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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Thanks for the review Sunny Fox. I sincerely can't wait for when the Rainbow Rocks movie appears on Netflix for me to watch at my leisure.
  2. It's pretty good for what you're looking for in that budget, especially the CPU and motherboard. The only issues I have is the BD drive. Since I have that same drive, I must make mention that unless you have a Bluray disk reader program installed on your computer like these: http://blu-ray-player-software-review.toptenreviews.com/ you won't be able to play blu ray disks as they have a HDCP protection that prevents you from playing blu rays on anything that isn't a dedicated bluray player I believe. Also I'm curious for the extra Lan card as technically your motherboard already comes with that.
  3. Hey I want to ask you a question. What do you think is Spike at his best and how can I tell when's being portrayed well and bad as he's among my weakest characters for me to review in the series.

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      My response is long, I should PM you this.

    2. Nuke87654


      Take your time, and I thank you for it.

  4. 'Secret of My Excess' I felt was a pretty good Spike episode, though I'm not quite sure if making the big dragons we've seen in the series appear to be dragons that are lost in their greed.

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      You may be right, the red one from "Dragonshy" didn't seem to be like this (though the green one from "Owl's Well that Ends Well" seemed to be playing it straight), though this may unfortunately justify the negative portrayals of the dragons in "Dragon Quest". :/

    2. Nuke87654


      It still makes me upset for what they did to them in Season 2. I just wish they treated these dragons with alot more respect as they did in season 1 rather then just reduce them to a bunch of greedy bullies.

  5. Hello, Ghostie. I've put up the review for Sweet and Elite after a tiring day. It ended up being a C+ mainly for how I disliked the reaming five's idiotic behaivor and how it was used to set the plot up. Rarity was still great in this episode however.

    1. Nuke87654
    2. ghostfacekiller39


      I'll check it out in a bit :3

    3. Nuke87654


      Ty for the brohoof :3

  6. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13525-fim-sweet-and-elite-episode-review/ My review for Sweet and Elite is up, and I've also updated the grade and score for Mysterious mare do well and May the Best Pet Win. Please come and offer your critiques please.
  7. The only thing we know about any definite info for Season 5's pilot was that it involves the mane 6 meeting a town that has the same cutie marks, all from that animatronic scene from that Comic Con.
  8. Thank heavens for 'Sweet and Elite' for breaking the F grade episode streak my last three viewings had to go through. It's at least a good episode in my opinion, though there are a couple of flaws in the episode that I've found annoying, note none of them were Rarity's fault.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Right now, it's for a rather mean spirited gag, a redneck stereo type, and how convenient her friends literally brought the party to her and to the Canterlot noble garden readily without a 2nd thought.

    3. ghostfacekiller39


      I'm glad we can agree on this. So much is missed out in people's assessments of this episode, and it makes bile rise to my throat. It's good to know there is some fair reviewers out there, though :3

    4. Nuke87654
  9. Hello, and don't worry about the foul language so long as it's not over the top I won't mind.
  10. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13517-fim-mysterious-mare-do-well-episode-review/ My review for Mysterious Mare do well is up. Come and see what you think I've written and discuss please.
  11. Logging off for the night, gn folks.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Ah, well did the troll got banned at least?

    3. Rainbow_Blitz


      I don't know I just got on :P

  12. Finished watching Mysterious Mare Do Well. I hate that episode all because of how the remaining five acted towards RD to say the least. It still deserves being considered among the series's worst episodes.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      So Rainbow Dash seems to have a problem with even numbers

    3. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      I will say, Mare do Well isn't even in my top 10 least favorite episodes, top 20 maybe

    4. A Black Circle
  13. Finished watching Mysterious Mare Do Well. I hate that episode all because of how the remaining five acted towards RD to say the least. It still deserves being considered among the series's worst episodes.

  14. Have you heard of the movie Fury? It's the latest WW 2 movie that stars a tank crew consisting of Brad Pitt and Shia Lebouf. Alot of people have praised and even have said that Shia shows he can be a good actor if he gets head into gear.
  15. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13504-fim-may-the-best-pet-win-episode-review/ Here's my review for May the Best Pet Win. Please come and discuss what you think.
  16. Heard of 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?'

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. ghostfacekiller39


      ...king at the big picture rather than looking at there and now, which can lead to tensions with Alistair and Leliana because they always seem stuck in "We have to help this person!" even if that's probably not the best idea.


      Stuff like that makes the game fun for me, not just white-knighting it all the way through xP

    3. ghostfacekiller39


      I can't ever get along with Leliana for that reason, too xP

    4. Nuke87654


      White knighting is lame. Being smart and logical is always better really.

