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Everything posted by BassBrony

  1. i made the deans list at my college. huzzah.

  2. Nope. There has been a decline in the number of new bronies but I feel like that's normal for any fan group, especially after an exploding boom we caused in 2011. I've seen (and been in) a lot of fandoms on their last legs, this one showing no signs of it at the moment
  3. just helped the potato salad kickstarter

  4. Good pick! Wonderbolt Academy is definitely up there in my favorites as well but I feel that Sonic Rainboom edges it out by a small margin.
  5. Mario Kart 8 or Watch Dogs... this might be the hardest decision of my life

    1. Unicorn Coffee

      Unicorn Coffee

      It is. both amazing games.

    2. Steve


      mario kart 8



  6. 8 to 5 shift. It's a good thing I slept at 2 am last night : |

  7. I have a confession. Before ponies took over the geeky side of me, that spot once belonged to SEGA. I remember my first console being a Sega Genesis with my first game being none other than Sonic the Hedgehog 1. There was nothing like being able to finish act one of green hill zone in the blink of an eye. Sonic was so fast that not even the pixels could keep up with the blue blur. As SEGA went bankrupt with the Dreamcast (Somepony tell Nintendo), my days as a Sonic fan were numbered. The nail in the coffin was the abysmal Sonic 06 game and the opium dose of unnecessary characters was the flower on top of the grave. (by Juug on deviantART) It's no surprise to me that Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony. She shares Sonics love of speed and determination to win. The short-tempered and rebellious nature, the laziness and cool attitude, it's all there. It's actually quite surprising that this question is only now popping up in my mind. So who's faster? Is it Rainbow Dash? The only pegasi to ever perform a Sonic Rainboom. TWICE. Sonic? The hedgehog who can run faster than sound. Both of them have the ability to travel faster than sound however I cant help but give Sonic the winning hoof. What Rainbow Dash matches in top speed, she lacks in acceleration. Sonic has the Spin Dash, the Super Peel Out, and whatever new awful feature the Sonic team gives him next. Rainbow Dash needs a little bit more time to be moving that fast. So there you have it. Sonic wins. Someone go and put a medal on his death bed. Note: I realize that Sonic can now travel the speed of light but for the sake of fairness, i decided to omit that trait. As always, feel free to or or even for that matter.
  8. My friends gave me the nickname "Bass", the fish not the instrument. Although I do play bass too so....
  9. Blue Mountain State, Dexter, The League, Walking Dead, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Parks and Recreation, Game of Thrones For non cartoons i like to bouce from show to show rather than watching all the episodes in one go
  10. Accidentally hit "Mark Community Read"... fux.

  11. College is awesome! I found the workload to be a bit more than high school but nothing that you can't handle. What really makes it great are the unique and vast number of people you meet. Also the feeling of freedom to do what you want is unmatched! Watch out for exams though, they're god awful.
  12. 1. Airplane! 2. Scott Pilgrim vs The World 3. Pineapple Express 4. The Avengers 5. This is the End
  13. Wow, another alien enthusiast! If you keep this blog up i'll definitely keep reading! I do believe in aliens. It's selfish to think that no where else in the vastness of the universe that life is only present in our solar system. Life can also exist in conditions that would seem 'extreme". As for UFO visits it's possible but until speculation is proven to be fact, i'll have to remain skeptical.
  14. That finale was epic.

  15. I opened the forums to 140 notifications. holy buck

    1. Commander Hurricane

      Commander Hurricane

      wow...good luck with catching up.

