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Everything posted by Adachi

  1. I would give her a book about Buddhism I think. Buddhism is a very spiritual religion, and yet, they don't worship anyone, they focus on the lessons that were provided by Buddha, so Buddhism works with all belief systems, and has many important lessons, as well as many fun stories to read.
  2. Saint Michael is the strongest archangel and also God's right hand man, but Seraphimon has his Seventh Heavens and Testament attacks. I'm not sure which is stronger because I've never seen Seraphimon in action, although I saw one video of his Seventh Heavens attack and it looked pretty powerful. Although, Michael can destroy legions of enemies with one swing of his sword. Edit: Just realized, Seraphimon's attacks work mainly on beings that are evil or about to commit evil, so this question was pretty dumb I guess xD Saint Michael does not have a shred of evil within him.
  3. I'm pretty much Gnostic Christian now, except maybe with minor differences in belief, but the beauty of Gnostic Christianity is I don't have to follow a rigorous belief system, I just need to believe in the father xD
  4. Hmm, maybe it was a combination of being legally dead and unconscious. Or they were just unconscious, but their vitals slowed to the point where they couldn't get a reading. Because I know most people claim to have seen a tunnel, and this is possibly thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of cases. And some even claim to see relatives, but their relatives told them that it isn't their time yet, and as much as they would like them to stick around, it would be selfish of them to keep them away from their living loved ones.
  5. What did they claim to see? Because one person said he had two NDEs, and both times he saw a place for the dead where he saw some of his loved ones, and also, guides.
  6. I'm not sure. All I can think of is he won't stop every atrocity, but he will stop things that will wipe out all of humanity. Or maybe, he won't stop anything, but when humanity dies, they'll be given a comfortable waiting place til they're called up to heaven? I admit that things like that make any deity seem invalid, which is why most of the world is going atheist.
  7. Lately, I've been getting no signs of vocalization from Serenity. I don't know if maybe I changed her form too drastically without giving her time to get used to it, or maybe she's tired from the transformation (I did change her from a small pink pony to a traditional unicorn, which is way bigger than a MLP pony). I have let her know that she can change to whatever she likes. I can visualize her, and I think when I was getting ready to nap, I could imagine myself laying down in a void, with Serenity laying down nearby, the thought just came to me without making myself think it, but not 100% sure.
  8. As in for the most part, we can do what we want. But if the planet, and humanity are in danger, he will step in and intervene. It's better to have a divine force step in once in a while to save us from ourselves, than to have no free will at all. Because if there is even a little bit of free will, there is the chance for humanity to wipe itself out, so there has to be some kind of safeguard. I also think god is completely in control, things will go according to his will until all of the people with good in their hearts pass over. Although then again, things like the missing plane or whatever make me wonder sometimes.
  9. The only thing I can think of is that God gave man free will, and he doesn't want to interfere with that free will. But I believe that he has everything under control. He will never allow anyone to destroy the earth unless it's time. No country will use a nuclear weapon on another country anyways, because that would lead to global nuclear annihilation. They just flex their "big boy weapons" to look intimidating, and no country is willing to trust another country to get rid of their nuclear weapons when they get rid of theirs.
  10. What do you think the best romance in anime history is. I think it is the romance between Chibiusa and Helios. I mean, Chibiusa's light was what allowed Helios to escape his imprisoned body as Pegasus, and he has visited her dreams every night, and they even had a date in the dream realm. Helios would do anything to protect his precious one, even if he had to put himself at great risk. Like when Queen Nehilenia was about to take Chibiusa's golden mirror, Pegasus jumped into her mirror to try to protect her. There's also the scene where Pegasus is tied up, and the Amazoness Quartet is trying to ride him or take his horn. He creates a bunch of fire and starts getting burned by it, but Chibiusa runs right through the fire and starts freeing him, even though she's undoubtedly getting severe burns (she was wearing nothing but a sailor fuku and boots). When the Amazoness Quartet asks why she risked her life, she said "He would've done the same for me". And when Queen Nehilenia cast the curse of eternal sleep on Chibiusa, Helios used the last of his power to reawaken Chibiusa.
