Hello everyone (or everypony )
I am Doctor Volt, Electron Volt, but you friends just call me Volt, i am an italian electronic engineering student (so not a real doctor just my dreams XD), after lot of thinking i decided to join this forum
I don't really know what makes a brony a brony i just like the show and everythinks its related (strange for someone who has to have a "box" schematic, tecnic head like me )
everything happened in a simple way.. i was playing online on team fortress and other games like that and found lot of people spamming picture of ponies.. at the first i was like: " ehy man what the hell are you doing? stop being so damn gay and play!" not much as an hater, hate is such a strong world here in italy, but i can say i despited bronies and ponies in general... than happened the worst... i am a very very very curios person and i said to myself: "Dang man let's watch this s*** and see what they find in it..."
So when my little cousin was watching the tv i offered my self to baby sit her.. after a while the show pop out and i watched it (iron will episode).. it was the end (or the start?) for me..
since it hasn't been a while (less than a month) i started watching every single episode online all 3 seasons in 2 days, in english of course.. in italian, well... they tend to give child voice everywhere and it's just unwatchable on song parts.. so now i'm here... i am not an artist.. i can draw you your entire house electronic schematic in 5 minute but i am not able to draw a smile properly XD
I used to be a nerd kind of person (well still now, and proud of it), the problem is that i never feel the needs for real friends, i was like "i am friend of everyone and of no one..." but in the end i was just lonely.. only few close friends and no more.. also my girlfriend relationship was in trouble.. she is studing to becoma a social assisten for kids with problematic family.. so she is much the opposite of me but we still loved each other..(now we are togheter for about 5 years) but our difference was getting bigger and i was getting more associal if we can say so.. having meet the show and some others bronies at th university not only helped my relationship but also bringed a permanent everyday smile that i want to share with everyone.. so i also joined the local red cross and i've become a paramedic now i am still studing and on summer i work on a wine factory (ehi i live in italy, best wine of the world ) and a transformator factory
i would like to bring a huge "CIAO!" to everypony in this website and in the world
also sorry for my english .. it's a lot rugged