  16. Yes, for me it's always between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Although Rarity is suddenly gaining my attention (never thought i'd say that)
  17. I’ve got that blogging spirit in me! I don’t know if it was due to the last entry I posted, which I really only expected 20 or so views, or cause it’s a part of my major. I’d say it’s a bit of both added in with the enjoyment of finally contributing something to the fandom. That’s enough ranting about me, so for my next project I’m going to do a rundown of all of season 1’s episodes, ranking them with my PERSONAL views while incorporating a bit of how well each episode was told. I’ve seen these episodes at least 6 times each so I think I have a pretty good feeling about the rankings. As always feel free to post in the comments to agree, disagree, or explain why I’m insane because your favorite episode isn’t ranked at the top (I love this one!) So let’s get started. Ranking in as my least liked episode in the season…….. 25. The Ticket Master I have 5 friends, why did you send two tickets? Likes: -Twilight’s character development Dislikes: -Situation could’ve been avoided -Obvious ending is obvious -Why should I care? -Damn you Trollestia The first episode outside the opener took me three days to watch when I first came across Friendship is Magic. We’re all familiar with the plot in which Princess “Trollestia” sends Twilight two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala when Celestia herself knows that there are SIX elements of harmony (sorry Spike fans). The mane 6 fight over who gets the two tickets, much to Twilight’s dismay, and she decides to send them back, only for Celestia to send 5 more tickets by the end of the episode. To be brash, I didn’t give a single shit about who got the ticket during my first run through. When watching the episode a couple more times, I still had that lack of interest. Sure it built up the season finale, but for Twilight to receive 5 more tickets at the end made me think ‘I’m sure twilight should know Celestia wouldn’t have a problem sending more tickets to her prized pupil.’ What I did like though was that my thought was answered by Celestia in the end through her “Why didn’t you say so?” letter. The situation could’ve easily been avoided like that. I want to give the episode some credit, I noticed through my second run through of the series that it does a good job developing Twilights character. That bold decision to send back the two tickets shows that she is not selfish and truly cares about her friends. Now I know the show likes to use the post-season opener episodes to add a bigger element to the season at hand, but I feel that the same story could have been told a better way. Its ending left me feeling like the whole episode was pointless. 24. Applebuck Season The derp face…. Likes:-Shows that Applejack is hardworking but stubborn and prideful Dislikes:-Repetitive -Feels dragged on, unnatural flow Applejack. The element of honesty. Ponyville’s most friendly and trustworthy pony. Also the most overworked, stubborn, and prideful pony to the point where it gets super annoying (only in this episode of course). The episode starts with Applejack and Big Mac, who is injured, (note I was happy to finally see a stallion in the show) overlooking the apple orchard. Big Mac calls out Applejack who insists that she can harvest all the apples, ultimately starting this repetitive cycle of Applejack overworking herself which in turn affects all of Ponyville. Even today I am very reluctant to watch this episode. To me, it feels as if I am watching 3 scenes repeat itself over and over again. The amount of joy I felt when Applejack finally asks for help was equal to the time I tried molly. If the writers point was to show how stubborn Applejack was then I completely got the message. The problem was that the episode gets caught in the same situation 5 more times. The plot feels extended like the writers were just scrambling to fill in the appropriate time slot. On a positive note, it made me appreciate Applejack’s hard work ethic and how too much of it causes an overindulgence of personal pride. 23. The Cutie Mark Chronicles These innocent faces…cue the “hnng” Likes: -Lore on the mane 6’s cutie marks -Enjoyed the humor Dislikes: -Nothing was really learned Unlike the previous two episodes there’s not much I really dislike about this one. Its placement this low on the chart probably has to do with the fact that there was no true lesson learned. While it was cool to see how all the mane 6 got their cutie marks, it didn’t give a hint as to what the CMC’s would be. Again, I like how they incorporated that the sonic rain boom was integral to all of them achieving their cutie mark, but the episode comes off like a history class to me. Although I did enjoy the episode’s jokes a lot seeing that Rarity’s destiny is a rock and Pinkie Pie is responsible for Equestria being made. 22. Over A Barrel “You gotta share……You gotta care…” Likes: -Even two enemies can get along through compromise -A battle, in a little girls show? -lots of conflict, even within the mane 6 Dislikes:-none This Episode made me think a lot about how the early Americans treated the natives, albeit a completely different ending irl. With Spike’s disappearance and being able to see two sides of an argument, it left a lot of questions to begin with and was able to answer every single one by the end. I was very surprised with the way this episode turned out. It was the one that made me realize that this show is truly intended for all audiences. The conflicts between the native buffalo and the appleosians/Rainbow Dash and Applejack, leave a lot on the table which results in an ending that could’ve gone either way. While watching this I constantly found myself picking sides as to who really deserved the land. At the first scene when Bloomberg gets taken, I was on Applejacks side. But when hearing about how the buffalo were forced off their land because of the apple orchard, it made me reluctant to agree with my old opinion. It caught my attention when they went to battle because I believed that only one group would come out on top. For the buffalo and ponies to end the battle with a resolution really supported the message that even enemies can come to a peaceful compromise. Sorry Pinkie Pie, your cheerful songs couldn’t save the day this time.
  18. that new episode was dank, definitely my fav of the season

    1. Orablanco Account

      Orablanco Account

      I'm going to start using "dank."

