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Everything posted by Adachi

  1. 1) Find a good Brony song that isn't obviously about MLP 2) Have a hater listen to it 3) Ask him what he thinks of it 4) If he says he likes it, tell him it's a Brony song 5) ????? 6) Profit
  2. I forgot the thing about Lauren being inspired by a childhood experience. But I'll try to find it.
  3. Well, Pinkie is my favorite, although I would like to be more like Celestia. Loving, benevolent, fair, wise. I would also like to be more like Pinkie Pie or Cheese Sandwich as well. And a bit like Dashie
  4. Yeah, I think that Celestia exists, if not in this realm, in another realm. I believe that faeries, gnomes, brownies, pixies, etc exist, so why not Celestia. And Lauren DID say something about the show being inspired by a childhood memory Edit: This is supposed to be a reply to Vaddix's post, but for some reason it's not letting me quote =/
  5. I believe that God has a masculine and feminine aspect, each their own entity. Om is the masculine aspect, Azna is the feminine aspect. That said, I believe that Azna embodies everything that Celestia does. She protects her children, the other side is a utopia (kinda like Ponyville, there's still work, but really easy work and scarcity is nonexistant), and she's also a warrior mother (she loves to be thought of as a warrior). So even if there isn't a Celestia goddess, Azna has taken on the role of Celestia for me. Not to mention that when we do cross over, if we want, we could probably will Celestia into existence (I read it works with objects and buildings and gardens anyway)
  6. Windows 8 is better than Windows 7 and even Windows XP. I love it's Metro system, and it's a good source of apps and games. All MLP fan content should be kid friendly. The whole concept of races is stupid and asinine. We are all the human race. Most animes are lame and unfunny.
  7. I don't think Godzilla would want to fight the ponies, then again, he has attacked Japan. But I think Flutters would talk with him and calm him down. Especially if he's old Godzilla (would actually make things easier because old Godzilla actually protected the Earth, and was a lot more intelligent, so I'm sure he would spare innocent candy colored ponies )
  8. Catchy song, but I think it's horrible. I think they were blatantly trying to mentally scar as many kids as possible. I started it thinking that it was gonna be like the original. Even in the first couple of seconds, I didn't think anything was gonna happen, because even though the disclaimer looked creepy, I read it, and the description seemed legit. I once thought that stuff like this should be protected, because nobody's creativity should be denied. But I think MLP fan content (and any fan content based off kid's shows) should always be kid friendly. I am against all clop and gore pics/videos, because no matter what, at the end of the day, countless kids are gonna end up seeing it for one reason or another. Kids should always be considered first, over individual creative expression, because one's expression can mentally scar many kids. Even if there's a warning, because kids will ignore it, and parents for the most part are slacking in their responsibility. Just because there are irresponsible parents, doesn't mean that their kids should end up suffering. Although I admit that if it's in fanfic form, it's perfectly ok. And even the images/video are ok if they are kept under tight lock and key from kids. But currently, there is no way to ensure that, unless they do what adult sites do and require a credit card number to make absolutely sure that little kids can't access that stuff.
  9. Pikachu Song <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gr4IxMgHdDY Seriously, song is so damn cute and catchy I can't stop listening to it xD
  10. Current favorites are Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Pinkie Pie. No real order. I started developing a renewed appreciation for Octavia and Vinyl after watching the animation for "I am Octavia".
