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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald
"So this is manehatten..." There was really nothing else for her to say about it. The buildings may have been taller, and the citizenry more pretentious, but neither of those aspects were particularly appealing to her. For Serah Anastos, it was just another city to pass through; without a look back, and without a care as to who might live there. A brown earth-pony with a red mane and a guitar strapped to his back passed by, looking profoundly out of place in the city. He was keeping his head low, avoiding the eyes of others and keeping to himself. Probably for the best, she though. A city like this could probably chew up and spit out any country bumpkin who tried to court it. But all she wanted out of Manehatten was a one night stand, figuratively speaking, before she continued her travels across Equestria. A nearby fruit stand, looking nearly as out of place in the city as the wannabe country singer had, served to satiate her growing hunger. She took an apple in her teeth while the stand's vendor was looking the other way, and slowly trotted away without caring if anyone had seen her stealing in broad daylight or not. It wasn't like she had a good name to protect; she'd taken to covering up the mark on her flank with a large bandage to obscure who she was, as well as her talent. She was more than able to protect herself, and anyone who tried to get in her way would be in for a heated battle. Silently, she dared the city to take her on. To show her the excitement she craved, the adventure she longed for, and the battle that would quench her thirst. But it did not answer, at least not immediately. And so she satisfied herself with the apple.
open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle
Legendary Emerald replied to Toothless the Night Fury's topic in Everfree Roleplays
A loud voice boomed over an overhead speaker, making Serah's eyes tear away from the medic and turn eagerly towards the new voice. "Attention team Alphaloosa, you have permission to begin your attack. Your squad leader is George Gray; you will follow his orders exactly." When the name 'George Gray' was spoken, the orange medic colt's eyes suddenly snapped to awareness, and he stood at attention. Serah found that a bit curious, but the overhead voice continued. "Remember, your primary objective is to kill as many of those sunny bastards as you can, and even drive them out of Apploosa as possible. In the end though, it is nothing more than a diversionary tactic, so treat it as such. Also keep in mind the secondary objective: We believe the enemy has acquired a piece of very sensitive information during their raid, and if it can't be retrieved, it must be destroyed. You're squad leader will inform you as to what it is you are looking for, if he deems it necessary." The orange pony nodded, causing Serah's stomach to churn. No, there was no way this was their squad leader. Not this nurse-colt who looked like he'd never seen a day of battle in his life. "Your sergeant will now address you, and you will then head out immediately. Good luck, and may Lunas blessings be upon you." the overhead voice finally concluded. 'Sergeant' George Gray approached the troops, and Serah's enthusiasm for the mission plummeted. Was this her higher ups' way of punishing her for requesting to be on the front lines? Worse, was this now a suicide mission? -
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I don't think I want to do anything until I know exactly what George/Neikos' role is. He's a medic from character description, but in his last post in the RP his character was guessing that he was squad leader as well. I was hoping he would clarify in another post in the RP, one way or the other, and then things could get started
open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle
Legendary Emerald replied to Toothless the Night Fury's topic in Everfree Roleplays
A door opened and Serah eagerly looked in its direction, hoping to see the familiar face of one of the squad leaders. Instead, she saw a middle-aged orange earth-pony shuffle in distractedly. A waft of fumes accompanied his entering the room, carrying a distinctly clinical and sterile scent. The image of a sprout marked his flank, and he carried with him no weapons, at least none that were plainly visible. "Must just be a medic; late as always. If you want to save lives instead of taking them, that's one thing. But don't hold the rest of us back having to wait on your lazy ass." she thought to herself, looking away from the preoccupied colt. -
I clarified this for Neikos a minute ago, and I might as well say it here too. Right now I have my character standing with the group of ponies who are to head out to Apploosa; they have not yet left the base that the debriefing took place in. She will continue to remain there until the order to move-out has been given, which will not take place until all discussion has been completed with Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon, and until all other ponies who have chosen their missions are prepared as well. Basically, I'm that mare over there twiddling her non-existent thumbs. XD
open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle
Legendary Emerald replied to Toothless the Night Fury's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Serah remained in her que, looking at the other ponies around her who were preparing to enter the battlefield. She wondered who they were, and what their reasons were for joining the fight. But she didn't wish to start a conversation with someone who could very well be dead by the end of the night, and nopony approached her, so she stood in silence. She was anxious to get started. She could already feel her blood boiling as her inner heat rose in anticipation. All she needed was the order to move out, and she would strike out like a flaming bolt from a crossbow, leaving the burning bodies of her enemies in her wake. It all seemed so heroic in her minds eye. What was keeping the higher up from letting them loose? -
Heh, on the first page of this thread, you have me set as Solar Kingdom. I actually requested to be in the Lunar Republic. Anyways, thanks! I've had my first post written since last night, so all I had to do was copy-paste it into the thread. I hope more people come on board with for this RP. It's by far the most interesting concept out of all the current ones running, in my opinion. I also hope some more member join the Solar Kingdom, as things are a bit unbalanced right now. I originally wanted my character to join their side, but once I thought more about who my character was, and what she would know prior to the war, the Lunar Republic was the only option.
