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Everything posted by Troblems

  1. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows! Kidding. I usually fall asleep to Netflix.
  2. @@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar, @@ChristophR, Tranq lightly taps Skotch's arm "I s'pose it's a good thing there's a little time before we have to leave. He's out. I guess we'll probably get Sketch back soon." She lightly places a muffin atop his head. "Lucky for him I have no permanent markers on me. Although messing with someone with Narcolepsy is probably pretty mean in general."
  3. This is the first year I've bought a tree because I wanted it. It's real, and tiny. It has pony ornaments, and I love it.
  4. @@ChristophR, @@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, Wow, Tranq thought to herself, I haven't been to Canterlot in quite a while. This could be fun, but I wish it were Sketch rather than Skotch. Oh well, he deserves as much a chance to be out and Sketch. "No sneezing on the flight there, anyone. I don't want to fall to my death via flying out of a backpack."
  5. My husband tolerates it. Occasionally he'll watch an episode with me. I wouldn't call him a brony though.
  6. @@ChristophR, @@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar, "Well, there's still the idea from before: Break and I could shrink ourselves, and if you could carry Sketch...Someone would need a pouch of some sort to carry all of us, but I think it may work. But I don't really know you that well, because I've never been a pegasis, and I don't know how much you are able to carry."
  7. I second X and Y. Gotta catch em all...At all hours of the night. Edit: I r speel gewd.
  8. This used to be an issue for me, but then I got really sick. I had to take pills. Lots of them. Now I can take handfulls at a time, except with something really cold. If what I'm drinking is cold, it just sits in the back of my throat and I can't swollow, and it sits there and turns to mush and pill gross.
  9. I almost bled to death because I refused to go to the doctor. That's dedication.
  10. Indeed, but the line about losing patience turning into dentistry cutie marks was one for the ages. "I thought teeth grew back!"
  11. Dunno about best pony, but the dynamic between Chrysalis and the CMC was pretty friggen funny.
  12. When everything in your life that you find pleasure in becomes best pony (ie my dog is best pony) If anyone sees the pink and blue screen on your computer, and they need attention, they decide to come back later If they absolutely have to talk to you now, they sigh, sit down and wait. You become a forum staff and none of your RL friends or family think that's neat. But all your forum friends do.
  13. @@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, "Even with a unicorn flying you as fast as ponily possible, you'd be cutting it awful close unless you leave ...quite soon, I would think." Tranq narrowed her eyebrows. She wasn't sure why she was stressing over him being late. They weren't terribly close, but being late had always bothered her. Plus, it was the Princesses.
  14. @@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, "So uh...What did you do to deserve royal mail? It sounds awfully official." Tranq inhaled deeply the bagel she had been dreaming of. It smelled fresh and cinnamony ((Ungh miss gluten!)) "When are you supposed to leave? I would think you would need to go pretty soon."
  15. I got Wayne Brady on StreetPass. My day is complete.

  16. @@SleeplessSketch, @@CharChar, Tranq walked into the bakery and inhaled deeply. The alluring aroma of bread assaulted her nose. She ordered muffins, bagels and doughnuts, paid for them, then magiced them onto the table where Break and Skotch were already seated. "I ordered loads of food so everyone can have what they want. We usually get crashers too, so food for all. If not, I've always got critters to feed. They eat everything. So, what's going on?"
  17. It's not dead. I met my husband online, and on our first date we went for sushi and played pool. Second date we went hiking. Third (wasn't really a date per say) he helped me paint my bedroom. He didn't kiss me until the fourth date. However, I didn't meet him until we were both 26. Tell her to keep looking, that guy is a jerk.
  18. Mostly with my hands and feet.
  19. I actually kinda like the scruffier art style. It makes it look less...cloney.
  20. @@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, Trane wiped her hoof over her face. Good one Tranq. Way to keep up with your friends goings on, as well as making a complete jerk of yourself. She smiled sheepishly "Well, I guess now I'm really buying huh?" She tried to keep the conversation light. This crowd was a little edgy in general.
  21. @@CharChar, @@SleeplessSketch, Tranq watched the other two ponies interacting warily. "Hi Break! I hope your trip to Canterlot went well. I know you were a bit apprehensive about it. You look like you could use some food. Fancy joining us for muffins? I'm buying!" She tried not to let her agitation show.
  22. I'd live for 500 years if I could, but only if they came up with an effective way to treat pain first.
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