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Everything posted by LZRD WZRD

  1. The first one is about his greed, the second is about dishonesty, the third is about corruption. They come from similar places, sure, but I maintain that they're different from each other. If it gets old for you, fine. But they're not the same.
  2. I disagree with your analysis here. Secret of My Excess was about greed. Just For Sidekicks was about him being dishonest and using others for his own gain. Princess Spike is about him becoming corrupted by absolute power (in the spirit of the old Lord Acton quote).
  3. For everyone here who hates me, I just got stung by a bee so justice has been served.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. GrauWitz


      Wut? Who could possibly hate you here? X3

    3. LZRD WZRD


      ah shucks, you guys <3

    4. GrauWitz


      *hugs you* Hehe X3

  4. I completely disagree that Spike learns the same lesson over and over again. Could you cite the episodes in which he learns the same moral as another episode?
  5. Princess Spike, Plot Device, and Other Analytical Buzzwords https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeQUT8asatw

  6. It's ok if you dislike Princess Spike, but there are a few things being said that I vehemently disagree with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeQUT8asatw I hope this clears some things up and of course, comments are always welcome
  7. Fine, no one's forcing you to watch me and I certainly am not going to change for one person.
  8. What are you talking about? I've made no personal attacks. I never said the staff were infallible. Cleverclover asserted that he knows what Spike's character is supposed to be, which is an incredibly pretentious thing to say, unless he's talked to the people who run the show and created Spike. If he dislikes Spike's character, that's fine. But what he said was far more than that. Being fearful of Twilight abandoning him can stem from more than one place. If it's the act of being abandoned that frightens him, which seems to be what his parents did to him, then that doesn't mean it's out of character for him to abandon Twilight. That's akin to me not wanting my mom kick me out of the house, but me being fine leaving on my own terms. It's not contradictory. Also, Spike is competent at some things, but that doesn't mean he's a Mary Sue who is competent at everything. When in the series has he been shown to be able to carry out a specific task, only for him to be unable to carry out the same task in later episodes? How was he only annoying? I'm pretty sure the latest episode had nothing to do with Spike being annoying and more with him struggling to carry out his task and then later becoming addicted to power. Also, what other episodes was spike full of himself and greedy? Apparently this happens every season, but I don't recall this happening. Could you name some episodes?
  9. I don't understand how the conflict was contrived. In your mind, how would it flow naturally? Also, your logic that the jokes fail because Spike is trying to do his job is bizarre. What do you mean exactly? When you just make very broad, dogmatic statements like this with no context, it's extremely confusing to see what you're getting at.
  10. It's pretty pretentious of you to assert that somehow you know what Spike's true character is as opposed to numerous different writers (ranging from Larson to Polsky). Do you not understand how this show works? You do realize McCarthy is involved with developing all of these stories in the episodes. All the writers do is flesh out the dialogue and scenes, but the overall structure is designed and approved by McCarthy. Not to mention, they reference the show bible frequently, so either 90% of the time they ignore it with Spike or, idk, maybe the way they're writing Spike is how Faust envisioned him. Personally I think he's being written really well, but I'm guessing you disagree.
  11. I think the reason so many ponies were asking the princesses for help was because they were running the event and it was a rare opportunity to communicate with them (when they normally may not be as accessible). As for the workers, I doubt they have any reason to assume any dubious intentions. This is pretty much a crime-less world, so an event where the workers would be tricked would be very rare. As for blame, I think it does rest on Spike, considering it was already established that the princess had a ton of power. He knowingly abused it.
  12. I'm not quite sure about the first question, could you reference some episodes please? For the second question, I'd say Spike has shown growth by not repeating past mistakes (getting jealous like in Owl's Well . . . or shoving his identity at others like in Spike At Your Service). Furthermore for development, I'd propose Spike At Your Service was the next logical step from Dragon Quest. Unable to find dragons he could identify with, Spike instead embraces part of what he sees being a dragon is (adhering to the dragon code) in an attempt to fit in. Since he can't fit in with dragons in person, he attempts to do so in spirit.