open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle
Legendary Emerald replied to Toothless the Night Fury's topic in Everfree Roleplays
The Lunar Republic briefing had ended, leaving one unicorn with a firm resolve and a fire in her heart. For Celosia 'Serah' Anastos, the Equestrian Civil War had been the opportunity of a lifetime. All her life, she had privately trained herself to wield the powerful flames that were represented on her flank, in the hopes of putting them to good use one day. Even before she had decided to join a side in the conflict, she knew she would be involving herself in it. She was not native to Equestria, instead hailing from the far off peninsula of New Brousse, which had never been formally recognized as part of the Equestrian Kingdom for various political and religious reasons. When she had fled from her homeland, she'd by chance found herself in Manehatten on the day that Civil War was to be declared. She had thought her heritage might hinder her ability to join either side of the conflict, but both parties turned out to be more than eager to accept able-bodied colts and mares willing to get their hooves dirty. Though her first thoughts went towards the Solar Kingdom, due to her own particular affinity with heat and light, the message of the Lunar Republic spoke truer to her heart. In her homeland, she had learned what oppression and blind dogma could do to a pony. Nightmare Moon wanted to change the status quo, a noble cause no matter the inhumane means used to accomplish it. After all, the Solar Kingdom wasn't full of saints itself, as the ruins of Applesoosa on screen had shown. Those images had also decided for her where she was to be deployed. Sera joined the other ponies headed towards the once beautiful and quaint town, her heart beating rapidly in her chest, but her face betraying no emotion. This would be her first mission on the front lines of battle, as opposed to earlier when she had been stuck as a support unit just because of her race. She'd argued endlessly with her higher-ups that the fire she had inside of her was just as useful as any blade, and had finally been given this one chance to prove herself. She stomped a hoof down unconsciously, heat and steam rising from the ground. She would not let herself down. -
Who would you like to see as a celebrity guest pony?
Legendary Emerald replied to Discolt's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Still waiting to be allowed into the Equestrian Civil War 2 RP. In the meantime, my OC is stripping naked in the "Lost in the City" RP, and I'm hoping I'm not the only one who finds that a perfectly natural thing to do when you've woken up as a human when you fell asleep as a pony.
Serah conjured another small flame in her strange new hand, and lit up on the four beige walls of the room in search of a light switch. She found one easily enough, though it was up too high to be comfortably reached. Dismissing the flame again, she tried to balance herself on her back legs as she swatted at the switch with her right hand, finally operating it and illuminating the room. It certainly seemed like a normal enough room, though most of the electronics and chairs shared the light switches' propensity for being hard to reach from the ground. There were two beds on either side of the room, a television set, and various other appliances and paraphernalia. It looked far too lived-in to be a hotel room, but too sparse to be occupied by more than one person, despite what the two beds were implying. There was a mirror against one of the walls, but it was up high and set above a desk. She couldn't see herself in it from the ground, so she trotted towards it and stood up on shaky legs. She looked into the mirror, and a vaguely familiar face stared back at her. Was this supposed to be her? The mirror masked the incredulous expression she knew must have been on her face, answer her question for her. Despite some similarities, such as her dyed pink hair and hazel eyes, everything else was completely foreign. Her rich red coat had been replaced pale fleshy skin, the same as her new hands, what she assumed to be her ears were now smaller and located further down her head, and her face as a whole seemed more compact and less drawn-out. Most importantly, her horn was missing. That hadn't stopped her from using magic so far, though. Her torso was covered by a pale yellow flannel material, and when Serah looked down, she saw more material of the same make was covering her lower half as well. Only her head, hands, and... lower hands were free from the material. She'd never cared for clothing, finding it restrictive and impractical due to her specialty as a fire mage. Disregarding her capturer or whoever's hospitality, she threw the garments off and found more pale flesh underneath, as well as a small patch of fur near her nether region. Well, at least she wasn't completely free of her original red coat. All of a sudden she felt a chill blow through the room, coming in through an open window. Perhaps taking the clothes off had been a mistake. She hated the cold, and though she was remorse to admit it, the pajamas had been quite comfortable. She had no idea where she was, but suspected that if she had been forcibly clothed after her capture, it might be reasonable to play by the rules. So with a bit of difficulty, she succeeded in putting the pajamas back on. She'd spent enough time in this room. No one had come for her, so she would have to look for them. Whoever "they" were, that is. Flames danced in her eyes as she imagined the fight that would break out once she found who was responsible for her predicament. She walked towards the door, footing growing firmer with each step. The door was unlocked. She opened it, and stepped outside. (OOC: Sorry for the long posts, but I'm trying to catch up with the other ponies in this thread)
Also, today I had a dream based on the Equestrian Civil War 2 forum roleplay. In it, Princess Luna was being controlled by Trixie the Magnificent's hat, which was filling her with evil thoughts. Also, my OC had somehow kill Twilight Sparkle. Man, I hope I get accepted into that roleplay...