  11. I brought it up because you assumed that just because Saint Michael also served a greater power, he would be subject to similar fallacies of a theocracy. He would undoubtedly champion peace and harmony over any dogma, dogma was invented by man who invented religion. To me, my religion is love of the divine and love for others. And I'm sure that whoever our creator is feels the same way, he/she wants us all to love each other over loving a religion, and is above petty lip service. Also, Saint Michael is an archangel who played a prominent role in many religions. Many have claimed to have seen him as well, especially at war time. I think he's a huge thing in Catholicism as well (although I'm not Catholic so not sure)
  12. I would ask Pinkie Pie for a hug, give her some sweets to bring back with her, then go and get my moneh I'm sorry but, 10k? That is a LOT of money xD
  13. Saint Michael has nothing to do with the corrupt kingdoms ruled by man. I can assure that. Klavier Gavin and Kristoph Gavin are brothers, and yet, Klavier had the integrity to turn on his brother when he saw how wrong his brother was (even if it did take him a while) Now that I think about it, the Alicorn sisters are exceedingly cute. And I would love a world full of ponies. I change my mind
  14. I thought for sure that Jake the Snake Roberts was dead. But then I saw a facebook link to a Ultimate Warrior tribute done by DDP and Snake the Jake Roberts. I was like "am I stoned?". So I went to Wikipedia, and sure enough, he's still alive
  15. The humans who died for Christ were either reborn, or they achieved a Christlike enough state for their souls to achieve full Christhood, and more than likely became some of the lucky ones who are able to participate in helping build the new kingdom. I'm not expecting you to believe in what I believe in, but that's my belief. I'm still not quite sure what afterlife will be like myself. One belief, I got from Gnostic Luciferianism where all good people become ascended. Another belief is all who achieve Christhood become ascended. And yet another belief where one simply believes in God, and they can be ascended (although not believing in angels results in being unable to enter the bridal chamber). At any rate, I've pretty much explained my case, so any future posts on this topic will be about the actual conversation.
  16. I respect your decision. Although I disagree with it being "exclusive". When all you need is to believe in God, it's actually more open than Christianity, which requires 10 extra rules. Anyways, we have let this get too off track, but if anyone wants to message me to debate Christian Gnosticism, feel free to. With that, unless someone else has something to say about the interview, I'm out.
  17. Yes, many animals died. Who is to say they didn't go to the afterlife? I'm pretty sure that animals are considered innocent by God, since they're incapable of reasoning or having morals for the most part. Then again, the world is filled with the spirits of pets floating all over the place. But maybe they will all be called home. Then again, someone who had 2 NDEs claims there is no Heaven or Hell, just a place for the dead, including departed loved ones and guides. I'm inclined to take the view of someone with experience, over the view of an old book or people who claimed to speak with angels through mediums. Yes, she is against traditional Christianity and Catholicism, because they are both LYING. Well, according to our beliefs at least. But that's what she, her husband, and myself all agree on. No doubt that parts of the Bible are true. But it was tampered with so much both by the church, and by the very people who wrote it that nobody can take it fully credibly anymore. And Christianity and Catholicism worship the word instead of Jesus. No wonder our current pope is so sick of the church right now! This is why people are turning Atheist, Buddhist, Luciferian, and Gnostic Christian, because Atheists don't have a spiritual belief, Buddhism has Christlike messages while being non judgmental and non self righteous, Luciferians believe in the potential of humanity rather than the divinity of a deity (well the theistic ones worship Lucifer I believe, but they consider him the real Christlike figure), and Gnostic Christians use a much older version of scripture than original Christianity without taking out any of the message, and focusing on the Christ and the mother. Also, unlike Christianity, Gnostic Christians believe that one only has to believe in the father to be ascended. Although to enter the bridal chamber one has to believe in angels too, otherwise their guardian angel cannot take them through the bridal chamber. And people can accuse them of using parts of other religions, but that's what pagan religions do. All religions are interlinked, whether we like it or not. There are going to be associations, and the Goddess Sophia, happens to be linked with Athena, Venus, Isis, and at least 1-2 others while the God is similarly linked to some masculine Gods. I'll explain more, but I need to cook now. Edit: Finished cooking. I can explain in more depth. Also, you are looking at things through a Bible student's eyes. Assuming the Bible has any literal truth to it (which I strongly doubt), yes, I don't doubt there could've been plagues. But they were well deserved. The big hulking problem I have is that they spinster God, our father, into some monster that he's not. Also, the Bible wasn't the first interpretation of his word. Before that, there was only scripture, and scripture can be tampered with. Which is why there are different sects of Jewish belief. Don't believe me? Someone managed to tamper with the beliefs of other religions as well. Maybe not directly, but he spread falsehoods. For example, many know Loki as a sly trickster, who can be malicious at times. But Loki is actual a fiery trickster who only likes to do harmless pranks. He never had the intention of harming anyone. And he still sits by Odin's side. All of this "new age nonsense" is actually the result of people awakening to the true origins of their religions, and the true stories behind them.