  13. So I guess what you're saying is that you want a completely different type of conflict all together for Spike? I understand that, but for me I like seeing all of the different ways Spike has to deal with his issues, especially since they're never completely resolved. He still has yet to form a concrete identity which is what most of his episodes are about. Until that happens, until he gets that "ahah!" moment (just like the CMC), he's going to continue struggling with finding his role. He likes being Twilight's assistant, but previous episodes show he's not satisfied with who he is and how others perceive him. This one, which shows him living someone else's life, seems to affirm that he's still working on this. Personally, I find this to be one of the more interesting and relatable conflicts on the show and quite honestly I'm surprised it doesn't resonate with more people. He didn't turn his back on being a dragon. The very next season there was an episode called Spike At Your Service where the entire story is based around him trying to be associated with dragons (via his incessant adherence to the dragon code)
  14. I see what you're saying, but all of those episodes deal with Spike and his self worth in different ways. Owl's Well is about him feeling insecure and taking extreme actions, rather than talking to Twilight about them. Dragon Quest was about him trying to find people he could relate to, but instead he realized that people who legitimately cared about him was more important than fitting in. See, they all come from a similar place, but they deal with Spike in different ways.
  15. I must have missed the interview where Meghan McCarthy said that they don't care about developing Spike and see him as a joke character. You got a link?
  16. I see what you're saying, but I disagree. When you make a mistake in real life, it doesn't mean you will never make the same mistake again. Especially when we're talking about a kid. Furthermore, I don't recall which other episode in the series Spike became addicted to power and abused it at other ponies' expense. What's the problem with that? I could say the same about Fluttershy, how she tried being a fashion model but decided she was content caring for animals. If Spike enjoys being a servant, what's wrong with that?
  17. Flanderized? One-dimensional? In what way was Spike one-dimensional in the latest episode? This is a demonstrably false statement and ignores the entire premise of the episode. Spike starts off as a responsible and attentive servant, yet when given a taste of power, he becomes corrupted and selfish. He literally transforms from selfless to selfish over the course of the episode. So no, he's hardly one-dimensional and I'd argue he's being written with as much thought he's ever been. Instead of whining about Spike's actions, think about what they mean instead. Why is Spike corrupted when given power? What does this say about his character, his desires, and his relationship with others? These are questions that are brought up by these actions. To write this all off as lazy is just baffling to me. Actually, Dragon Quest does have a follow-up: Spike At Your Service. It shows Spike struggling to identify with his own race (following the dragon code is an attempt to fit into his image of what a dragon ought to be) to the point where it becomes clear that his actions are entirely self-serving (ironic considering the title of the episode). You misunderstand what a plot device is. When the story is literally about how a person is acting, they're not a plot device. Spike would be a plot device if he was greedy and that somehow led to problems for other people and this was all his character was ever used for. Also, greedy, selfish, and insecure are all legitimate character flaws. In real life, people have more than one flaw. Come to think of it, those 3 characteristics are often found together, so I fail to see how Spike having all of them is somehow a bad thing.
  18. If you think it's vapid then I don't think you quite grasp the concept.
  19. Good evening my people. Here is my new amazing video review of Princess Spike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR-VlCFZm1E

  20. Greetings subjects! For you today, I have not one, but two full-length video reviews of the new episode. The first one is my regular scheduled programming and is awesome so watch it or miss out on a legendary video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR-VlCFZm1E The second is a parody of Tommy Oliver's and Digibro's Equestria Games reivew and is the best thing ever more or less. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4hufqTD2Hw&list=LLPLX5CVXpb--Z_85oIdH_Iw&index=1 This video was posted on my new group channel where I plan to make more like it and do other crazy stuff! Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG6t0rwuJj_mbVdB3XVLNoQ?sub_confirmation=1 Anyways, enjoy my dear people and remember to all hail King WZRD!
  21. Actually my dream episode was pretty much The Cutie Map. A dystopian egalitarian society? Now that is some scary stuff.
  22. ALL HAIL KING WZRD!!! The undisputed king of all lzrds!
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