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Everything posted by LZRD WZRD

  1. Heheheh I've been waiting for this. This is more or less 100% serious, give or take. Great 1) The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone - I like it because Pinkie was awesome and it was cool to see Gilda get reformed I guess. Good 2) The Cutie Map - Good concept and villain, but kinda boring to re-watch (oh no, please, stop rolling your eyes ) 3) Amending Fences - I liked Minuette and that was about it. But that's all, that really matters I guess 4) Make New Friends But Keep Discord - I liked that face Fluttershy made. 5) Bloom & Gloom - It was the only time Luna and the CMC didn't piss me off and it was in the same episode too. Woah, 10/10 I guess. Meh 6) Party Pooped - The fucking Yaks... 7) Castle Sweet Castle - I think I liked this episode, but I can't remember why, so it's down here now. 8) Princess Spike - Good...for a Spike episode. Bad 9) Tanks for the Memories - Pretty much the worst Rainbow Dash episode ever. Although Rainbow Falls is still worse, this one is less fun to watch due to how cringey it all is. 10) Slice of Life - The best fan animation ever made...oh wait this is a real episode. Ok then... Awful 11) Appleloosa's Most Wanted - The most boringist one. Tartarus 12) Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? - 0/10, would not crawl in skin again. Easily the most dumbest, no stupid, no the most retarded moment in the entire show when Luna snaps out of her emo, self-loathing streak when Twilight tells her, "No, you're cool, stop hating yourself." Luna smiles. "I am now cured thanks to the power of friendship. Also I found the aesthetics of some of the dreams to be kinda boring so that really sucks. Overall I give this season a 9.182/10. It was amazing as usual and it is mah favvvvvvorite show, ah yes. Please brohoof, because I enjoy seeing the little notification and every time I smile a bit and I'm told I'll live longer if I smile, so if you want me to live longer brohoof this. Ok, bye now
  2. Here are my thoughts about things and I hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts about things because I sure didn't think these thoughts were enjoyable to think about. Enjoy 1) I forgot the things that I was thinking about. Ohhhhhh.......... Now I'm sad
  3. After a few watches, I've concluded that Conquest of Paradise is Ridley Scott's true masterpiece. Blade Runner and Alien? Nahhhhh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      That's a lie LZRD and you know that.


    3. LZRD WZRD


      Hypno listen to Conquest of Paradise and tell me that isn't the greatest song ever made. Then watch it with Ridley's 10/10 cinematography and you'll understand

    4. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      LZRD, i agree. Vangelis soundtrack is fantastic. But saying it's better then Alien, Blade Runner or even Gladiator is something i can't agree on.

  4. So uh, yeah I just watched all of the We Bare Bears episodes. I like

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I've been hearing a lot of very positive commentary about it lately.

    2. Dawning Demon
    3. LZRD WZRD


      Watch it! It's more entertaining than MLP is at the moment :D

  5. or a Short Film About Ponies and Nothing . . . Thanks for watching and tell me what you're looking forward to I guess
  6. Gay crushes are perfectly acceptable and encouraged
  7. I was always quite partial to Kyle "the Sex God" Orton myself
  8. I'd love to get a sequel to The Road To El Dorado. How these dashing con men never caught on with the kiddies is beyond me.
  9. Rockstar look + Rule of Thirds = Legendary Picture of MLPForum's greatest member
  10. After today's game, I think Blaine Gabbert has what it takes to unseat Alex Smith as the greatest QB in NFL history. My current rankings all time are: 1. Alex Smith - Beat the Seahawks and is the baddest man this side of the Atlantic. Nuff said. 2. Colin Kaepernick - Rocks those Beats by Dre better than Cam Newton. 3. Tim Tebow - God likes him more than Russell Wilson. 4. Johnny "Football" Manziel - Dude has football in his name and is the real life Pinkie Pie. 5. Blaine "The Real American" Gabbert - The Hulk Hogan of football. Honorable mention to Cody Pickett for being the greatest special teams-playing QB of all time (and the only one). Props for earning your backup QB paycheck. True Niner millennial legend Thoughts on my objective and totally based analysis?
  11. I recorded like 3 unrelated videos yesterday and today I'm gonna spend like 5 hours editing them into an avant garde review that will suck and you all better like it

    1. Jeremiah


      i know i will like it

    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      And in the end, you won't post anything. :P

  12. I've eaten too much, I can't spell, I can't think. It's time my friends that this crazy LZRD hits the hay. Do lzrds sleep on hay? 0_o

  13. My own YouTube channel. Honestly, I spend my free time either playing video games, watching movies, or making YouTube videos. I have no life anymore I pretty much spend hours a day writing scripts, most of which I trash or rewrite later. Lately I've just been turning a camera on so whenever I decide to rant to myself (as I typically do), I can salvage some of it for scenes in a video. Heck, I'm even kind of a method actor too, where I'll just have my room trashed for like a week straight. Yeah, I'm an artist ..... and a loser
  14. I only really got into his main channel after Horseshoe Finale tbh. Now I've watched all of it several times Hey! Yep I've been here for over a year And.....not to be this guy but..... have I met you before? Or do you just recognize me from YouTube or something? Sorry if we met somewhere and I forgot
  15. I was afraid of the dark and ghosts especially. There was a stretch when I was like 10 where I was paranoid of that stuff, even when it was the middle of the day. It was a legit phobia man. Still kinda get creeped out when I hear noises when I'm alone at home. That's why I sleep with a good old retired MLB baseball bat by my bedside. And I have two different windows I can run out of just in case ........... Maybe I'm not over this stuff yet
  16. It should be taken as seriously as people want to. If people want to analyze it or talk about it in detail, then they should (and people who dislike that should stay away). On the other hand, people who take it really seriously shouldn't force their opinions and thoughts on people who are just casually watching it or what have you. See that? Now everypony is happy
  17. Endless Jess, formerly known as Drowning In Footwear. When this guy releases a video, I drop everything I'm doing and watch it Also really enjoy TL;DR, Gibbontake/HippoCrit, Digibro, and YourMovieSucks.
  18. No, the DS is evil! Who trades Pokemon over the wifi or whatever? Back in my day we went and found that one nerdy kid on the playground with the connector cable and gave him our lunch money so we could trade-evolve our Kadabras and Haunters. That's the way it was meant to be, damn it! Now there's like 1,000 Pokemon and you can trade 'em with whoever, whenever. It's not right man, it's just dirty. Society as we know it is dissolving all because of that evil little device. Don't even get me started on how bulky it is compared to the GBA SP!
  19. Eh it's alright I guess. I guess I'm becoming an old fart who would rather things take longer and stay the same than having to get used to a whole new interface. Haven't had any problems at least.
  20. Black, since it matches my black GC. I play that lovely console everyday. Haven't touched the Wii in years XD Seriously, this is the greatest thing ever made. Along with the GBA SP. Forget the DS and the Wii and all those toys the kids got these days. They weren't around in the 2000s, back when gaming was almost as cool as I hear the 90s was. Kids today don't know anything
  21. For the love of god, never make the mistake of eating that second piece of cake. If I wasn't so darn skinny I'd feel ashamed right now

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LZRD WZRD


      No, don't do it! The first few bites are fine, but once it's all gone your body starts to shiver and you realize only then you've made a terrible mistake D:

    3. 10InTheTardis


      It's only the 4th piece that someone else gave me because they couldn't finish that I start to regret.

    4. LZRD WZRD


      Yet you lived to tell the tale. *slow clap*

  22. Oh god, Hypnosparkle....didn't expect to see you here, heheh. Um, this isn't what it looks like, I swear! I was only curious for uh, you know, analysis purposes.
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