  17. Also helps that thanks to reviewers and people looking back on the episodes including me, we all realized that Rarity is usually fabulous with her episodes. It could explain why people wanted Rarity episodes because you know those will be awesome for the most part.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ghostfacekiller39


      They are. We all put a lot of work into making this place more welcoming towards Rarity fans. It's more than disheartening to join a community only to get shoved aside like that, but we fought like hell and made a difference. We inadvertantly threw the whole place into turmoil, but we used to be the weakest fanbase on here by a landslide, and now we're one of the strongest, if not the strongest on MLPF. It may still be different elsewhere, but we've done great here in the past yea...

    3. ghostfacekiller39


      ...r and brought a lot of changes to the place.

    4. Nuke87654


      Good as this is a positive change for the better here as it only made me appreciate Rarity and her fanbase even more for such dedication and love they've shown to her.

  18. 'May the Best Pet Win' was just a rather terrible episode for Rainbow Dash for being possibly an even bigger jackass then the next episode. It didn't help the storyline was predictable as well.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      The thing is, when I was first watching this show, almost every episode seemed amazing. And then when you think about it, some really aren't. For example, Bridle Gossip has some amazing creative moments, but is full of the mane six being unlikable.

    3. Nuke87654


      @ChikoritaBrony, that's from what I've heard too. Let's not forget how quick he was to declare Season 4 bad when it's only 7 episodes in. Now he likes the season.


      @Spooky, pretty much in all what you said.

    4. Nuke87654


      @Greenleaf, yep I did thought that too till I took off my nostalgia goggles as well.

  19. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1976/entry-13484-god-i-miss-this/ Please visit Phoenix Flam's blog entry please. Nothing's wrong but it's simply to see someone very happy is all.
  20. Hey guys, there's DOW 2 vid from a fame DOW 2 caster that has a 3v3 game that I was part of. Should I make a blog about it?

    1. Metemponychosis


      When people ask questions like this they usually WANT to express their thoughts on the subject. So, I'll go ahead and say 'yes'. XD

    2. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      If you want to make a blog, and have lots to say... Than I say go for it! :D *Hugs*

  21. Well I'll be sending my Ipad off for repairs today. I won't be expecting it back till next week. Hopefully it'll be as good as new.

  22. It's a good general news site to got to if you want pony news and information relating to the fandom in general and their art lists and comics are good. Also the fact it's where I get my news for merchandise is good as well. My problems with that site is that it's actually a den of hateful comments on there where they will argue and hate you because they don't like your opinion regardless of how well made it is, especially Equestria Girls where there are many people who vocally hate it on there, thus if you ever see a really negative news happening (such as Alicorn Twilight and EQG reveal), the comments will go apeshit in the most extreme that will make any arguments that happen here look like a drizzle in comparison. As chikorita said as well, the way they accept fanfics is infamously harsh in the fandom and many fanfic writers have voiced criticisms of it and how the judges are often accused of being biased for their own circle of accepted writers and any new and awesome but came from relatively new writer will generally not be accepted, even if it is sfw. Other news sites I've found I would recommend would be Derpy Hooves Network as while it may not be a totally MLP website (they do other cartoons and are also another haven for Littlest Pet Shop fans) nor do they update especially frequently, but I feel that they're EQD if it never became as big as it did in the fandom and decided to grow in other areas to compensate. Horse News while it is attached to 4chan's /mlp/, they're surprisingly pretty well behaved if you accept the caustic behavior and other posts of the like they do, even more so than EQD's own comment board I believe. Another thing I also like is that they will report deeper stuff in the fandom and are generally among the fastest at reporting major news and rumors in the fandom due to their irregular scheduling and having alot of informers thanks to being part of /mlp/. Both of those sites are also noted for not being afraid to criticize an episode or movie if it's bad, unlike EQD which you should never use as a basis for how good an episode or movie is as they're possibly scrutinized by DHX and Hasbro enough that they'll only mark positive stuff and try to write away whatever flaw, no matter how big and small as being not as bad or nonexistent just so they can keep DHX and Hasbro in their good graces, which isn't totally bad but it's definitely not a place for reviews unless it's from individual reviewers where you can check their other work. tl;dr version. Use EQD for general pony news and art materials for you to enjoy in the fandom. Avoid the comment sections and don't use the site for any reviews of the episode or your fanfics unless you're a really famous fanfic writer in the fandom and have friends with the panel judges on EQD.
  23. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-13475-fim-cutie-pox-episode-review/ My review for Cutie Pox is up. Please come and offer your thoughts for this one.
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