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The JLmle

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Everything posted by The JLmle

    1. Banul
    2. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      It's a fun song! Listen to it; it's only 1:50... I have that CD too :D they usually play the Denver Witch's Ball...

  1. The kids will all cry tears tomorrow; Christmas will be lackin'Cause Rarity who's best pony got eaten by the Kraken! Heck yes! I love it I love it I love it! I'd love for them to sing a duet!
  2. Sleepy Time Kitty!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      The cats begin.

      Beware the claw of the kitty.

    3. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      At crimson; lol... My friend at work actually had his arm shredded by his cat; he was trying to move her from the screen door where she was hissing at a stray in the middle of the night; and he scared her; so she went nuts; I saw his arm yesterday... It looked pretty bad.

    4. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross


      Cats can be pretty ruthless, especially when scared.

      I've witnessed quite a lot of cat injuries around from others too!

      Vicious things! But we love em' anyway.

  3. Past my bedtime; and I've got a looooong day at work ahead of me; but it's getting better, so yay! See you fabulous ponies tomorrow!
  4. I'd so go to one of those! I'd even bring the plates
  5. Kaffee ist Magie!

    1. CheeryFox
    2. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      Not sure if that's a happy or confused face... That's German for "coffee is magic..."

    3. CheeryFox


      Ya das ist gut!

  6. Only if I can haz cheezburger? Sorry; but I couldn't resist...
  7. I second that! He is to the PPFC what Ghostie is to the RFC...
  8. Kaffee ist Magie! We have like a billion Kaffee mugs at our house; but I would still buy that one...
  9. Hmmm... I guess you did; but it's such common knowledge I didn't even realize you left it out until you said something...
  10. You only need counseling for it if you aren't using the cheat codes to pick the pony you want... Just kidding; if you want it, and can afford it; why not? You should get Rarity's too! Her comic is SOOOOOOOO good!
  11. Hehehehehe... I meant dating myself as in giving people hints about my age; not like this...
  12. Dude; wait... What? No, AJ should be shipped with Rarity, not RD; that's crazy talk; lol.
  13. And if I had my way; you'd get it Trixie!Also; I thought RD was the face that launched a thousand ships? Oh wait... Wrong kind of ship, lol!
  14. I like that statue she's looking at; reminds me of something Clover's dad would do (G2 Reference) I love that video! It was actually on of my favourites as a kid! Back when MTV actually played music I'd love when ever that on came on! Lol, good thing I'm honest about my age in my profile; other wise I'd be dating myself... Edit... My mailman and I got to my house at the same time today actually; but all my mail was domestic...
  15. I know! She's almost as pale as my wife lol... Almost
  16. Lol; wifey and I watched that episode last night (an awesome one I thought; so well written) and when that scene came on I was laughing and smiling; and she was looking at me like I was crazy... I was thinking of that video as I'd watched it when it was first posted
  17. Yay! Amon Amarth! That's our band (wife and I); first time we heard them was live in concert (they were opening for a band I probably can't mention here on Easter Sunday 2009; she had red wine at a metal concert lol; but the smell of it on her breath drove me mad and is what drove my to turn my friend into my girlfriend; and eventually my wife). Yay! Oh and yes, I think Rarity would like them and that story (#relevance)
  18. Glad you're feeling better and thanks for sharing you insight; I always love hearing you guys talk about Rarity and how much you love her and why; I hope to hear more from you about her in the future my friend! Maybe someday I'll try and write a small wall of text too?
  19. G3 had special ponies for Halloween; Like Abracadabra And Pumpkin Tart I wish they still did that!
  20. Cause I'm too sexy for my cat... Too sexy for my cat; what you think of that?
  21. Awesome! Glad you're happy with it! Oh and my latest merch makes me happy even though it's not too much... I got a folder with my favourite CMC's and some MLP gel pens... I'm supposed to start keeping a journal (long story) and carrying it the folder/writing with the pens makes me happy! I'm thinking I might mod the folder so it has more show accurate colours though... Edit: sorry; my phone posted it upside down...
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