  11. I understand about the age verification thing, but those who really don't want to see NSFW stuff won't watch it if they know it's gonna have something that scares them. And about that software, it blocks out many things that are perfectly safe. They block out not only the offensive content, but a lot of non offensive stuff as well. Although I guess you have a point, kids who are mentally scarred by gore shouldn't have so much freedom anyways. And by the time someone is old enough to read disclaimers, they're old enough for the videos to not affect them. Still, a parent could click on a video like Smile HD thinking it's harmless. Then again, responsible parents should screen videos before letting their children see them anyways. The internet is kinda like Halloween candy. You don't let children eat the candy before screening it for monkey business. Still, it's sad though. MLP of all things should be something that has the most trustworthy content, because it's a cute cartoon about candy coloured sentient talking ponies. And this mature content is giving many people a negative image of the show. Edit: After going through a billion YouTube comments on videos I've watched where people with atrocious spelling and manners insult each other's mothers for their opinions, I believe that many kids who are too young for clop and gore do go on the internet anyways. Are their parents at fault? Yes. But that is no excuse for not watching what is put within easy reach of children, because they're crafty, and likely WILL find a way to undo the Netnanny or whatever program is blocking certain content. We shouldn't be making things even worse for these poor kids who have irresponsible parents. People are growing up to have a severe lack of morals. MLP of all things should be a bastion of all things that are good and pure, although I agree that there should be plenty of humor as well. In the end, the series was made for little girls, so when making content that is open to all and easily searchable, people should think "would I allow me little sister/daughter to view/play this?". If the answer is no, then for the love of Celestia, keep it away from children. There are plenty of ways to do so.
  12. So you're honestly saying that a little kid won't be mentally scarred after watching cupcakes? Even if they stop the video at the first gory scene, the mental scarring still happens. I would have no problem with these things if they were kept far out of the reach of children (maybe have an age verification?), but most of it is right in plain sight, with no age verification, and some of it without so much as a disclaimer. I understand that people should be free to be creative, but if someone doesn't want to be bothered with protecting children from content that they should not be seeing, then they shouldn't bother making stuff that's not kid friendly. I'm sure that all those who have kids of their own would agree with me. Freedom of expression is one thing, but all MLP content, whether official or fanmade should either by kid friendly, or there should be a warning and age verification so kids know not to watch it. For those who ignore the warning, tough beans for them. But to say the same to those who received no warning, that's pretty cold and irresponsible. Edit: To further my case, try looking up "Pinkie Pie smile" on YouTube and Smile HD is the 2nd result (and that is a very gory video).
  13. I know it's media, but it's also pony related, so I guess it's best to stick this in Sugarcube Corner. If I'm wrong, a mod is welcome to move it to Media. Anyways, the reason I made this video is because I hate how a lot of Bronies make MLP fan content that is not kid friendly, such as clop and gore. I was messing around in Pokemon Kindness Version, and found a particular battle that reaffirmed my stance on this subject. I believe that all MLP fan content should be kid friendly, otherwise a kid could play some MLP game thinking it's innocent, then end up getting mentally scarred for life.
  14. Decided to create an Octavia tulpa tonight, after watching I am Octavia. I did finally start getting head pressure from Pinkie again, so figured since I want her to have at least one friend, that I would create Octavia so they can help each other develop. I eventually plan on having at least 4-5 tulpas for different things. Pinkie to help relieve stress and give me a good laugh, Octavia to help encourage me and encourage creativity, and maybe a Rainbow Dash tulpa for confidence.
  15. Dashie truly is incredibly badass. She is currently tied for 1st with AJ and Pinkie, although Pinkie currently just edges them out.
  16. Well, I want her to be similar to Pinkie, because Pinkie is my favorite pony, but at the same time, I'm cool with her being whatever. Just using Pinkie as the base form/personality and I'll see how things go from there. I think she's active once again too, because I prayed hard about it, and I started feeling head pressure again.
  17. Yeah, we're all God's children, so we shouldn't harm each other. Although then again, Nakoruru is gentle but ended up turning into Rera (even if only a short time). We all have a dark side, and even if one says they'll never harm another, if someone killed a family member or a close friend, who knows what kind of rage we'll feel.
  18. Well good luck with that. It's definitely something that needs a ton of thought on, and could take years before you find what's right for you. I've pretty much looked at a lot of belief systems and spent many years comparing different belief systems, and just what it was I wanted. Although in the end, all belief systems rooted in love are good. There really is no wrong answer (unless your religion does harm to others, but thankfully, there's not too many of those).
