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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by BlinkZ

  1. wonder if i should make a top ten list blog or do it video style with recorded lines

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
    2. BlinkZ


      hmm, yeah now that I think about it it would be fun to record lines and show clips while I explain each one. btw It's my Top Ten favorite ReBoot episodes. if you dont know what that show is, look it up on youtube, there not hard to find.

  2. good afternoon

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Good afternoon! How are you?

    2. BlinkZ


      OH I am good, just enjoying the day, may write some depends


  3. I want to work on a fic but not sure of what to fix in it

  4. I dont know what to think about AJ in bats, she has a legit reason to want the bats gone and that whole sansuary thing made no sense. Whats to stop the bats from flying int oher orchard anyway hmm? AJ had legit reason but Fluttershy cares more for animals then she does for the ponies around her *cough* power ponies *cough*
  5. Somedays are like that just quietness

  6. Okay if the title confuses you let me clarify, I really hate people using the phrase "close minded" it drives me nuts. It has got to be the worst defense for a viewpoint I have ever heard. People use it as if it unbeatable but let me clarify something for you. definition of opinion and close minded are exactly the same. You cant be Open minded it not possible Why? you may ask. Well think about it there really is no true neutral side to a debate or argument is there. You choose a side, either you are for it or against something. On the fence is an utterly pointless statement cause it's not true. The instant you try to not get involved is a chose, thus you closed your mind to said topic. See how the phrase was used, see how loosely it can be thrown about. Wonder why i'm being all whinny about this Iif you care click the spoiler otherwise my rant is done
  7. PFFF hahah episode 13 oh, my sides hahah bravo, bravo

  8. Going to have ot say this episode was meh for me. Buck you live action clips you broke my immersion WTH... okay with that out of the way... the episdoe was nice well the visual anyway, too many songs that I felt were not needed and pinkie's song that helped her turn about was really quick like gaming 360 spin quick...what was the point... I really dont care for weird AL so nothing from him gets on this review. other then the funny western bits
  9. I just finished watching episode 12 and I have no words to describe the hatered towards those live action bits. other then "WHAT" it wasn't funny in spondgebob and it shattered my immersion completely and uttersly WTH

  10. Man i've been a way more and more from the chatrooms. that and i havn't seen the latest episdoes

  11. Man i've been a way more and more from the chatrooms. that and i havn't seen the latest episdoes

  12. Happy birthday to me

  13. That moment you realize you havn't been involved in a while

  14. what shall I do today hmm so many things

  15. what shall I do today hmm so many things

  16. is going to bed

  17. Well my brother found out by seeing me watch an episode. I blantintly told my parents and I watch mlp on my laptop in front of my sister and husbond so yeah no shame in liking the show. Gets kind of annoying when people think that is odd but eh that's life
  18. Probably already stated in other comments and videos but yeah the whole point of denying joining the wonderbolts was to show she not so focused on just being a winner anymore.
  19. that moment you feel your artistic side is not getting attention

    1. clockwork24


      I totally feel you!

    2. BlinkZ


      I mean I have creativity just not the kind that gets a lot of interest. granted the fanfics i've wrote were short and well no graphic novels to any extent but wish the stuff I ddi got a little more attention, or at least constructive criticism.

  20. oh, yeah I never could get used to using fancy edit stuff like cropping or whatever its called
  21. Not a fan of rainbow falls at all

  22. these are my first reactions here here it goes 1: too much dam fan service. I like the name snow falke other then whatever they gave him. and then derpy for no reason..why....or and snowflake constant yelling everything grrrr annoying to no end. 2: oh yeah spitfire..spitfire who is the leader of the wodnerbolts lies to her own team mate, that she clearly flies with all the time and oh yeah sorin a bad flies what the hell. this episode could have been executed better. sure the moral is nice but gahhh seems so forced to me
  23. Drat, there no flutterdog images on the net

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