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Everything posted by Troblems

  1. @@SleeplessSketch, "That's incredibly kind of you to think of me, but I don't think a condolence gift is necessary. You're still my friend, I too need to work on getting to know you better. It's like my garden. It's sad right now because I've been neglecting it. You and I just need to spend more time together, that's all. ...So, did you surprise yourself?"
  2. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq walked around the edge of the painting and gasped. "Skotch, it's stunning. I'm sure it'll be beautiful when it's finished. What made you decide to paint anyways? As far as I know you're more into drawing than painting." She started at the painting a bit longer. It clearly wasn't finished, but it already had a wide array of detail. When it was finished, it would be amazing.
  3. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq motions towards the sky. "Have you looked up lately? It's light out, if only barely. I did sleep, if only a little. I felt bad. I chased you off last night. It has nothing to do with you really, I just don't know you as well as I know Sketch. What have you got there?"
  4. I thought about the chain of fast food restaurants in Eastern Europe that sells horse meat instead of beef.
  5. Do I have to pick one? Both trips to Sydney, Australia. My ex lived there, and he flew me over twice. I went in winter, but it was amazing, if cold. Especially the Taronga zoo. It's built into a cliff, and has amazing views. The other was my honeymoon. Went on a cruise to Alaska. We both got insanely sick, but it was worth it. It was beautiful there, we got to go dog sledding (and see puppies!), and because we went at the end of tourist season, all the souvenirs we bought were half off, or more. It cruise ended in Vancouver, which is the coolest friggen city ever. Almost ever building over 5 stories tall had a rooftop garden, and it was the first time we saw sunshine the entire cruise.
  6. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq rolled out her bed groaning and grumbling. No more sleeping in gardens or on grass patches. She opened all the curtain in the house and stumbled out into the world and another glorious, if slightly overcast day. It was cold again, colder even than the day before. She needed fertilizer. And coffee. As she ambled to town, she saw Sketch...Err Skotch. He was well maintained, the only real give away as to who held the body currently. In front of him sat an easel, painting, and a painting she wasn't able to see from this angle. She walked up to him, knowing what she had to do, but because she had been so rude, she really didn't want to. "Hi..."
  7. @@SleeplessSketch, For the second time that night, Tranq awoke, not knowing where she was. It took her a few moments again to realize she was outside. Seriously? Again? Is Narcolepsy contagious? She looked to the sky to figure out the time, then plodded slowly inside, determined to get to sleep, in her own bed like a normal pony.
  8. I loved "Dumb fabric!" It was so ridiculously silly, and one of the few times I've heard such an overtly insulting word used. About cloth. Also, Pinkie Pie as the bell was pretty good.
  9. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq tossed and turned for a long time before finally flinging herself from bed. She went to her desk to try and write, but the quill was there. Her beautiful, perfect quill. "Great. Now every time I look at it, it's going to make me feel guilty. The Guilt Quill thus forth you shall be named, and stories full of guilt will flow from you like a great guilty fountain made of guilt." She giggled to herself with the silliness of it all, followed by an anguished cry and hitting her head on her desk a few times. "At least I can't damage that with my head. It's made of wood. Like me." Finally, she decided to go to her garden. It could use some love. Outside it was a dim night, but there was enough light to see by. It was planting season, and getting her hooves dirty was a good way to take her mind off all the other stuff. She worked until she got tired, and decided to sit, and rest her guilt ridden bones.
  10. I used to live in Southern California, so I used to go to Disneyland every two weeks because I had a season pass. I loved every second, and I miss it so much. I've been at the hotel for a company party, and oh the magic. The place was beautiful. It was for the winter holidays, so it was surrounded by fake snow, and dripping Disney magic. Even the drinks were Disney themed. As for the parks, California Adventure is still building, and so therefore a tad lame. However, Soarin over California is simply amazing. Disneyland itself, I love the Haunted Mansion. Especially October-December when it turns into Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm hoping to go to Spain next summer, and will probably stop outside Paris for Euro Disney. I also hope to go to Disneyworld, as well as on a Disney Cruise at some point.