  19. I dunno. The old me likely would've killed him if I had the ability to. But ever since I got into spirituality, I've learned that it's wrong to answer violence with violence. Although if I did have to knock him out for self defense, I would probably hit him harder than necessary (I'm only human, and God would forgive me anyways, because I know he would feel my pain).
  20. Once I got over the shock, I would say "why?!". And obviously, I would call the police on him (even if I could, I wouldn't attack him except to incapacitate him so the police can deal with him, negativity only breeds more negativity and two wrongs don't make a right, and I believe in restorative justice)
  21. I got a situation here, I haven't heard from my tulpa in weeks. Likely because I kept changing her form and personality so much, I just couldn't decide. Although now, I'm pretty happy to stick with Pinkie Pie form and personality. That said though, anypony have any idea what's going on? Is she feeling resentful for making her change so much? Or maybe she's sleeping. Should I try Pony Hypnosis and make myself think like Pinkie? Or maybe try to make a secondary tulpa in hopes that it can develop, then help me finish making Pinkie? I was going to make another tulpa or two after finishing Pinkie and getting her developed anyways, but it looks like I might have to start early so Pinkie will get back on track =/
  22. I'm probably gonna get a lot of hate for this, and I used to think the opposite, but... Johnny Test is better than Dexter's Laboratory Seriously, Dexter's Laboratory was usually good, although now that I think of it, Dexter's personality just rubbed me the wrong way. Dexter only really cares about inventing, and he will even try to further his goals at the cost of others, and he is unapologetic. Johnny can be mischievous, but is usually actually a pretty good boy, and although he never really learns from his mistakes and has zero development, he is genuinely sorry for them, and always tries to do the right thing. He's just so much more human. And his sisters, although they can come across as dull, they do really care for their brother, and they're not Mary Sues (Gil is their weakness). And it's always funny when they ban him from the lab, and yet, he sneaks in anyway xD
  23. The fictional character can be from anywhere, whether it be video games, anime, novels, comics, etc. Here's my list. Fluttershy and Nakoruru - This one is probably extremely obvious, but Fluttershy loves nature, and Nakoruru is the guardian of nature. They would become such close friends (only friendship to top theirs would be the friendship between Nakoruru and her sister, Rimururu). Pinkie Pie and Beast Boy - They're both extremely humorous, hyper, friendly, and extroverted. They both love pranks as well. And I think Pinkie would actually laugh as his jokes. Twilight Sparkle and Raven - Love of magic? Check. Love of studying? Check. And both can be pretty quiet as well (although Twilight tends to lose it under stress kinda easily). And I think Raven could probably teach Twilight a thing or two (although not sure if Twilight could return the favor since Unicorn magic is limited to Unicorns, but Raven could probably find a way to learn). Applejack and Hank Hill - Even though Hank is the last person you'd expect to be a brony, I think after he recovers from the initial shock, he and AJ would get along well. They're both hard workers who treasure family above anything else, and I think Hank would love the fact that AJ represents honesty. Rarity and Sailor Neptune - Both are elegant, both love being beautiful, both have class in spades. I think they would both be very interested in exchanging human/pony fashion tips. Rainbow Dash and Buttercup - Both are fast and hardcore. Nuff said (Bet you thought I was gonna say Sonic, right? xD)
  24. Would be cool to have a pony to hang out with, assuming that the bot can develop actual emotions and can reason and have desires. Otherwise, it just wouldn't be the same.
  25. I'm trying out OpenElec, which is basically a stand alone XBMC. Not sure what kind of games it can handle, but I don't really play MMOs anyway, and I know it can handle emulators. And about the only thing I do anymore is watch, listen, and read stuff. And maybe once in a rare blue moon play a MMO. So far, it took me about 30 min to find out how to use the web browser, but it's running like a dream
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