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Everything posted by LZRD WZRD

  1. This is great! Here I thought I'd need to wait a year to make money off bronies again, but now I'll be waiting a few weeks at most Oh yeah, hooray for pony
  2. How is a character that shows up two or three times a season with only one starring role in an episode overused? You can barely even call her appearances an event, since she rarely does anything special. If anything she's underused, but you could say that about pretty much every character on the show except Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Every other character is always being written wrong or isn't getting enough episodes according to some of the fans
  3. "I'm pregnant." - Twilight Sparkle The day this happens is the day the show and what's left of Lauren Faust's soul die
  4. She's had episodes not involving her family, like The Last Roundup and Spike At Your Service. I'd say give her a map episode with Fluttershy, since that's a pairing we rarely see. They'd play off of each other rather nicely I think.
  5. Just make him like Mufasa and have him be dead but talk to Twilight in a vision or something. Or make him an old hermit, living in exile in a swamp somewhere. You know, like the little green guy from Star Wars...what was his name? Oh yeah, Chuck Norris! Anyway, I'd put him in the season finale as a guy who helps Twilight defeat Starlight and that way Twilight isn't booked as ridiculously OP, instead as a hero who needs help to save the world. It'll be great!
  6. Twilight doesn't need guards. She ain't Seth Rollins or some chickenshit heel, she can fight for herself! Plus, she's got her friends who are better at helping her out than any jobbing guards would be.
  7. Check out my must-see video review/analysis of the new MLP episode!

    1. Guest90210


      This was honestly an amazing video. Your reviewing style reminds me of Digibrony's "S4 Diaries", where you take the concept of the episode and compare it to your own experiences while diving deeper into the meaning. I'll definitely be checking more out!

    2. LZRD WZRD


      I'm glad you enjoyed it and you're right on about it being like Digibrony's S4 diaries, because that's exactly what inspired me here. It seems everybody channels his original style, but honestly I find the S4 diaries videos to be his best and one of the best ways to talk about the show.

  8. At first, I thought I was going to make a 30 minute review, but then realized on second watch that half of the things I was going to say were wrong. Then I thought about skipping this altogether. In the end I just made it a more instrospective analytical video and it probably yielded the best possible result. Oh wait, you guys don't care about any of this Thanks for watching and remember to all hail King WZRD!
  9. I guess this was a pretty good episode
  10. Guys, please, somebody tell me I'm not the only person in this mad world that doesn't like this episode! I need to feel validated!!!!!!!
  11. Thoughts on the new Equestria Girls trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQIuVzzlZEM

    1. Jeremiah


      cool, gonna check it out

  12. OH MY GOD THE NEW TRAILER FOR THE NEW MOVIE OF THE SPIN-OFF SERIES OF MY FAVVVVVORITE SHOW IS OUT! Here are my thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQIuVzzlZEM
  13. Don't like how Spike has been portrayed lately? Don't worry, here's how the show can save him! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcumRto5Ji8

  14. Since most people don't seem to like the direction Spike's character, I submit this video as the way to fix EVERYTHING. Let me know what you think about the topic in the comments below
  15. I'm going to have to compare the animation quality later, but I will say that there do seem to be a lot of bland designs. The Town? Really average. They could have at least spiced up the surrounding area. When you realize that this was an isolated substinence community, the next question that comes up is where were they growing their food? I don't recall seeing anything besides a barren wasteland there. Then there's the castle, which is pretty drab and dull. Nothing like the iconic treehouse design. Then there's the generic, unmemorable setting at Appleoosa. Griffonstone, like The Town, is also a pretty run down and ugly setting. However, there's not a whole lot that could be done with that. Perhaps different lighting or weather would have made it more appealing. Those are just the things that come to mind. Last season emphasized things like lighting and shading, whereas this one seems to be throwing a lot of its effort into new animations and settings (some of which are good)
  16. Here are my complete thoughts on the episode:
  17. Check out my review of the new MLP episode!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LZRD WZRD


      oh my god you and your puns XD

    3. MagentaRush


      Don't they just take you right yak to February?

    4. LZRD WZRD
  18. Probably the wackiest episode of MLP ever. Thanks for watching and comments are always welcome
  19. Um, this episode has broken me. I am a new man; a shell of my former self because of it. Thanks, I think. You know, the episode's strengths get better the more I think about them and its weaknesses get worse the more I think about them. This episode was ridiculous in the best and worst ways. For that fact alone, I commend this episode for its originality and intrepid spirit.
  20. I regret to inform you all that the analytical masterpiece of my career is a Spike video. I reckon I'll post it Monday.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Ouch, hopefully some rest and some soothing delta waves music can help

    3. LZRD WZRD


      Haha I hope so, but I've been waking up at 6 every morning like a machine for the past few months, so I won't hold my breath for it. It's ok, I reckon most geniuses are crazy, sleep-deprived, tortured souls such as myself, so I figure I'm on the track to success :D

    4. The Second Opinion

      The Second Opinion

      Many tears of sympathy will be shed for you. I'll look forward to seeing it though.

  21. How To Save Spike's Character: now that's a title worthy of an 11th hour Spike analysis video :D

  22. 250 sub special Q&A announcement! Send me any questions yo have :Dhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXGtFtz6e1s

    1. ponylaces


      Nice, congrats!

    2. Metallic Strings

      Metallic Strings

      Congrats man! Also, I was one of the first 25 subscribers.

    3. LZRD WZRD


      Thanks guys!


      @Metallic Strings I know :D

      You are forever immortalized as one of my first subs!

  23. So I just watched the first episode of Mr. Robot: very promising. A little worried about the show's future ethics, but so far it seems impartial.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Hmm, that is a biased viewpoint on classes. Generalizing the rich as evil. Not to mention many if not the majority of revolutions usually end up being worse the causer.

    3. LZRD WZRD


      I think they may be going for an unreliable narrator angle in that sense as well as the fact that he's paranoid and distorts reality. As I said, could be a really cool show as long as it doesn't patronize us.

    4. Nuke87654


      Hopefully because it would look immature otherwise since it takes it seriously to the point of using it's narrative to promote it and anything to disagree it is look down upon.

  24. Royal Blood may be the best thing I've ever heard. Aside from Oasis of course.

  25. Absolutely not, this is the best season yet!
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