  18. The same thing can be said for the Bible. Anyone could have written it. I admit that there are prophecies, which might be the only thing true (other than Hebrew history). Gnostic Christians won't argue that there is a Christ, and I'm sure the Gaians won't either, and they acknowledge that there is a god. Both the original scriptures, and the Bible were modified over and over for personal gain, just like the US Constitution. I respect people's rights to believe what they believe, but I'm pretty sure there is a goddess, or at least that God is not guilty of the atrocities that were credited to him in the OT. The Bible even says we were born in "god's image", which can be translated to being made of a piece of the same divine energy that God is made of. Also, the reason why Heaven is so interested in affairs on Earth? Do you seriously need to ask this? When God has been with us since the beginning? And we're his children? Of course he would be very interested, and wants us all to ascend, so we can reach the next stage of evolution and become spiritual beings. If that's too hard to swallow, there's the belief from Zen Buddhism where we can either become one with the light, or go to the darkness (the void) and be swallowed up. Edit: Also, being rewarded for living lives of serving others and being good sounds a lot more credible than believing in a book that was written by man (primarily by kings who have an interest in keeping people ignorant)
  19. I'll ask around for solid proof. But I recommend you watch some of Lucifera Morningstar's videos (yes, I know she's a Luciferian but she knows her stuff and knows the whole Bible inside and out). A lot of the stuff, I learned from her. If you ask her for unbiased sources, I'm sure she'll provide them. Edit: Here's one example. Why would the OT oppress women, slaves, and witches? Because the Hebrew kingdoms wanted to keep war slaves, and also, women and witches would endanger the position of power that kings held. Women, because if they had equal rights, that would endanger a pure patriarchy, and witches, because they were the intellectuals, they could tap into the divine magick (which is freely available from all of the gods) to find out the true intentions of the kings. Magick is not evil. The only thing affecting magick is intent, and whatever energy one puts into the earth, they get back threefold. So, magick was not a threat to the people, because no witch would dare to cast a curse on a king, unless absolutely needed, because the witch would most likely die, or get a 3x as powerful curse. (don't think Christian witches even had any curse spells, for they had to draw upon the holy power of God/angels)
  20. I once fell asleep while sitting on a bench while waiting for a bus.
  21. It's based on info given to me by a Gnostic Luciferian couple, combined with Gnostic Christianity and an interview with Saint Michael that I read. Everything seems to make sense, it all follows current trends.
