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Everything posted by Troblems

  1. I was talking to my dog one time, and asked him if she was causing trouble, while at the same time think problems. It came out as troblems, which quickly became my internet handle.
  2. Hi Dust! My OC Terse Tranquility could use some art lovins! That's her cutie mark. The color of the quill may not show up very well though. Dunno. You may not need that anyways! There's the pony herself in all her natural pony creator glory! Thank you so much for offering, t'was very nice of you! <3
  3. @@ChristophR, "Hi Christoph, I'm Tranq. That's incredibly kind of you to offer somepony you don't even know a ride, especially for such an unusual request, and Canterlot being rather far. Are you new to Ponyville, or just passing through from somewhere else?" Tranq smiles politely
  4. 28 year old American female, married to a wonderful man, gamer, writer.
  5. Paintball. Then nobody can cry that they didn't get hit, because it's splattered on their clothes. Bwahaha!
  6. A Clockwork Orange, just in general. That movie makes me ill. I had to read the book for a project in high school, and *shudders* no. Just no.
  7. This forum specifically. And pokemon.
  8. @@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar, "I know an en-tinying ((yes, I did just make up a word. What of it.)) spell, but I've never tried it on a person before. Then you would be easier to carry if someone were to fly you. The only problem is, I'm not sure if you would be able to find someone to reverse it for you. You would also need someone to fly you there."
  9. I used to be embarrassed by my parents, but not anymore. I used to go to Disneyland with my mom on a bi-weekly basis. I like hanging out with both parents. It's also a lot easier now that they live with me (rather than me with them.)
  10. May get flamed for this, but Be Cool. Bioshock Infinite Assassin's Creed 2. I'm also in lust with Ezio
  11. I feel this thread needs to be revitalized again, and I thought of some more. Sneezing in the middle of a conversation, and then you have snot on your hand, but everyone saw you sneeze, so you can't wipe it on your pants. So you have to keep talking, but all the while you're really thinking about the snot on your hand. When you're eating peanut butter, and although you were careful not to get it everywhere, it still gets on your hands, and then attracts lots of lint before you realize it's there.
  12. @@CharChar, "Uh..It was Nocturne, my pet sugar glider. I swear. Yeah. I'm okay, but uhm..I heard stuff wasn't going great for you, so I wanted to check if you were okay, but rather than just asking, I did something strange. I'm ...Not the best with people. Sorry. It was a little silly and childish."
  13. @@CharChar, Tranq turns back around. "It wasn't me, I swear...I mean uh...Hi Break, how goes it? Ate any good..something recently?" What is the matter with you, she thought to herself? She was known for being weird, especially when bored, but this was going a bit far, even for her.
  14. @@CharChar, Tranq walks silently up behind Break. "OHHAI!" She screams, then runs away, laughing to herself. If he gets to be a creeper, then I do too! @@ArrowWing, "New pony! Hi! I'm Tranq." @@SleeplessSketch, "I'm not sure which Sketch you are today, but Hi! How's it going with our changling friend? Hope he's ....Well I'm not sure. I guess fitting in?" @@Xenon, ((I'm not ignoring you, you're just not somewhere where we would be able to interact))
  15. Best: I'm incredibly logical. It can also be a problem, because I just don't get along with people that aren't. Especially people that are really hippie-like set my teeth on edge. Worst: My sarcasm. I can also be a monster bitch when I want to be.
  16. I just laughed out loud at this. Then I shared it with my husband. He did the same. Anyways, I don't know why it would matter. And if she's missed the entire pony phenomenon, she needs to stop living under a rock.
  17. Steam sale, so many, many games. Bioshock Infinite, Pokemon Y, New Super Mario Bros...
  18. How about when the string snaps, and it's one of the most painful experiences ever, and your nail dies and falls off? People who leave their signal on for miles. You're going to turn left eventually. Thanks for that warning. Stepping on slimy dog toys. Anything sticky. Bandaids. Just kind of in general. Forgetting my gas tank is empty. When I get in the car and instantly have to pee. I live in the middle of no where. If I'm going somewhere, it's at least 25 minutes until I stop driving.
  19. Surgery scar on my stomach? Not cute. Scratch from my dogs duclaw that resulted in scar? Not cute. Tooth going through my lip as a baby? Not cute. Scar from getting scratch by someones finger nail in eighth grade? Not cute. Telling a different lie every time I'm asked about it? Awesome.
  20. I sing in the car whether there are other people or not. They don't like it, they can walk. It also soothes my puppy if he's in the car with me.
  21. I'm ambidextrous. Cut off my arm? I'll use the other one! Bwahaha. Boxers and bra. Nobody wants to see the tops of my legs. I'm just saying. If I can see through walls, what else can I see through? Function over form. Never seen Avatar, but by god it has to be less annoying than Adventure Time. Efficiency makes OCD panda happy. Pinkamena Pie. I bet she's a freak in the sack when she's down. Maybe even when she's up.
  22. Doesn't bother me, so long as it isn't excessive. Occasionally, it's nice if a guy shows weakness.
  23. @@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, @, @, "Sketch, honey, your secret isn't a secret anymore. And that's okay, we accept you for who you are. As well as your other you. As for where we're going, snacks! And Divine, I hope you liked the apple, I promise, it wasn't even poisoned. We didn't mean to leave you behind, it just seems our little group is growing. And that's okay, because it seems like we could all use the friends."
  24. @@SleeplessSketch, @, @@CharChar, ((Honestly, I reference it fairly often, especially to check everyone's OCs names. It helps bunches.)) "We have a kitten, a sugar glider, a singer, a writer, a star flyer, a sketch artist with two personalities, a changling and" points at Break "him. I'm sure our group could bear a doctor as well." ((Did I miss anyone? Would feel bad if I did.))
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