Heheheh I've been waiting for this. This is more or less 100% serious, give or take.
1) The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone - I like it because Pinkie was awesome and it was cool to see Gilda get reformed I guess.
2) The Cutie Map - Good concept and villain, but kinda boring to re-watch (oh no, please, stop rolling your eyes )
3) Amending Fences - I liked Minuette and that was about it. But that's all, that really matters I guess
4) Make New Friends But Keep Discord - I liked that face Fluttershy made.
5) Bloom & Gloom - It was the only time Luna and the CMC didn't piss me off and it was in the same episode too. Woah, 10/10 I guess.
6) Party Pooped - The fucking Yaks...
7) Castle Sweet Castle - I think I liked this episode, but I can't remember why, so it's down here now.
8) Princess Spike - Good...for a Spike episode.
9) Tanks for the Memories - Pretty much the worst Rainbow Dash episode ever. Although Rainbow Falls is still worse, this one is less fun to watch due to how cringey it all is.
10) Slice of Life - The best fan animation ever made...oh wait this is a real episode. Ok then...
11) Appleloosa's Most Wanted - The most boringist one.
12) Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? - 0/10, would not crawl in skin again. Easily the most dumbest, no stupid, no the most retarded moment in the entire show when Luna snaps out of her emo, self-loathing streak when Twilight tells her, "No, you're cool, stop hating yourself." Luna smiles. "I am now cured thanks to the power of friendship.
Also I found the aesthetics of some of the dreams to be kinda boring so that really sucks.
Overall I give this season a 9.182/10. It was amazing as usual and it is mah favvvvvvorite show, ah yes. Please brohoof, because I enjoy seeing the little notification and every time I smile a bit and I'm told I'll live longer if I smile, so if you want me to live longer brohoof this. Ok, bye now