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Everything posted by Troblems

  1. @, "Honey, I adore my parents, but they're usually wrong. That's how parents are. And just because they disapprove of you, doesn't mean they don't love you." "You may want to give Sketch some space, but he's a good enough guy. I'm Terse Tranquility, by the way. Tranq for short."
  2. @, "Wait," Tranq calls to the sniper pony. "That was...rude of him. Also, incredibly awkward, and not at all your fault. You're just doing your job, and I'm sure if Zecora has reason for wanting things eliminated, she has her reasons. Sketch will come around...Probably."
  3. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq grins broadly, still embarrassed, but also excited. @, "So, what are you hunting in the forest? Nothing cute, I hope." @@CharChar, ((I'm an ass, I totally didn't see that til now. Sorry!)) As Tranq glances across the marketplace, she sees Break a ways off, looking a little lost. "Un-oh, I guess he never got his ride."
  4. @, ((Same number of mares as stallions, just jump in)) Tranq strode into town looking for some seeds to plant before it got too warm for her garden. With Spring coming soon, she would have to act quickly. She begins checking the stalls, getting more and more annoyed with the decorations in town. "This holiday was not made for single ponies."
  5. Terse Tranquility stepped out of her house at the edge of Ponyville, near the Everfree forest. She walked around the side of her house, and noticed the dismal state of her garden. "I guess it's time for some new seeds, because this is just getting sad." She made her way towards Ponyville proper, noticing the festive aura in the air. "I guess it's that time again."
  6. @@SleeplessSketch, "Sounds delicious!" Tranq exclaimed, then blushed, feeling like a jerk. "I think I just invited myself over. That's horribly rude, and uhm..." She trails off. @, "S'fine. Hey, I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?" She smiles at the new pony. @@Xenon, ((Not ignoring you, promise, you're just invisible))
  7. Pfft, that's not even that bad. My thumb bends backwards to my wrist.
  8. @@SleeplessSketch, "Well, quills and sofas. Strange, strange combination if you ask me, but they seem to do well enough. I didn't know you cooked. Are you making it for any special reason, or just because?" Tranq stops by a stand to pick up a pumpkin, sniff it and put it back. "The produce looks pretty good, you should be able to find something tasty.
  9. @@SleeplessSketch, "Well, I don't really need any groceries, but I'll gladly walk with you. You can also joint me on my hunt for the perfect quill. One that looks nice. And not too expensive. ((snickers)) A good quill, I like laurels particularly ((I'm stopping now.)) What are you buying?"
  10. ....Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type. Basically, I'm really friggen flexible, which causes instability in joints as well as pain. I'm on track for getting arthritis within the next few years, at least in my hands. Most recent injury, I flexed my thumb, and it tore a tendon. Anyways, here's one of my hands. All of my joints are "double jointed" but my hands are where it's most prominent.
  11. @@ArrowWing, "Well hello there, my goodness you're friendly. Welcome again to Ponyville! If you need anything, be sure to let me know, I'd be happy to help" @@Pripyat Pony, "Hi, I'm Tranq, I just moved here pretty recently myself. We're glad you're here!" She thought to herself, my goodness, she's an odd looking one. @, Tranq walks towards town, needing some new quills. She sees a rather menacing looking pony at one of the local cafes. Lot of new folks around here, even newer than me. That one's pretty strapping though. She smiles brightly at him as she walks by. Maybe that'll make him look a little less grim. As she's staring at the stallion she bumps directly into Sketch. She blushes bright red. What are you, in primary school? Stop acting like an idiot. @@SleeplessSketch, "Sketch, we simply must stop bumping into each other like this. Physically."
  12. I have a bit more of a filter in real life. Not a whole lot, but I tend to shoot my mouth off and get myself in trouble everywhere.