  11. Honestly, I thought her video was rather funny, and Rarity is my favorite character. What I didn't care for was what Digi had to say about himself. I started putting clips from the show in the corner, with my OC watching and everyone else copied that. Why not have a cookie? You clearly deserve it.
  12. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq turned towards her house. Do you always have to be such a jerk? There was no reason to treat him like that. It's not his fault he's got a dissociative personality. She began arguing with herself. "Your name is Terse after all. Known for being straight forward. It is late. You already fell asleep in a completely inappropriate place." "Yes, but really? He was obviously hurt." "I know that. But he's not really the one I'm friends with." "Yes, but love and tolerate!" "Yes, but would you shut up?!" Tranq realized she was shouting at herself. She looked around. Luckily, it was late enough that nopony was around. She blushed deeply and shuffled home, retiring for bed. She would fix this tomorrow.
  13. @@SleeplessSketch, "We were headed to check on Divine, but I get this inexplicable feeling he's gone back to sleep. Weird when that happens. Anyways, I got distracted by grass and sky, and that's how we ended up on this lovely patch of grass freezing our flanks off. It is rather late though, so I should probably be getting home. I should also tell you I left a basket of pears outside your door earlier this evening. They're not the best, but they should suffice for this time of year."
  14. Drink apple juice, because OJ will kill you.

  15. Tranq raised one eyebrow. "Wouldn't you like to know? It's butt cold. We shouldn't have fallen asleep, I suppose, but I was tired. So was Sketch, and besides, you're here now. How are you feeling?" She looked up at the sky again. It was a stunning if cold and clear night.
  16. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq woke from a continually more restless sleep. She was confused, unsure where she was, and cold. She sat up and looked around, shaking out her mane. It slowly came back to her. Right, the green. She looked next to her, where Sketch was out cold. Should I wake him up? I obviously can't leave him here. He's bigger than me. Everypony is. I certainly can't move him. Oh well, he was nice while he lasted. She gently poked Sketch's shoulder, expecting Skotch...
  17. Foggy glasses too. That would bother me.
  18. Warm face! Yay! Just don't wear it to an airport.
  19. It does look a bit odd. The manes that come on the sweatshirts normally are really dopey looking too though. I agree, add your own, and make it more awesome.
  20. No, I absolutely would not want to be famous. I've had brief brushes with it in the gaming community, and it made me absolutely miserable. Plus, I've seen what fame does to people. Makes them crazy.
  21. I know next to nothing about the kid, besides his hair. If I've heard his music, I would consciously know it was him. However, he's just too young to be getting this much attention. He's going to have a Lohan breakdown of epic proportions at some point.
  22. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq grinned. It was a crisp night, but by Luna, it was beautiful. It had been a long day. Grand, but long. She wiped her foreleg along her face. Good, no blood. As the star expanded above her, she thought about how lucky she was. Good friends, good food, a stroke of literary genius. Everything has changed so much just over the course of a few days. Everything right in this very moment was perfect. But her eyelids were getting heavy. She watched the sky and slowly drifted off to sleep, there at the edge of Ponyville, on their small stretch of grass.
  23. Gluten free chocolate. Seriously, the number of types of chocolate with gluten...It's bad guys. It's basically down to See's. Don't get me wrong, See's is awesome, but lordee it's expensive.
  24. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq walked distractedly after noticing Sketch watching the sky. As they got closer to the edge of Ponyville, she suddenly stopped, looked around with a grin, and flopped to the ground, rolling over to get a better look at the sky. "He's been asleep long enough. He can wait a little longer."
  25. Big Mac never really factored into my thoughts on males in the show for one reason: He says two words. Yup and Nope, at least at that point. I'm not sure about lobotomized, so much as again, stupid. Or possibly just extremely stoic. However, still not a great male figure. Obviously, at this point, that has been addressed to some extent, but at the time it bothered me intensely that well All the boys were dumb.
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