    2. ghostfacekiller39


      @Citrus That'd be dank, yo.

    3. BassBrony
  19. Birthday birthday birthday birthday!!!!

  20. My main hobby right now would have to be Bass playing. Fanfiction/blogging at a close second. I have various hobbies, they're mostly on and off and dependent on the season
  21. hmm interesting. I never actually thought of the 5th season as being the turning point of the fandom. I have faith in the writers though. I think that with everypony generally being content with the current season, the writers know they have to top it with the next one.
  22. Help! i've fallen, and i cant turn up!

  23. The first time i asked a girl out, i was so nervous that i jumbled my words. It went something like: "Will out you me go?' "I mean, will you go me...." It worked.
  24. It might just be me, but i have this annoying thought in my mind that the number of new bronies/pegasisters are diminishing as the seasons go on. Now i started watching the show back in the summer of 2012, just before the third season aired and joined a fanbase that had a sudden wave of new fans, not as many as 2011 of course, but still a good amount. I recall reading so many rage comics (haha remember when that was a thing?) on MyLittleBrony about how the show changed lives. The site was littered with them. Now the fanbase has evolved to a more stable state at the cost of less new members. To be honest, i haven't been doing my fair share of recruitment (2013 being the last year i successfuly converted somepony) but it's been mostly because everyone i told knows that i watch the show and chooses not to do so. Or maybe we've succumb to others opinion that we don't shut up about the show? Take a look at this Equestria Daily Poll which asks Unsurprisingly and probably thanks to 4chan, 2011 racks in about 36.71% with 2012 at 31.10% 2013 at 17.54% for a total of 85.35% If this pattern continues we are looking at 2014 being the lowest percentage of new members. It's unlikely that recent events such as Equestria Girls, Fighting is Magic/JanAnimations C&D, and Alicorn Twilight caused such a dip because the year before was Derpygate and infinite 4chan trolls and mods. If there's one thing i can say about the fandom, its that it is resilient even when it seems like we want to give up. So i'll assume, for myself, that all the talk that "Bronies push the show in everyones face when no one cares" got to my head. But it made me think, 'of course no one is going to give a fuck that i watch a little girls show'. The average person isn't going to say "Oh, i'll watch this show for the animation!" because its automatically presumed (due to previous generations) that the show is for girls which in their minds, gets passed off as such. My take, be it a radical and maybe unpopular stance, is that we still need to inform people what the show really is. In 2011 when this all went viral, people questioned us, attacked us, (I know i did) and the fans responded. It got people interested and challenged them do something outside the societal norms. Thus, new fans are born. To answer the blog title, No, i dont believe that bronies reached their peak yet. But the decline of new fans might be an afterthought to consider. I'm feeling a renissance soon we can always use new members! feel free to comment and stuff, what do you ponies think is the reason for this decline? -BassBrony Note: Please do not take this article as some dumb conspiracy that the fandom is failing. It's meant to be informative about the decrease of new fans.
  25. Honestly, what a great way to start off the new year! Snow, Snow and..........you guessed it, more SNOW. I'm sitting here in Buffalo NY, watching those little white things trickle from the clouds, a constant reminder of the "Polar Vortex" this winter endured. But to much people's dismay (almost everyone i talk to), I actually like the snow. For me, there's snowboarding, sledding, pond hockey, and a lot more (I'll stop for the sake of boring you) and much as i would like to tell those people to move somewhere else, I can't help but agree with them this time around. I was in Florida for the past 6 days and it's amazing to think that i was wearing shorts and a tank top 24 hours ago. Residing in the Rochester/Buffalo area i can safely assume that i've had my fair share of snow storms these past years (Sorry, but a foot of snow is NOTHING), and i was looking at the annual snow accumulations for 2014 which had Buffalo at 121 inches and Rochester at 102 inches. Definitely a far stretch from the record of 199 but a lot of snow indeed. As spring nears by (thank Celestia) there's been this sudden influx of news articles claiming that this is the worst winter ever. Personally i can say that it is definitely up there due to the fact i had to walk a quarter mile to class in blizzard like conditions. The main gripe i had with this winter was that the snow wasn't spaced out. It came in storms which led to a lot of problems for everyone. I'm ready for that winter wrap up. P.S. thanks for reading this first blog, i didn't know what to write about and just had that journalists itch to write! More interesting stuff is on the way...
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