though! Just can't believe you were up at 2:30 drawing this.
  14. Going to go to best friends house today and ask him if he wants to go see Equestria Girls with me... Hope it goes okay.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Yeah I guess so. I just hope you get to see it without spending a ton of euros.

    3. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      i hope so too, but if it's really going to be that expensive, i guess i could still download it somewhere. not the best thing to do but yeah..

    4. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      It would really be your only option sadly.

  15. It sepends how long I am on the forums. I use my ps3 to go on the forums, and I can listen to music and go on the forums at the same time. So I normally put on my turtle beaches and listen to music whenever I'm on the forums. That can range from 1-8 hours a day.
  16. I, for one, are going to see it. I have my friend and are going to ask another friend if he wants to go for his birthday, which is tomorrow. So yeah all of us are going but I don't see why people are hating on it.
  17. I don't want to sell my ps3 but I still want to get a ps4... This is going to be hard. BTW they are trying to sell the xbox one for 500? thats just outragous! then you have to pay for online, which has to be connected all the time, used game fees and such. That wil end up being way too much. I have an xbox and a ps3 and I have to say the ps3 is much better.
  18. I have almost gotten oveer the run away instict myself, but after you have been stung as many times as I have, the scare you. BETTER YET my best friend has a bee farm at his house!!! So now I have to try and fight that instict whenever I'm at his house. Other than that I have been stung in the worst possible places. I have been stung on my lip, on my toungue, in my genital area, and on my butt. It really hurts and sucks after you have been stung in any of those places.
  19. Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good night everypony :)

    1. Myek


      I believe it's time that I officially come to your attention.

    2. Nobody Special

      Nobody Special

      Officially? Pfffttt who needs to be official? I knew you were on meh list. :P

  20. Here Fishy Fishy Fish

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