  22. This enlightenment, is simply turning towards peace and harmony. And you lack faith in their ability to get the message spread. Who do you think convinced NATO to switch gears and go from warmongers to peacekeepers? Saint Michael gave them such overpowering feelings of peace, joy, etc that they became convinced that peace is preferable to war. It won't be a sudden ascension, it actually started around 1991, and at first, they are collecting all those who will be building the new kingdom, but eventually, they will start accepting other people, in waves. It won't be so fast that there will be a panic, but it will be a slow process. And the more who become enlightened, the more there will be who will spread the message. Funny story, the people who got me convinced to follow Gnostic Christianity were a Gnostic Luciferian couple. I guess they're very similar to Gnostic Christians, because they too believe in a God and Goddess, and also in the divinity of The Christ. The only difference is they consider Jesus, Lucifer, and Michael to all be the same being. Saint Michael started off an a regular angel, then got promoted to an archangel around the crucifixion. Also, there would be nothing stopping Michael from assuming human form to go through the crucifixion. Assuming that Michael would be unable to do this would be like assuming Jesus (if he was a separate entity) would be unable to do the same thing. Biblical scholars have even found out that there might have been a major translation error, and Jesus/Lucifer/Saint Michael might all be the same being. About the god and goddess, in the Bible, Christ clearly states that his FATHER is better than he. True, God could've had some feminine aspects, but I've done my homework. The early church destroyed almost all mentions of the Goddess, so people would only see the God. For some reason, it had to do with divine rights of kings and the power of the church. Also, your argument about our calling to believe in God whose work is mentioned in the Bible has one strong fallacy. You're using texts from a book full of fallacies and contradictions to prove it's validity. Did you realize that the 10 commandments aren't even the real 10 commandments? God gave the real ones on stone, and they are for the most part, much different. Although I guess one can argue that that set was for the Jewish people, and Gentiles couldn't be trusted to follow the Jewish commandments. Anyways, because of all the tampering of the Bible, I cannot trust it as the source of God's wisdom. It's a book that has some good stories, and the NT is still very useful for getting a basic understanding of Jesus, but beyond that, it's foundation is like that of sand. The one true way to become closer to God and the Goddess is to spend time out in nature, or spend time helping those in need, or meditating. Preferably a combination of all 3. The answers will find you.
  23. Here's an unpopular tech-related opinion. Technology pushes us away from mother nature, and makes us less and less spiritual, the more time we spend indoors with it, instead of going out to commune with nature. And yet, we all feel compelled to still live this way. This opinion could also qualify for the unpopular opinions thread.
  24. I don't mean our physical bodies will join the 5th dimension. I mean we will become pure spiritual beings. But it will still feel very real to us, and there will be new laws of physics or something (I forgot, I haven't read much about Nova Earth yet). Also, the original Hebrew religion was actually very pagan in nature. Maybe asking if my beliefs were Christian was the wrong question to ask. But I believe this is the original religion. I'm not saying that other deities are invalid, I believe they are all extensions of the one. Which makes sense, because pagans don't worship the god and goddess directly, they do some soul searching and try to find the right deities to represent the god and goddess. I have a feeling that the early Christian church would've considered this heresy, but they had a big hand in twisting Hebrew beliefs into something to better serve them. The first offenders were the Hebrews themselves, who turned away from their original religion and changed things up. The Bible itself mentions how the Hebrews turned to idols numerous times. Even without this belief system, there is no avoiding that they did have at least some god and goddess aspects in their religion.
  25. Yeah. I believe, they just exist on a separate plane from us, and are not corporeal beings, so that's why most don't believe in them. They are like angels, they're helpers, guides, and messengers, and even work together with angels due to compatible frequencies. One can see a unicorn, if they only try. One only has to meditate, and visualize different legendary beings, such as the fey, gnomes, brownies, pixies, etc and a unicorn will appear to them while meditating. They're also drawn to music, and positive people who are virtuous and/or pure to the point where their mortal body cannot contain it. Humanity has lost most of it's innocence and open mindedness over the ages. As people turned more and more to the material world, they forgot more and more about nature. People eventually started forgetting about unicorns, or considering them fairy tales for little kids. But hey, even if I'm delusional, it gives me something to work for. One day I will find that beautiful forest clearing with a pond, and maybe find a beautiful virgin to go with me, so she can attract a unicorn, and I can die happily
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