  13. Or when you crit and kill it. ARGH.
  14. I was in Australia a few years back with my ex and he wanted to go to this beautiful area called the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains are temperate rain forest, and everything was wet. It was 1000 steps down into the area he wanted to go, which would have been fine, except that the steps were metal. And wet. We got about halfway down the steps, and I fell. I went down seven steps putting most of my weight on my left thigh. I dropped trow on the middle of a trail to look at the injury. It was already turning black with bruise. Worse, we were on a day tour, and that was only the first stop of the day. The following week I was sick with the worst flu of my life (104F degree fever ((40 if you use metric))) and went to the doctor. I also showed the doctor my bruise, which was about the size of a cantaloup (rock melon?). You know you're doing something wrong when you can surprise a clinic doctor. Anyways, he said I was lucky I hadn't broken a bone, and if it had been anywhere but the strongest bone in the body, I would have broken it. Ahh, good times.
  15. @@CharChar, @@ChristophR, Tranq claps excitedly. "Yay! Dunno what it is that's so urgent, but you've got a ride Break! And that's really kind of you Christoph." @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq giggles. "You said boulder dash. That sounds like something my 80 year old grandpony might say. I think it's kind of cute though."
  16. After hyjacking a completely unrelated topic, I realized we needed a thread about stuffed animals, favorite blankets, the stuff you dragged around through the mud as a kid. Or even things you got as an adult that you still sleep with (partners excluded!) I also want to know how you got them! Mine is Baba, got him when I was about a year old, and I took him everywhere with me. Eventually got him a sweater, so his arms would fall off less often, and he would need less surgery. Behind Baba are five stuffed Eeyores. They came from Disneyland, I bought one about 10 years ago, and they were perfect pillows. When I went back about a year ago, they still had them, so I bought two more. Then I learned that my parents were moving from Southern California, so I bought an additional two, because I didn't know when I would be back for more!
  17. There's a picture of him in the sweater that came with the second stuffed animal. Here's a link to a bear on ebay that is from 1983. It's pretty close, and about the time they were made.
  18. I promise I'll stop hyjacking your thread after this. I found one about 10 years ago at Gameworks, as a prize for tickets. I ended up buying it so I could use the sweater it had on for my current one, and seemed to have lost the newer one. Anyways, they're made by Gund, and you can find them online, if you're so inclined, and you look hard enough for them.
  19. @@ArrowWing, "We're not a welcoming committee, we aren't that organized! Hehe. We're more than happy to make you feel welcomed though." Tranq smiles warmly. @@SleeplessSketch, "Well Sir, I do believe you may very well be blushing!" She pokes Sketch lightly on the cheek and giggles. "I'm free whenever you are."
  20. Mine's about 28, but I put a sweater off him so his arms would stop falling off >.<
  21. @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq smiles benevolently at Sketch. "Anytime you'd like to see it, I'd be happy to show you. And there's nothing to make up for you not being there, it wasn't exactly in your control. However, I never turn down cupcakes." @@ChristophR, "I think you're tenacity is admirable. I hope when you finally do get to meet her, she's everything you hoped she'd be and more."
  22. @@SleeplessSketch, "You know, we were going to, but then you told me about your...other you, and it kind of distracted us from said walk. Finding out about him was a little distracting, so nobody ever ended up going. Then Break showed up, followed be Divine. My goodness, it's been busy around here."
  23. Oh! I saw your Halloween painting, and I'd love to enter please! Also... I have a very similar looking bear. Teehee. Also, Fluttershy's nose =P
  24. @@ChristophR, "What is it you're training for? Something specific, or just general fitness? Rainbow Dash does live here, but she's often up at Canterlot these days, with Princess Twilight. Honestly, flying Break there may be your best chance at meeting her." @@SleeplessSketch, "Indeed, Ponyvillers ((Ponyvillites? Ponyvillians? That last one sounds bad)) are a pretty great bunch, even if they haven't lived here long."
  25. This was actually briefly covered in Look Before you Sleep. I think Apple Jack makes a fairly good foil for Rarity, because of their differences in how they present themselves, both in looks and mannerisms. They've buried the hatchet a bit, but looking at Castle Mane-ia, it becomes quiet clear that Rarity prefers to spend time with Flutters, while AJ has her competition with Dashie. However, a true rival for Rarity I think would be fantastic.
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