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Flash Fire

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Everything posted by Flash Fire

  1. Mrs. Cake is fat too. It's nice to see another bigger mare though.
  2. I worked at a convience store from 15-17 doing work I wasn't legally allowed to do until 18.
  3. Ai! Ai! Cthulhu Fhtagn! I for one welcome our Deep one overlords!
  4. Thutiwa. Literally giraffe is a african dialect. .
  5. I'm gonna go with potato, there is so many different ways to make potato, it will seldom get boring. But brownies trump cupcakes.
  6. I love this series, I think they will have to add or lenghten things to make the first part work, but the second part will be epic. This is for sure the most "made for action movie" book of the three.
  7. I used to play the crap out of this game!
  8. You could always have the cutie mark just be one for exploration and define urban in the backstory...
  9. Ooo, that one is hard. There are no really iconic tools of that trade that are disernable from others. You may have to go with something abstract.
  10. Powder Sparks. Becausea spark is all you need to set the powder off.
  11. Have you tried using a neti pot? It's not pleasant, but it will clear your nasal passages, guaranteed.
  12. I play D&D. I LARP. I am a member of the SCA and OWBN. I play the occasional video game. I am fluent in DOS and binary. Judge for yourself.
  13. I like it here in suburbia, we have the best of both worlds.
  14. Sorry, was using initial post as a filler while I fought the mobile web to get your form done best I could. I edited it.
  15. Name & OC name: Flash Fire Image: Specifications: None, anything is fine
  16. Dip pizza in ranch Put pickle juice on grilled cheese, then dip in tomato soup Fries in mayo and mustard Yep, that about as weird as I get but my fiancee likes peanut butter with salami or tuna.
  17. This is one of those times, that it is good to be a house wife. Too bad the kids are off school tomorrow though.... It is, my mom taught me that one. Grandpa taught me a burbon with lemon juice one, but I haven't tried that, lol!
  18. I personally think Dr. Pepper served hot soothes the throat fantastically. It tastes great too. A hot bath with eucalyptus oil works wonders too.
  19. Nothing like hot Dr. Pepper for a sore throat.

  20. His Pinkie Apple Pie review is fantastic.
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