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Legendary Emerald

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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. If its not too late for me to join, I'd like to join the Lunar Republic with my character Serah Anastos http://mlpforums.com...-serah-anastos/ Lunar Republic: Branch within Faction: Lunar Infantry (despite being a unicorn, is not a support. If I am confused as to the roles, please correct me. The point I'm trying to make is that I want my character to be a front-line mage.) Ranking: Infantry Edit: Damn it if I write pegasus instead of unicorn ONE MORE TIME...
  2. Hah, I just created a female character in the roleplay section of this site today. Hope I won't have to deal with anything like that. Closest thing I have to a similar experience is that my favorite fanfiction author thought I was a woman the first few times I contacted him, just based on my name being "Emerald" (this was the pre-Legendary days).
  3. I like women I like women I like the concept of a woman ~ Reggie Watts Single and looking, ladieeees~
  4. Name:Serah Anastos Age: 20 Gender: Female Species: Unicorn Appearance: Rich red unicorn with dyed pink mane and tail; mane is held back in an unkempt pony-tail. Cutie Mark: Personality: Withdrawn from most people and society as a whole, she seems quiet, reserved, and intimidating. She is proud of her homeless status, and spends her time training her body to withstand the pyrokinetic power she wields. Has no sense of modern fashion, having grown up in a small town in New Brousse (Greece if alt backstory) which worshiped a pagan god. She is secretly a thrill-seeker, hoping to test her abilities out in heated battle. She thinks nothing of stealing, or using others for her own benefit. This does not mean that she is heartless though, only that she is self-centered. Likes: Excitement, high-speeds, training, fighting, heat, spicy foods, freedom. Dislikes: Stares, comments about her hair, lazy people, the cold, religion, control. Backstory: Running away from her family and home because of the borderline monastical attitude towards life that existed, she stowed away in an traveling sales-pony's wagon to escape. Continued to hitch rides until she ended up in Manehatten, with no possessions. Changed her hair color in case her families' cult ever came looking for her. Depending on the RP, she will still be in Manehatten at the start, or while have already continued on to other places. Alt Human Backstory: Serah was born in Greece, and her family belonged to a unpopular religious cult that existed outside of mainstream recognition. Life was uneventful and stifling, and Serah was allowed little freedom in her day to day activities. She dropped out of private school before completion and began planning a way to leave both her family and the country. Stealing a large sum of cash from the cult's safe, she bought a ticket to America where she thought she might be free from her family's grasp. Once she arrived in America, she lived in the airport for about a week before heading out towards the nearest city. Before setting out she changed her hair color to a garish pink shade, and her name from Celosia to the slightly more American sounding Serah. Other Is only capable of using magic which relates to fire; this means that she cannot levitate objects like most unicorns without burning them. Is immune to her own flames, and can achieve short bursts of high speed movement on the ground by taking on the appearance of a comet. Why am I creating a female character if I am a male? This is a writing experiment, meant to prepare me for writing the REAL Serah Anastos in an original fiction story I've had in the planning stages for quite a while now.
  5. I live in Jacksonville, FL, during college terms.
  6. I guess I just don't see whats so wrong about a series that doesn't change. The Mega Man series is, overall, amazing. Mega Man 1-6 were all great games, and unless you're like me, you wouldn't be able to look at a screenshot of any one of them and know what game it was from. Things were changed up a little in Mega Man 7 and 8, but they were still very good. Then Mega Man 9 and 10 went back to the style of the NES games, and I don't think most people complained. The Mega Man X series was, overall, a hodgepodge. Mega Man X 1-4 were amazing games. Things changed a bit for Mega Man X5, but it was still generally fun. Something went dreadfully wrong with X6's level design and boss battles though, and Capcom thought the solution was to turn everything into a poor Devil May Cry ripoff with X7. And when that didn't help, they made X8, which had all the same problems as X6. And then Capcom just threw its arms in the air and said "I QUIT!". Instead of trying to fix the problems they had introduced into the series in X5 and X6, they tried to change things up radically, and the result was a badly executed game that no one wanted to play in the first place. Changing the formula, more often than not, hurts the franchise. What series have gained notoriety for changing everything up radically? The only ones I can think of are Castlevania (twice over, now) and... well, do the 3D Mario titles count? And most spinoff series don't count, for obvious reasons. Also, in the case of series that were never good but refuse to die anyway, yeah, change is necessary. Gamers like consistency. They want to continue to enjoy what they enjoy. We shouldn't expect radically different games in the same series. That should be the job of new IPs. Anyways, that's just my three cents on the matter. Feel free to agree or disagree.
  7. I played Modern Warfare 3 on PC during the free weekend, and it was pretty fun. But instead of buying it for 40 dollars, I just bought Modern Warfare 2 on PC for 5 bucks on Amazon. From what I've heard, every game in the series from Modern Warfare 1 onward is nearly the same thing but with a different story mode. I'm not really one to complain about sequels that don't change the formula, though. After all, I'm a huge Mega Man fan.
  8. Water is finally back on in my dorm building! Time to shower like there's no tomorrow!

  9. Legendary Emerald

    mega thread Metal Thread

    A one-hit wonder from the past.
  10. 8/10.... wait.... no. It started wubbing. I got dub-rolled again. 5/10. I will never understand the appeal of wubbing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JolKGv_0W8
  11. Ah, you uploaded it to youtube now. I'll give it a listen now. ... Wow, that's pretty damn good! I love the original version of the song, and this certainly does it justice. I especially love the crunchy guitar synth you went with.
  12. Just had a really awesome LoL match with some peeps from this forum. Most fun I've had in the game in a long time.

  13. Unselfish Wish: World Peace Selfish Wish: Amazing singing voice and ability to play electric guitar extremely well. Pony Wish: I want to live in Equestria.
  14. Rotting Over Tofu Flake Layers. V G R T Y
  15. "This is who I am. Not a shadow of who I want to be."
  16. Got this idea from the comic "Eat That Toast". Follow the formula to create your own gold! Adolf Hitler: Professional Wrestling Referee
  17. Banned because the world passed you by while you brushed your hair.
  18. My best friend, despite his intense dislike of ponies, would best resemble... Discord. I have weird friends.
  19. "I'd like to be a tree" is my single favorite line in the entire series. I laugh every time I imagine that scene.
  20. Procrastination. My own procrastination, to be specific. At this very moment I could be 1) Finishing my FiM fanfiction 2) Reading for my Childrens Literature class 3) Working on a project for the same class And what am I doing? Listening to D.A.D. and posting on this forum. Whoo!
  21. 8/10. Really cool. I wonder why I've never heard of them before?
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