Was reading through some of my old dreams that I've written down, and decided to find a thread here to start posting them in. In the words of Slippy Toad, "Here comes a big one!". --- This is where you learn that I have the best dreams. Ever. It started off with me in a Dead Rising 2 type scenario, where I was at a mall that had been overrun by zombies. However, they weren't normal zombies. All of them were female, and looked quite normal, but if you interacted with them (pushed them out of your way, etc.), you'd get frozen in place and presumably eaten. Men weren't affected by whatever caused the zombie outbreak, so I was fine. Obviously, the first thing I wanted to do was find a Gamestop and steal as many videogames as possible before I escaped. I ran through the mall, searching everywhere for the tell-tale red sign, but to no avail. I eventually found myself in a J.C. Penny's, where I ran into an older black gentleman, who told me that the secret to escaping the mall was to shoot a meteor at a green target on a solid steel wall to the north of us. I thought I might be able to do that, considering I was the Green Lantern. Yes, I suddenly became a superhero just then. But I didn't want to escape just then, so I told the man my plan to steal shit, and he opened a hole in the ground which led to a store beneath us, and then threw down a rope that I could climb down. Upon climbing down, I was locked inside a chair in what looked like a wine shop, where psuedo-Gaston and another shorter man talked to me about various subjects. Interestingly enough, they had a female maid as well, who despite being a zombie, still followed their orders. I was released from the chair, and it was decided we would all escape together. Afterwards we left that section of the mall and went outside. Escape complete? Not quite, as the mall-grounds were absolutely sprawling, and filled with zombies. Psuedo-Gaston and his partner became Shadow the Hedgehog and Tails the Fox at this point, and we ended up on what was either a concert stage or a carnival ride, filled to the brim with zombies. We barely escape, and Shadow and Tails, being much faster than I was, ran off and I never saw them again. I came across a swamp-like area at night, and decided to try out my Green Lantern powers. I successfully flew a short distance, over to a metal fence to my left, where I intended to then shimmy along towards the coast. However, an armored soldier popped out of the muck beneath me. I tried to fight him off, willing my right hand to become a megaman style blaster. I scored only one or two hits, while the majority missed. Giving up on that strategy, I formed a solid metal cylender over the same hand, and swung my arm wildly at the soldier's head, denting his armor and eventually sending him to rest at the bottom of the muck. Knowing that time was of the essenece, I tried to fly all the way to the coast. My will power ran out right as I was about to reach land though, and I crashed down into the swampy waters. Two heads popped out of the murky depths, and suspecting they were soliders, I tried to strangle one with a length of rope left by the coast. It was then that the other floating head spoke up. "Wait, that's the president! Don't do that!" The head talking to me was John Kennedy, and the man I was strangling was Richard Nixon. I apologized profusely, and then they decided to recruit me into a team of super heroes. What followed was a montage of still images of myself alongside other superheroes, with patriotic music playing. After that highpoint, the rest of the dream consisted of more searching for a gamestop, until I was eventually woken up by my roommate's laughter.
Leaked extended introduction!
Legendary Emerald replied to Marshmallow's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
@Tumorfist: 7.5/10. Metal. Just yes. I love metal. Always. @Brandon 4/10. Not even giving that rating to be ironic; that mix of the song is just really boring.
I just made someone rage-quit a LoL match while we were still in the champion selecting phase.
movies/tv Anybody else miss the old cartoons?
Legendary Emerald replied to Nightfire & Rimshot's topic in General Discussion
There were a lot of great shows that I watched when I was growing up. Rugrats, Cat Dog, Ren and Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life, Spongebob, Dexter's Laboratory, Ka-Blam, Pinkie and the Brain, Tiny Toon Adventures, Spider-Man, etc. etc. etc. That's not to say that today's generation hasn't had some great cartoons too, though. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Chowder, Flapjack, Adventure Time, Regular Show, Kappa Mikey (imo), Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc. etc. etc. There's always been about the same range of crap and good crap; the good stuff just tends to migrate from channel to channel, leaving some channels with nothing but crap for a year or so, only to rebound the next. -
http://mlpforums.com...-serah-anastos/ Serah woke up with a start, as was usual for her. She held a hand to her forhead, as if to try and push the raging headache out of her head. When the headache refused to budge from its cozy home, she sighed and let her hand fall back down to the bed she was laying on. She tried to recall where she had fallen asleep the night prior, but it would be another minute or two before her mind was fully functioning again. Wait. She was laying on a bed. How had she ended up on a bed? She was homeless, and couldn't afford a room at any of the hotels in Manehatten. Had someone caught her? Where was she? Damn it, the room was so dark. She held up a hand and conjured a small flame, illuminating the room. It illuminated more than that. It illuminated an appendage that did not belong on a pony, or any other creature she had ever seen for that matter. "What the f*ck?" she whispered to herself, quite loudly for a whisper. She turned the paw-like shape around, still holding onto the flame and being careful not to drop it on the bed. This thing was a part of her? How did this happen? Was she dreaming? Serah got up from the bed on shaky legs, and collapsed to all fours on the ground, extinguishing the fire before she reached the carpeting. Now that she was more awake, she realized that everything about her body felt off. She needed to get to a mirror, and fast. But first she needed more light, and she wasn't sure if it was necessary or appropriate to set everything around her on fire yet.
9/10 love that bad!