This story isn't quite finished yet (I wrote it too soon after Blank Flank) but... yeah. ... Meep.
Chapter 1- The Fun Has Been Doubled!
Night has been brought upon Equestria, stars shining in the navy blue sky. Luna arranged herself on her throne, playing with a rubber duck. Her azure mane flowed, the stars arranged in constellations. Surrounding her, the Night Guard stood watch over their princess, allowing themselves the occasional smile as Luna played with her favorite toy.
"And... ACTION!"
"And now it's time for Silly Songs with Luna- the part of the show where Luna comes out and sings us a silly song. Today we join Luna in her throne room for The Fun Has Been Doubled!"
Music began to play as another rubber duck appeared. Luna grabbed it and squeezed it.
"Huzzah! The fun has been doubled!!"
The fun has been doubled
The fun has been doubled
The fun (8x)
The fun
Fun Fun
Has been doubled
Luna held up both rubber ducks as the song ended
"And we're clear! Nice job!"
"We are satisfied."
Luna sailed down, holding both ducks in her hooves.
"Also, We shall be keeping these ducks. They entertain Us. Do any of thee find issue in Us doing this?"
"Nope... you're the princess. We do what you want."
"Indeed... well We wish to be alone now. Thou art dismissed."
"Oh! Celestia what bringeth you to Us at this time of night?"
Celestia facehooved as she saw the ducks. She walked up to Luna, the recording team evacuating the throne room, not interested in getting involved in another Celestia/ Luna battle. Even the Night Guard, usually fearless, took a few steps back when they saw the look in Celestia's eyes.
"Did you just sing another silly song?"
"Yes. Yes We did."
"What have I said about those silly songs?!?"
"That thou enjoy them."
"No- that isn't what I said! I told you that they're too silly for a princess to be singing!"
"We must disagree. These songs contain the perfect amount of silliness for Us to be singing."
Celestia shook her head and smiled wistfully at her younger sister.
"Next week We shall be singing about the Elements of Harmony!! The song shall be called 'Where Have All the Elements Gone?'!"
"... Can't wait, Luna."
"Then perchance thou would like Us to sing a preview for thee?"
"No! I mean... No thanks, Luna."
Luna gave Celestia a glare, which Celestia returned with a sheepish grin.
"Suit thyself."
"I will."
Luna gave Celestia a small scowl.
"We wish to sing Our song."
"Not while I'm here"
"Then thou may leave Us"
"I don't feel like it. I actually think I'm going to stay with you here."
"Dost thou not have to raise the sun later?"
"The sun can wait, Luna."
"Then the night... shall last slightly longer than usual!"
"Whatever you say."
Luna settled down with her ducks, making them quack at each other. Celestia made another duck appear and held it in front of Luna's face.
"Is this... yes... OURS!!"
Luna snatched the duck from Celestia's hooves and squeezed it magically. She giggled and held it over her.
"The perfect duck... It belongs to Us! Huzzah!!"